The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 486 Preserving Strength

So for these small families, the top priority they have to consider is knowing that they will be regarded as sabotaged.

"How to protect their family and the power they can use. For them, these powers are the hope for the future of the family."

He doesn't want all these powers to be buried here, at least as much as can be preserved.

Only in this way can they bring some changes to their family. Otherwise, for them, this would really be a devastating blow.

On the contrary, if they obtain some more resources by then, it will only increase the speed of their family's demise. This is true for all the small family leaders present.

"I know it very well in my heart, because the smaller the family, the more fights there are."

Because they face more of the same kind, their competition is more intense, and they will have to use various methods to survive.

That is also a cruelty that is unimaginable to you, and it cannot be explained clearly in just a few words.

They are also stepping up contact within the family and asking them to mobilize all resources.

“Although these resources may not seem to count in everyone’s eyes.

But for them, it is the hope of whether the entire family can continue. Of course, they also know it.

If all the resources within the family are mobilized at this time, what will this mean for the family?

If they can succeed in the end, it will be okay. If they fail, it will definitely be a huge blow to the family.

The entire family will stagnate or even regress due to lack of resources, and other families will also take advantage of it.

"But there is no other way. Apart from this solution, they can't think of any better solution."

The most important thing now is to preserve the power of all the families present as much as possible.

As for those resources, if the resources are gone, you can get them again, but if these powers are lost.

I will try to train them when the time comes. It will take a long time, and during this period, other accidents may occur.

"So they can't take this risk. Mobilize all these resources and then allocate them to the family members present."

They also need to pay more attention on the battlefield and try to save their own lives, of course.

On the premise of keeping Xiaomi, consume as little as possible these resources, because these resources will be the hope for the development of the entire family.

When the resources are more and better, the hope of development will be greater.

Of course, if you compare it with Xiaomian, you won't hesitate to spend any amount of resources.

"As for the battlefield, all kinds of unexpected situations will happen, but these people here are all veterans.

Especially people in such small families may have experienced many life and death battles because of the competition between them.

It is also more intense. If you want to develop, you need to take various risks to obtain resources.

You need to walk on the edge of death from time to time, so they say so. .

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