The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 487 Fighting Instinct

Because of this, they have developed very strong fighting instincts, which is no exaggeration compared to those in big families.

"They may just have a gap in strength, but if we look at it simply, in terms of their fighting awareness and ability."

They are definitely many times stronger than those in the big families.

Therefore, they and those in the big family only lack resources.

If given the same resource supply, these people can definitely compare with those in big families.

"It can unleash more powerful fighting power. Of course, for people from these small families."

Living in this small family has its advantages and disadvantages, and it is because of this that they have developed such a strong fighting instinct.

Frequent life and death battles also allow them to be more keenly aware of the various dangers in battle.

You can better grasp the opportunity of fighting, but the bad thing is that you cannot get the corresponding resources.

"That is to say, let them stop at this point, so some things may not necessarily seem to be all bad things."

For those in big families, although they have sufficient resources, in comparison.

They have experienced relatively few life and death battles, and this also affects their combat experience.

They are not as rich as the people in these small families. In this case, when they really take risks outside.

"If there really is a battle with people from these small families when there is not much difference in power, then the outcome will be really hard to say."

All these arrangements are being carried out in an orderly manner, and some meetings have been held with people whom everyone respects.

It also warned them that in this battle, they should participate in as many battles as possible while ensuring their own lives.

This will help them hone their combat awareness, and in this highly tense combat environment.

It is also easy to break through. You know why the disciples in the big families have sufficient resources.

"There are also various superior conditions, but why do they say that their strength can reach a very strong level?

But if you want to reach that top level, you still need to add some fire.

And more of the top strong people are the kind of people who rarely rely too much on their families. "The reason is also because of the toilet.

To become such a top-notch expert, you also need to go through the training of life and death, and only through the training of life and death.

Only in this way can they exercise their fighting instincts and increase their combat effectiveness. Only in this way will it be possible.

".~ Let them strive for favorable conditions when fighting, because sometimes the difference in strength is not very disparity." (Qian Wang Zhao) Why are some weak people able to achieve the final victory? Victory is precisely because they have much richer combat experience.

And he knows better that he can seize the opportunities that arise during battles, even if he pays some price.

For the disciples in the big families, they have never experienced this kind of thing.

So when a crisis comes, I don’t know how to face it. .

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