The Strongest Ice God Of Black Clover

Chapter 488 Battlefield Pressure

The most important point is that they have become accustomed to this superior life, if it is too dangerous.

Naturally, someone will solve it for them, so they rarely experience the feeling of imminent life and death.

"So when they fight, they will inevitably make some mistakes, and you have to know that there were some mistakes at this station."

Once I make a mistake, I will pay the price of losing my life, and I cannot make such a mistake.

But they have never experienced it, so how can they know the mystery, so 757 said that this is exactly why.

The reason why they cannot achieve a higher level of achievement is that for them.

"This is also a better opportunity for them to hone themselves when the time comes to fight."

The pressure of life and death and the intense rhythm of the battlefield can put a person's spirit in a highly concentrated state.

In this state, you are also more able to think about some issues that you have not thought about before, and you can also connect your own instincts.

This produces unexpected effects, and overall, the situation can still be within their control.

Even if they encounter any problems that cannot be solved by then, there will still be elders in the family who can help them.

"At least they can save their own lives, and no matter what the outcome is, as long as they can save their own lives.

This is the biggest gain. In such a tense and exciting battle, being able to survive is also a kind of strength.

At that time, it will be easier for them to break through those difficulties in cultivation. Although it is possible that it will be too late to rescue by then.

But overall, it is much safer than letting them go out alone and experience this kind of test between life and death.

"And these people are also indispensable to the family (bebe). Part of the improvement of the family's strength cannot be separated from these people.

Because the strong men of the older generation will eventually leave one day, the rise and fall of the entire family also needs to be supported by the younger generation.

Now for the younger generation, this is also a very good exercise, and their opportunity is just in this battle.

Look at the potential they have unleashed, because sometimes, many things can be faked in normal times.

"Whether it's a person's character, or a person's ability to handle things, but on such a tense battlefield."

There are many things that you don't have time to think about or plan too much, so you have a lot of reactions.

They are all subconscious instinctive reactions, and it is often these subconscious instinctive reactions.

Only in this way can we better express a person's inner situation and his own character.

At that time, we will be able to see more clearly what kind of abilities and status a person has.

The advantage suits them best, so although it looks like it on the surface, it is just a very cruel battle.

"But in fact, it also has many functions that you haven't thought of at all."

This can also be understood as a huge filter that eliminates some unqualified people.

This can also reduce the burden on family resources. .

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