"You bastards, it's okay if you don't take up your post in normal times, but you didn't take up your post today. Didn't you see what kind of ships these are? They can destroy the entire port in an instant. Hurry up and drive away the surrounding ships. , and don’t go near these Tang Dynasty warships, if anything happens, I will kill your whole family."

In the past few days, when negotiating in the occupied areas of Datang, even if he met a small soldier from Datang, this guy was cautious in speaking. Now that he finally returned to his own territory, he immediately let go of his voice. , the people around who had been beaten were all kneeling down. Their status was very different, and no one dared to resist.


There is such a tradition here in Fuso. When your boss beats you, you have to stand here and keep talking, and wait until the beating is over before talking about the rest.

"Don't stand there in a daze. Go and work for me quickly. Clear all the ships around you. No one can get close to those ships for five hundred meters, no, one thousand meters..."

"And more...immediately collect all the food and drinks in the market for me, and then you can deliver them to me. When you deliver them, be sure to say that I asked you to deliver them."

Mr. Suzuki was ready to leave the port. After all, he only had three hours, but he suddenly thought of sending a batch of supplies to the ship. He could only arrange these idiots, but he also wanted to leave a message with the major general. good impression.

In fact, Mr. Suzuki also thought clearly on the way here. No matter how the court decided, it has become a fact that Datang entered Fuso's territory. It's just that the way and the depth of entry are different.

So Mr. Suzuki also used his own brains. He would have to deal with people from Datang in the future. Now it was normal to leave a good impression first. Maybe others could help him?

Although he scolded those two bastards Watanabe to death, sometimes he still envies those two guys. At least those two guys now have Datang's backing. Even when facing the Emperor of Fuso, those two guys even There is no need to bend down, he is much stronger than me.

After leaving the port, Suzuki quickly rushed to the palace under the protection of dozens of soldiers. He only had three hours now. He had already wasted less than half an hour, so he didn't have that much time. After the letter is delivered, the court will definitely have to discuss it for a while.

I don’t know how many people were knocked over along the way, including the sedan chairs of some dignitaries, but Mr. Suzuki couldn’t control that much anymore. They didn’t know how terrifying the warships of the Tang Dynasty Navy were. Mr. Suzuki knew very well that if that person If the major general orders the artillery fire, the pavilions and pavilions in the coastal areas will turn into black and gray, especially in a country like Fuso that uses wood as the main building material.

"Take me quickly to see His Majesty the Emperor..."

When they arrived at the entrance of the palace, several samurai immediately took out their swords without seeing Mr. Suzuki clearly. However, after seeing Mr. Suzuki, these warriors quickly took back their weapons and were about to interrogate them. Unexpectedly, Mr. Suzuki gave them a few slaps when he came up, and then quickly went into the palace.

Suzuki-sama is not only an important minister of the Fuso Court, but also the enlightenment mentor of His Majesty the Emperor. Therefore, these people did not dare to do too much questioning and could only follow behind, hoping that Suzuki-sama would not surprise His Majesty the Emperor.

At this moment, His Majesty the Emperor was learning swordsmanship. He was very unhappy when he heard someone yelling outside. He was about to ask his men to see what was going on. Who knew that his mentor waved two scrolls? The paper ran up.

"Your Majesty, this is this..."

Mr. Suzuki ran too fast just now, and the place where the emperor was studying was on a high ground, so Suzuki was a little out of breath. The emperor knew that this guy went to negotiate with people from the Tang Dynasty, but he didn't know why Beigong Bai The prince didn't come back, only he himself did. Could it be that the deal had collapsed?

"Bring it here quickly."

The emperor directly threw down the knife that he usually cherished very much, and asked someone to bring the rolls of paper in Suzuki's hand.

"This is the armistice clause proposed by the Tang Dynasty..."

When the emperor saw the content in his hand, Mr. Suzuki breathed his last. The emperor wanted to go up and kick him directly. Now that he has seen it himself, do you still need to explain it? What were you doing just now? It's really useless.

When he saw the cession of Kyushu Island, the emperor didn't have any trouble in his heart. After all, it was just a small island that had been agreed before. It could avoid the destruction of the entire country. Isn't this a very right choice? ?

But when he saw the compensation of 25 million yuan, the emperor immediately lost his composure...

This amount of money is really too much, almost equivalent to nearly twenty years of taxes. If the entire Fuso pays so much compensation, how can Fuso survive? If we don’t eat or drink every year and pay all the taxes, I’m afraid we won’t be able to reach this number, right?

"What does this mean?"

The emperor usually doesn't speak much, because he wants others to guess, but today the matter is very important, and some things must be asked clearly. This is related to his throne.

Mr. Suzuki glanced forward. This was about Zhi Da Bao's loan plan. It took him a long time to understand it. No wonder the emperor couldn't understand it.

"His Royal Highness the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty thinks that we can't repay the money, so he is going to ask us to pay back part of it every year. This is a merchant in the Tang Dynasty. He can return the money to the Tang Dynasty for us first, and then we will pay it back every year. Of course, you need to pay interest if you return part of it to him..."

Mr. Suzuki remembered the Tang Dynasty writing style that he explained to himself, and said it bit by bit in his own language. At the beginning, the emperor was not doing well, but when he heard that the total interest was equal to nearly twice the principal, When the time came, the emperor's eyes widened. Even if it was extended to twenty years, the repayment would still be too much.

In addition to losing a large portion of the annual tax revenue, this merchant also collects a lot of agricultural products and livestock in Fuso. This is equivalent to strangulating the economic lifeline of the entire Fuso. Even if the power is still with the court in the future, the emperor said Will anyone listen to my words? Can a poor emperor still have rights? The people of the Tang Dynasty want to destroy my country.

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