The Strongest Imperial Grandson of the Great Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1089 The Emperor also wants to escape

"This is the armistice agreement you brought back. In addition to giving them an island, there is also such a huge monetary compensation. In addition, they are allowed to station in more than a dozen cities along the coast, and even have their troops in the capital. Have you ever thought about whether this is still a country?"

The emperor tried hard to suppress his anger, but he really couldn't stand it anymore. In front of the ministers for so many years, he couldn't say as much as he said at this moment. In the past, he always spoke in the form of ventriloquism, but today he really I can't stand it anymore.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, forgive me. I don't want this to happen, but the Tang Dynasty's naval warships are too powerful. The armies along the coast of Fukuoka and Nagasaki are vulnerable. Now they have all been defeated, and the Tang Dynasty's naval warships have arrived in the capital. , if within three hours..."

The previous news had been reported a long time ago, so there was no surprise on the emperor's face. When he heard that Datang's naval warships had arrived outside the capital, this guy couldn't even hold the paper in his hand. , mainly because I never thought about it.

Even though they had known for a long time that the people of the Tang Dynasty had launched a war, in the impression of nobles like them, the war was far away on Kyushu Island. It was still far away from here. It was unlikely that it would have any impact here. But now the war of the Tang Dynasty Navy The ship was less than fifty miles away from the palace.

"When you wrote back last time, didn't you say that the warships of the Tang Dynasty had such powerful weapons? They were enough to blow up the entire palace. Why did you let them come here again? What are you worried about?"

The Emperor said anxiously. Now he wanted to move to another place immediately, but he had to restrain his fear. When Suzuki came back from Fukuoka, besides bringing back this clause, there must be other things. If so, If I leave now, I may not be able to see this city, the most important city of Fuso, when I come back.

"Your Majesty, this matter is not something we can decide. They don't give us any say at all. They just let us agree or disagree. If we agree, then we have to provide everything on the terms. If If you don't agree, the war will start immediately. If there is no reply within three hours, the war will also start."

When Mr. Suzuki said this himself, he felt that people had lived to the end of the world and did not even have the slightest right to speak. When there was no fight, they thought that the two sides could fight, but now it is not like this at all. Why do you want to fight with others? What chips do you have in your hand?

The emperor swallowed his own saliva. He did not expect that the matter had reached this point. He originally thought that giving Datang a Kyushu Island would be considered a thing of the past. Even if there were some war compensation, they would be able to get it. , but I didn’t expect that the amount of war reparations would be so large.

The most terrible thing is the latter ones. Although they are not as good as the reparations from various places, if any of them are implemented, then the Fuso Kingdom will be ruined.

"Go find General Matsui and put the entire capital under martial law immediately."

The emperor's mouth trembled and he issued this order. The naval warships of the Tang Dynasty have arrived in the capital. The funny thing is that we don't know anything here, and it was brought by his important ministers. Don't care what he has. For all the reasons, they could not bring the warships of the Tang Dynasty Navy.

"Your Majesty, this is impossible, this is impossible."

Mr. Suzuki stood up from the ground. This was a very rude act. If it were normal times, he would probably be beheaded directly, but he could no longer care about that much. He had to pull the servant next to him. Look, once this person goes out, it is very likely that the entire Fuso Capital will be in motion. Once the major general finds out, he will immediately order a war.

After staying in Datang for so many days, Mr. Suzuki was not without gains. He could see that although the older people also wanted to get Fuso, they would use some milder methods, but these young people The situation is different for the Major General. They are eager to start another war, and Fusang seems to be their credit.

"You are presumptuous..."

After seeing Master Suzuki's move, the emperor was so angry that he was shaking. He never thought that the ministers around him didn't even know about the martial law in the city. The Tang Dynasty hadn't come over yet. Did he already have such rights? All gone? Whose capital is this?

"I dare to tell you that the fighting style of the Tang Navy is different from others. They only need a start, and then our entire capital will cease to exist. We must not overly stimulate them now."

When Mr. Suzuki said this, he thought of the corpses floating in the sea in Fukuoka. Those people died resisting the Tang Navy. If we don't want so many corpses in the water in the capital, then we can't Make any hostile gesture, otherwise you won’t be able to explain it when the time comes.

The emperor has not lost his mind yet. He certainly knows how important Suzuki-sama is to the court. The entire Fuso policy has always been formulated by Suzuki-sama. Now it is impossible for Suzuki-sama to tell lies.

"You go down first and put the entire palace on alert."

The emperor has finally given in, but the entire palace must be on guard. If there is no action, the emperor will feel panicked. Now that he sees the guards around him running, he can give himself some psychological comfort. If the enemy doesn't move at the moment, it will make you even more panicked.

"Then what do you and Bei Gongbai think? Do you want us to accept such terms?"

After taking a sip of water, the emperor calmed down. He sent two capable negotiators, but they failed to get there. Instead, they brought back such a clause. This was an agreement to subjugate the country.

"My ministers and the prince are powerless and can only bring back such terms, but judging from the current situation..."

Master Suzuki did not continue speaking, but everyone understood what he meant. Fuso had reached its end, and it was useless to resist again. Although the power of Fukuoka and Nagasaki was not as good as the capital, the strength of Datang It was not used at all. If hundreds of warships from the Tang Dynasty were to arrive here, then His Majesty the Emperor would have to flee. But where could an island country like Fuso escape to?

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