The Strongest Imperial Grandson of the Great Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1090 What are the chances of winning?

The civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty of Fusang Kingdom arrived quickly. On the way, they didn't understand what was going on, but when they arrived at the palace, they finally saw some clues, because the number of guards in the palace increased three times. More than enough, there is no danger in the country of Fuso that can increase the number of guards in the palace. Many people come directly from outside the city.

Some ministers live near the sea. They may understand what is going on. They must be those warships from the Tang Dynasty. When they stand on the seaside and take a look, they immediately feel an overwhelming sense of oppression.

Before every minister met the emperor, he had to go to the table in front to read the terms brought back by Mr. Suzuki. Many people cursed on the spot, but some others were observing the faces of the people around them, especially the emperor's face.

These people are very scheming. Although the above terms are a bit serious, if they don't have the strength, how can they make such a request? The people of Tang Dynasty were not fools.

"Tell me, if you were to fight against the Tang army, what are our chances of winning?"

General Matsui is currently the best fighter in Fuso. He has long known that the armies of Fukuoka and Nagasaki were defeated, but he did not take this seriously. In his opinion, those armies are not as good as His Majesty the Emperor's personal military.

But then again, some of his men also came back from the front line and described to him the Tang Dynasty's offensive method. If he didn't know the Tang Dynasty's offensive method, then he still had the confidence to fight against the Tang Dynasty's army. A battle, but there really is no such thing now, especially when we see that the Tang army has arrived in the capital.

If he wants to fight the Tang Dynasty's army, then the Tang Dynasty's naval warships will never be idle. At that time, it will cause harm to the entire capital. Once the emperor sees this scene, he will definitely take all the blame. If he blames himself, he might even tie himself up and hand him over to Datang in the end.

"In my opinion, our Fuso army is not as good as that of the Tang Dynasty, but we can definitely fight to the death. As for the outcome, Wei Chen does not dare to predict, but even if only Wei Chen is left, he will die on the battlefield to protect His Majesty the Emperor. ."

General Matsui is also an old cunning man. He can't say that he can't defeat the Tang army. He can only say this, which not only fulfills his loyalty, but also makes the emperor understand that our army is useless and will die if we beat it.

The people around also looked at this general with some contempt. You usually boast loudly, and you are invincible here and there. You take so much money from the court every year. Now the warships of the Tang Dynasty Navy have arrived at your doorstep. You actually said such a bunch of useless words.

The current situation is that if we fight like this, life will be ruined and there will be no leftovers. But if we don't fight, we will agree to this document for no reason, which makes many people dissatisfied.

They also know about the expansion of the Tang Dynasty in recent years, but they have blocked the news from the common people. However, they are all high-level officials of Fuso. Naturally, they know that the expansion of the Tang Dynasty has never stopped. When the Tang Dynasty conquered Goguryeo, , they also accepted a group of people from Silla in the country, and of course they also knew how powerful the expansion of the Tang Dynasty was.

But in the eyes of many people, no matter how ambitious the Tang Dynasty is, the Tang Dynasty in our country does not like it. Many envoys came back from the Tang Dynasty and described the Tang Dynasty as like a palace in the sky. How could they like us? Where is the place?

Therefore, many people clearly know that the crisis is right in front of them, but they have not thought of a way to solve it. In fact, it is not that they do not want to solve it, but that they have seen through everything early. If the chasm of the sea can stop the Tang army, then we It is safe, but now it is clear that it cannot be stopped. Their naval warships have arrived at the sea outside the capital, so the only option is to fight. Why should we fight?

Back then, they made a calculation. They didn't want to stay on the island, and they also wanted to live on land, so they wanted to take over those parts of Silla Kingdom. But at that time, they made a calculation. If If we were to take down the Silla Kingdom, at least hundreds of thousands of people would have to die in battle.

Just when they were accumulating strength, who knew that the Tang Dynasty had conquered all the three countries on the peninsula without any effort at all? Are there still Goguryeo people now? They are all slaves of the Tang Dynasty.

So from that time, they understood that they must not have any kind of dispute with Datang. If there was one, they would have to try their best to resolve it. We were no match for them at all, but they didn't expect to leave in the end. At this point.

Those damn pirates...

To be honest, the Fuso court did not know about the pirates. They only knew that some local officials supported the matter, but the Tang Dynasty should not take it to heart and would not go to war to conquer them. , but they didn’t expect that this little thing they didn’t pay attention to would bring disaster to the entire country.

"His Majesty the Emperor……"

Everyone has been silent here for half an hour. You have plenty of time to stay here, but the naval warships outside are not in a good mood to accompany you. Once the time is exceeded, follow the major general's way of doing things, Our coasts are about to start catching fire.

Others don't know why Mr. Suzuki is so anxious. Only the first few adults who came understand that the young general of the Tang Dynasty has already issued an ultimatum. If there is no response within three hours, then they don't know what will happen in the end. What happened.

"Can you still drag it on for a while?"

The Emperor of Fuso said with some unwillingness to give up. In fact, many people present did not give up. Mr. Suzuki understood what was going on. When they did not see the power of the artillery, none of these people were willing to give up their country. After all, they are all in power and have vested interests.

"If it were anyone else, it would have been delayed for a while, but this major general is young and energetic..."

Thinking of Ding Jiayong's face, Mr. Suzuki shook his head. If you want to win some time in his hands, many people will die in the coastal areas.

"By now……"

"Brother Imperial, we still have tens of thousands of troops, how can we make a decision so easily?"

Just when the emperor was about to make a decision, a woman's voice came from behind. This was Princess Mikiko of Fuso. She was not qualified to discuss matters because she was a girl.

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