Front camp

Although the victory has not yet been achieved, the generals have returned to the camp. After a period of reconnaissance, they have not found the Arab Empire's army for five or six days, not even the Arab scouts. I really don't know. Where have these people gone?

Li Xiang's camp has been moving forward in these five or six days. At this moment, it is only two hundred miles away from Li Chengyi's place, so Li Xiang gave an order, and these people also came back for a meeting. Look at Arabia. Where are the Empire's troops? Our reconnaissance troops were sent out in large numbers, but they were not discovered in the end.

"As far as I'm concerned, there's only one place for these people, and that's in the desert. We've looked for them everywhere except here."

Li Chengyi said with great certainty that since winning this battle, this guy has become very confident. In the past, when discussing military affairs, he would just stay behind and say a few words casually, but now it is different. There are many He also tells his own thoughts about things, but unfortunately, the thoughts he says are unfounded.

"This should be impossible. Hundreds of thousands of troops have gone to the desert. What kind of place do you think the desert is? I don't think they can solve the problem of drinking water. If people don't drink water, You will be dehydrated in a few days, and if you think about the environment in the desert, no matter how many people there are, they will not be able to survive.”

Cheng Chuliang shook his head. After listening to Cheng Chuliang's words, Li Chengyi hurriedly made a face and went to the back. Although he won the battle this time, he still couldn't compare with these people in many strategic aspects. This was also his shortcoming.

To sum up, the victory he fought was purely a result of hard work, without much resourcefulness. Of course, the Tang army never needed much resourcefulness when fighting. As long as you dare to fight and fight hard on the battlefield, Coupled with the fact that there are no problems with your logistics, I will definitely be able to win this war. This is also one of the reasons why many generals are always looking for enemies on the battlefield.

Taking the current situation as an example, it does not mean that we do not want to fight, nor does it mean that we are greedy for life and afraid of death. It is really that we cannot find the target at all. Even if we are many times braver than before, what will happen in the end? Can we push hard against the sand in the desert?

"Lao Su, what do you think?"

These people had been talking for a long time, but no one got to the point. Li Xiang pushed Su Dingfang. This guy had also stayed in the Western Regions before. Although he had not fought against the Arab Empire's army, this guy also had his own experience on the battlefield. He is a strategist. Judging from the way he is thinking, he must have various ideas in his heart, but he is not sure yet and has not said them out in front of everyone.

"Yes, General Su, if you have something to say, let's discuss it. Maybe it will be settled."

Changsun Ze also has great respect for Su Dingfang. Thinking about the battles Su Dingfang fought in the past, they may not be able to do better than others in that kind of environment, not to mention that Su Dingfang also served as a palm general. This is what they It's something that no one has. General Tiance's mansion has seen a lot of things, and we are still juniors compared to them.

"Is there a possibility that they just bypassed us? If this is the case, the location of our capital talisman may be in trouble."

After Su Dingfang said these words, the people present were all surprised. If this is really the case, then the other party must have gone straight to Samar Khan. There is wilderness everywhere and there is no specific road at all. , we only took the shortest way.

But this does not mean that others will also take this path. When we faced the enemy head-on earlier, we suffered a big loss. Now if they all go around and steal your retreat, it is entirely possible. If we change If they become the armies of other countries, I'm afraid they won't be able to do such a thing. After all, logistical supplies alone are a major item, and these people can't hold on.

But the enemy in front of us is the cavalry of the Arab Empire, the light cavalry of the Arab Empire. To put it more rigorously, these people do not need any logistics at all.

"When was the last time you received a memorial from Xiao Shougui?"

Li Xiang saw that all the people were interested in him, and they all had worries on their faces, but Li Xiang thought this was impossible. Transport troops were coming and going along the way. If those people really wanted to If they had taken our retreat, someone would have discovered it by now.

"Back to Your Highness, a batch just arrived this morning. It was from five days ago..."

Qian Ping honestly reported the above content, and the people present fell silent. Five days ago, the place was safe and sound. If something really happened, maybe it wouldn't be such a memorial.

Cheng Chuliang also thought of the army of transporters coming and going, which meant that our hometown must be fine. If something happened, how would these things be transported here? Could it be that if the Arab Empire's army occupied your hinterland, would they still allow your things to move from the warehouse to the camp? They have all been snatched away by you a long time ago, otherwise it would have been a fire for you to burn them all.

"Is it possible that they all retreated? I mean retreated to the heart of the Arab Empire."

Li Chengyi expressed another idea. Now that they did not move forward and did not go to the desert, they only had one direction, that is, where they came from and where they were going. Although this possibility was not great, hundreds of thousands of people could not just disappear like this.

After hearing his words, the people present also showed a solemn look. If the cavalry of the Arab Empire really withdrew, we really did not dare to chase them. We killed so many of them outside, which was caused on the battlefield, but if we really killed them inside the Arab Empire, Li Xiang thought it was not the right time.

The Arab Empire was also a big country at this time, and their population was not small. Moreover, because of the problem of faith, many people did not care about their lives. If we really killed them in, it would bring us huge losses. In the long-term foreign war, Li Xiang was most concerned about the number of losses. If we defeated the Arab Empire with the greatest losses, it would be fine, but the problem was that you lost. What if you couldn't defeat it? Then the prestige of the Tang Dynasty in these years would be... (End of this chapter)

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