The Strongest Imperial Grandson of the Great Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1564 If they retreat, we must retreat too

"Your Highness, if they really retreat, should we follow them?"

Chang Sunze saw that Li Xiang didn't speak for a long time. He also knew that there might be difficulties. He had been training in Annan for such a long time, and of course he knew a little about the strength of the Tang Dynasty.

Conquering a huge empire is not just about defeating it militarily. If you don't operate it well, a series of problems may arise in the process. Don't underestimate these problems. These problems may bury you at any time.

Take some people for example. They think that military war is the most important. Of course, it doesn't mean that military war is not important. If you win the military war, but lose in the subsequent work, then this matter is really unfair.

From Annan, it can be seen that it is very easy for us to win the military war, but if there is a slight mistake in the subsequent series of actions, it will bring trouble to the entire Tang Dynasty, and this trouble cannot be solved in a short time.

When Chang Sunze asked this question, the others also pricked up their ears. You know, they don't know how far the war against the Arab Empire will go, but they know how to fight on the battlefield. As for the subsequent direction, they still need people like Li Xiang. In fact, this is the different division of labor. If you want to do everything, it is simply impossible. What if the civil servants in the rear know about it, will you still be able to survive?

Looking at everyone's eager eyes, Li Xiang knew that he had to talk to them about this problem. He always mobilized so many troops, but Li Xiang really didn't think about entering the heartland of the Arab Empire, because these are two completely different wars.

On the land of Afghanistan today, Li Xiang can have a big war with the Arab Empire. Even if the scale is a little bigger, we are not afraid at all. Even if we lose the war, it will not affect us much.

After all, we are all mobile troops, and we can retreat quickly, and the losses are not that great. But if we want to kill our way into the heartland of the Arab Empire now, and kill them when they have hundreds of thousands of troops, Li Xiang dare not make a decision.

The last time we occupied the jurisdiction of their Anton Governor's Office, it was because all the armed forces were almost wiped out by us, and only some unimportant local armed forces were left, and these people were exploited by the tribal leaders and could not survive, so we were able to occupy such a large area at one time.

But even so, our internal affairs have never been stable. Just look at the memorial sent by Xiao Shougui. We have taken away most of their young and middle-aged people, but these people still don't know how to be content. They have done all kinds of things to rebel behind our backs over the years.

Compared with the Arab Empire, the countries in the Western Regions are like lions and ants. Even those ants are restless. Can you expect such a lion to comfort them? Even if Li Xiang wanted to occupy the Arab Empire, it would not be a matter of one or two wars. He had to weaken it in all the wars, so that he really had no strength to stand up. Only then would Li Xiang consider entering their hinterland. Now it was obviously not the right time.

"You asked a good question. We are all family members. I have never hidden anything from you. I can answer you very clearly about this matter. If all their troops withdraw, then I am afraid we will have to withdraw too."

After hearing Li Xiang's words, there was not much light in the eyes of those present. They all wanted to fight a big battle, and at least everyone had to have a big credit. But now, except for Li Chengyi, the others had almost nothing. They had come out for so many days, just to march quickly in such a desert?

Li Chengyi was also a little uncomfortable. Although he had a credit, we should pursue the victory. While they were defeated now, most of the troops had no combat effectiveness. We should continue to kill southward. If we just went back like this, it seemed that there were too many wasted opportunities.

However, what Li Xiang said was very reasonable. It was completely different from here. It was the economic hinterland of the Arab Empire, just like Chang'an and Jiangnan in my country. All kinds of defenses must be the strongest. The land under our feet was expanded by the Arab Empire later, just like Xueyantuo and Turks in my country. It was not very important.

The Tang Empire could occupy this place, but it could not move forward. For the Arab Empire, they could accept it, but if they continued to move forward, the two sides might have to fight to the death, and go deep into the other side's country, which would also cause the other side's people to fight to the death. This is what Annan did, but Annan's strength was too weak, and it was not at the same level as us. No matter what method they used to fight to the death, they could not stop the route of our Tang army.

The Arab Empire was different. It could not be said that all the people in their country were soldiers, but as long as they were physically strong, they could ride horses as soldiers. So in this case, we had to eliminate a large number of living forces in their foreign countries. Obviously, it was not enough at the moment. Rushing in under such a state would be irresponsible to our army.

When Li Xiang put all these reasons out, several generals began to nod. They had not considered the issues comprehensively just now, so they urged Li Xiang to charge in. Now it seems that what Li Xiang said makes sense. If we only want to seize the opportunity in front of us, but not the future development, then we will drag the Tang army into the abyss.

"I know what you generals mean. This opportunity is indeed very rare. Although I said that we will not charge into their economic hinterland, we can fight in the border areas. From this moment on, we will change our combat strategy. Since we cannot fight a decisive battle with their main force, we will aim to kill their living forces to the maximum extent. After you go back, hurry up to explore their border cities and find ways to kill more troops."

Taking this opportunity, Li Xiang also temporarily changed their strategy. Of course, there will be opportunities for temporary changes next time. After all, the battlefield is ever-changing and nothing is fixed. (End of this chapter)

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