"Your Highness, you want them to die faster?"

Zhou Huairen was also a veteran in the shopping mall and could see clearly what Li Xiang wanted to do at a glance.

"We can't directly participate in the auction. There are very few people who can come up with money now, and they will definitely find someone to keep an eye on us. If we directly participate in the auction, they will easily discover this pit and will not throw anything into it. Money, it is very likely that we will get all the money back, then we will not be able to trick them.”

Li Xiang sighed. It should be said that the wealth of the major families is too rich. It is indeed fatal to spend millions of dollars to keep other projects in business. No wonder Li Shimin wants to weaken them. If such a sum of money is If they unite, the emperor's position will not be secure.

"We can start with the price of war horses. If we can push up the price of Chang'an City, then they will be able to see the profits from the grassland. When the fight begins, I believe there will be nothing left to hold on."

Zhou Huairen has actually been thinking about this for a long time, but he is not sure yet. After all, if you want to push up the price of war horses, you will need a lot of money. Li Xiang's money is tied up in the land, and he won't be able to get it in a short time. No matter how much you pay, if the money is less, it will not play a big role in this.

Now the war horses in Chang'an City have reached 300 guan. Even if we push them to higher places, they are extremely limited. Unless we encounter a large-scale war and our side loses in the war, then the court will be in trouble. If you buy a war horse, the price of the war horse will rise.

But now that the imperial court had just won the Southwest War, Tuyuhun presented a large number of war horses. It would be almost impossible to increase the price of war horses at this time.

"It was possible to raise the price of war horses in the past, but now the conditions are not met. However, your proposal is still good. Instead, I thought of another way."

Li Xiang smiled mysteriously. Zhou Huairen next to him didn't understand what Li Xiang was thinking. If he wanted the major families to invest more in the southwest, they must see profits. Zhou Huairen had previously said that pushing up the war horse Price, this is indeed a catalyst, but under the current circumstances, a large number of war horses from Tuyuhun have arrived in the capital, and the goods are far more than the consumption. Even if we want to push it up, it will take too much effort.

"What do you mean, Your Highness?"

Zhou Huairen believed that few people could surpass him in business matters, but he had also seen Li Xiang's strength. Often an idea could turn stone into gold, so he always wanted to figure out Li Xiang's thoughts, but soon It's a pity that I don't have the ability yet.

"This requires the cooperation of the emperor. The emperor has to issue an imperial decree. For example, several armies in Chang'an City need to replace their war horses. Of course, it is impossible to replace them all in one year. We can replace five thousand to ten thousand horses every year... "

After Li Xiang said this, Zhou Huairen understood what was going on. That was to draw a big pie for the major families. Don't you have doubts about investing in the southwest? Let us draw a picture for you first. Even if you replace 5,000 war horses a year, it will cost more than one million yuan.

As long as the people from the major families get this news, they will not worry about being unmoved. The laws and regulations promulgated by the imperial court have never been out of touch. They will definitely believe it. Of course, they may not necessarily buy your products by then. In case the imperial court and Tuyuhun reach an agreement If there is any agreement, Tuguhun will provide a large number of war horses at once, and the Turks in the north will also be able to do so, but the court will immediately reject them. Then just throw your investment there and treat it as your frontier construction.

At the same time, the price of war horses will also drop significantly. The imperial court can spend a small amount of money to replace war horses for its own troops. Of course, the big families will lose.

"His Highness's plan is indeed wonderful, but we have to move a little faster. According to what I know, the southwest auction will begin in ten days at the latest. The major families will be responsible for auctioning this piece. The court officials were supervising the matter, and they drove the auction house directly to the grassland."

Zhou Huairen stretched out his hand and counted the days. There is indeed not much time left for us.

"Send the letter to the palace."

Li Xiang did not neglect this matter, but quickly wrote a letter. He could not appear in the palace now, after all, he was a sick man.

The Cui family mansion.

After Li Xiang returned to the capital, Third Master Cui had already sent several messages, hoping to come and visit him. Who knew that Li Xiang was ill now, and Third Master Cui couldn't keep asking for it, which seemed a bit awkward for us. I don't understand anymore.

Regarding the issue of auctioning Tuyuhun grassland, Cui Sanye has always been a leader, but he is a little unsure. Although he thinks this is a business that will make a profit without losing money, he also hopes to hear what Li Xiang means. Li Xiang proposed this matter first, but Cui Sanye always felt a little uneasy. If he could meet Li Xiang and understand his true thoughts, then this investment would be considered a dare.

"Yuncheng should have arrived in Liangzhou, right?"

Mr. Cui touched his jade pendant and said.

"Returning to Third Master, I received the news yesterday. We should be able to arrive at sunset today. In addition to us, other families from the fifth surname and Qiwang are also here, as well as some small families from various places. This time is indeed a grand event. .”

Although the auction was not as anticipated as it was because Li Xiang rushed back to the capital, the major families were indeed given enough face because of these pasture auctions.

"Hasn't the Emperor approved the auction plan we have made yet?"

Each major family has formulated its own auction plan, but the emperor has not approved it. According to the ideas of each major family, the larger the area of ​​​​a single pasture, the better. Only in this way can some competitors be eliminated, even if they are Even if they brought all the family's money, they probably wouldn't be able to buy a piece of grass.

"The emperor's previous plan is contrary to our plan. The emperor hopes that the area of ​​a single plot of land should be as small as possible, so that one family will not be the only one..."

The chief steward did not continue. The interests of the imperial court and the major families have always been in conflict with each other. If you expect the other party to do things your way, that is probably impossible. The imperial court has always wanted to weaken you. How could it be possible for you to be allowed to do so? How about ushering in the second spring on the grassland?

"Third Master, Third Master..."

Just as the two were discussing the issue, Cui Yunzhu came back from outside. This guy was still the county magistrate of Chang'an and had the best information...

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