Liangzhou City.

The auction has ended. Although the heads of several major families have smiles on their faces, they are cursing each other in their hearts. They agreed on the price at the beginning, and several families swore an oath together, but today's prices have all exceeded the price. , allowing them to capture these pastures at a higher cost.

Of course, there is one family that is different from them, and that is Cui Yuncheng of the Cui family.

The Cui family has a very good habit. After deciding to do something, the person in charge cannot change it at will. If they do not receive instructions from above, they will follow the original plan, even if there are changes on site. That can only be adjusted slightly. Now the price has soared more than twice. Even if Cui Yuncheng wants to follow the bidding, he doesn't have that much money.

"Gentlemen, General Cheng and I will return to Beijing after today. If you also return to Beijing, you can follow our army."

General Qin Qiong also raised his wine glass in a rare occasion. Usually General Qin hates these businessmen very much, thinking that they only care about profit, but today General Qin also got a lot of benefits, and he still needs to have the dignity he deserves.

According to the emperor's imperial edict, one-third of the grassland auction went to the soldiers participating in the war, and they were distributed comprehensively according to their merit and level.

Although Qin Qiong and Cheng Yaojin did not go deep into the grassland to fight, they were strategizing in the city, so they naturally got a lot of money. They got the same amount as Li Xiang, 200,000 yuan each.

For Li Xiang, this amount of money is nothing, but for these two generals, this amount of money is already equivalent to their income for one or two years, so these two generals are also extremely happy. They originally predicted that they would have a A hundred thousand dollars is not bad. Unexpectedly, the bidding price is getting higher and higher today, which also makes their pockets fatter.

"General, you're welcome."

All the stewards raised their wine glasses. Even though they were drinking the best Tang Tiannong, one cup might cost several thousand bucks, but then again, it was really uncomfortable for them to spend the money today. It’s twice as much as the original budget. What does this mean? This means that many projects will no longer be able to proceed in the future. Even on the delivery date one month later, they may have to withdraw a large amount of money from other transactions, which affects many previous plans.

Although raising horses and cattle on the pasture is a profitable business, there will definitely be no profit in a short period of time. Coupled with the money spent on buying horses and cattle, they have already felt what the future will be like, that is, for a long time Here, there may be no liquidity in hand, and Li Xiang still needs to pay back a lot of interest.

When the Zhi Da Bao was auctioned, Li Xiang could get 50,000 yuan in interest if he deposited a million yuan. They thought it was purely a matter of making money, and everyone fought over it to their death.

But now these people are regretting it. If they had known that there was such a thing as a grassland auction, why would they have saved their money? Isn’t it better to take it into our own hands? It is possible to get a loan, but not only does it require a large amount of mortgage, but the interest rate has increased to 13%.

The most important thing is that the person who held the treasure told them that they cannot pay off the money at once. If you want to borrow money, especially such a large loan of more than 500,000 yuan, you must follow their rules. The way to repay money is to repay it in installments.

When they first learned about this installment repayment plan, they thought that Zhidaobao's plan was not bad. With only three points more interest than the original, they could divide a sum of money into twelve months to repay it. In this way, they could Let us save a large amount of money. At that time, they signed the agreement without hesitation and asked the government to guarantee it.

Now everyone is a little sad. The little money left each month must be used to repay the principal and interest. Of course, you can also pay it off in one go, then you must pay another four points of liquidated damages.

Make it clear that you will work hard to earn your interest...

Although they all understand it now, it has been signed in black and white. If you break the contract, don't think that the other party is a little-known little carrot head. The other party is the eldest grandson of the emperor who has just made great achievements. It is said that he There is still a part of the emperor's interest on the treasure. If you want to rely on the emperor's money, how can you be so capable?

In fact, Li Xiang just moved the Alipay method of borrowing money in modern society, and if you want to borrow money in this era, the interest can even be doubled several times. Li Xiang only made the interest rate 2%. Ten to thirty percent, in total, is still much lower than social loan interest, but the amount of funds is unfortunately large.

"Brother Cui, you must be a little disappointed today. We only captured such a small piece of pasture, and as far as I know there is no river passing through it. The draft of your cattle and sheep is also a problem."

The Taiyuan Wang family gained a lot from this auction. The major families had long been dissatisfied with the Cui family, so they prepared more funds. They thought that the Cui family would kill everyone at the auction, just like the last time It was just like the Zhi Da Bao auction. Unexpectedly, Cui Yuncheng did not drop the price this time, but became a spectator.

"Our family has been occupied with a lot of funds. The funds in my brother's hands are limited. Brother Wang returned home with a full load this time. Among the pastures auctioned by our families, Brother Wang's areas are rich in water resources and rich in water and grass. If he is a war horse in the future, If you want more, please cooperate well with our Cui family and let us have some soup."

Cui Yuncheng is able to bend and stretch. Even if the opponent comes to ridicule him, Cui Wencheng can control it freely. With this character alone, this guy is already much better than others.

"Brother Cui, what are you talking about? We will naturally cooperate in the future. Who doesn't know that your horse farms are open all over the country? If we don't cooperate with you, where will we go to sell?"

The prince didn't say much else, he just felt that something was wrong with this matter. Since it was clear that everyone wanted to come here to make money, why didn't the old Cui family follow suit? Is there some conspiracy here?

Cui Yuncheng didn't understand this either. He had already written three letters and sent them to Chang'an as quickly as possible, but there was no reply from Chang'an. This meant that he had to proceed according to the original plan. There was something going on here. ?

Thinking of this, Cui Yuncheng waved his hand, and a waiter came over from a distance.

"Didn't His Highness the Emperor Changsun buy a pasture?"

Cui Yuncheng said softly, and at the same time his expression was extremely nervous...

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