The Strongest Imperial Grandson of the Great Tang Dynasty

Chapter 272 The power of the Tang Dynasty cannot be bullied

After enjoying the two prairie beauties, Chang Sun Chong and Cheng Chumo came out of the tent. When they saw each other's big dark circles, they both laughed.

Last night when the two of them were about to go to bed, the people from Tuyuhun sent in a beautiful prairie woman. The two of them regarded this as the right of the victor, so they did not refuse. After struggling all night, the two of them thought of it. I have to go to the southern border today, and my waist really hurts.

In the view of Midu Khan, going to the southern border to declare the decree was to face the Tibetan army head-on. This should be a very dangerous thing, but for these two generals, they did not feel any danger, mainly It was also Tang Tianwei who was still there and Lu Dongzan was still in Chang'an. Could it be that the Tubo army dared to cause trouble?

After breakfast, the group went there accompanied by Midu Khan. Originally, Midu Khan did not have to go, but in order to observe the attitude of the Tibetan army, Midu Khan had to go with him. In the past, they knew that the two empires were very powerful, but it would be a bit of a lie to say that Tubo was afraid of the Tang Dynasty. Midu Khan also had to see clearly, what was the status of the Tang Dynasty in the Tubo Kingdom?

If they were in the original royal court of Tuyuhun, they would have to walk at least three days to the southern border. But after being defeated by the Tang Dynasty, hundreds of miles of grassland were ceded to the Tang Dynasty. Their land area was only the original About half, so if you head to the southern border now, you can get there in one day at a quick pace.

Both Changsun Chong and Cheng Chumo have been riding horses since they were young, so they don't feel tired on horseback. But it's different for you, Mr. Zeng. Mr. Zeng is only a civil servant, and even on the grassland, he can only ride a carriage, so originally It took two days to walk in one day.

Knowing that Tuyuhun Khan was coming, the troops in the border area had been preparing for a long time. They mixed with the Khan thirty miles away from the border. The team of more than 3,000 people marched toward the border in a mighty way. Drive away.

"Two generals, in front of us is the border between our country and Tubo."

Midu Khan pointed to a small river in front and said, if there is a concept of altitude now, the altitude here should be about 4,000 meters. Along the way, these people felt it was difficult to breathe. People in Tuyuhun usually live around here. There are also relatively few.

Changsun Chong and Cheng Chumo both looked a little unhappy, and they felt a little uncomfortable in their hearts. As long as we are in the territory of the Tubo people, no matter how vigorous and vigorous you were before, you may wilt now, and we don't know whether it is. What's going on? Li Xiang kept saying that he could adapt. With his current breathing state, let alone going to war, even if he could live a normal life, it would be considered that you were capable.

"Who are the Tibetan people defending the border areas now?"

Looking from a distance, we can already see the Tubo military camp. Although there are not hundreds of thousands of troops now, there must be more than 10,000 people. The remaining people have retreated to Tibet. After all, they are transporting supplies here. It is not a simple matter. Since we are no longer planning to attack Tuyuhun, there is no need to leave hundreds of thousands of troops here.

"General Huyan of Tubo Kingdom."

When he mentioned this name, Midu Khan had a look of hatred on his face. Three years ago, this Huyan general rushed down from the plateau with five thousand cavalry and came to the territory of Tuyuhun to burn, kill and loot. Almost Killed tens of thousands of them.

Of course, General Huyan also had a brain and did not continue to rush north. Our people would be extremely hypoxic when they rushed to their place, but if their people continued to run down, they would also have a sense of wealth. oxygen status.

Cheng Chumo finally figured it out. You Tuyuhun people went north to bully our border people, and the Tubo people bullied your border people. In total, we people from the Tang Dynasty suffered the most.

But now the situation is different. We have become your suzerain state. Even if the Tubo Kingdom is powerful, we have nothing to be afraid of. In the next period of time, we will also actively prepare for war. At present Thousands of people have adapted to breathing on the plateau.

"Blow the trumpet."

A few people chatted and soon came to the river. The river was very shallow and you could come over on horseback. The trumpet was also used to give a notice to the other party and let the other party's perfunctory general come over. We handed over the report of the Tang Dynasty in public. Imperial decree.

According to the diplomatic etiquette of this era, when Tuyuhun blows well, it means that important people from Tuyuhun have come here, and important people from the other side will also be sent over. The two sides will discuss some important things together, but when we blow the After the call was over, it was already enough time for a meal, and no reaction was seen from the other party's military camp.

"This damn guy is clearly trying to intimidate us."

Midu Khan gritted his teeth and said that he did not want to provoke a war between the two sides, but he also did not want to be so weak.


Midu Khan could only knock out his teeth and swallow them, but Changsun Chong was not used to them. Although he only brought a thousand people, these thousand people were equipped with simple crossbows. After returning to Chang'an City, , Li Xiang’s glass has been fired, so he fired some glass bottles with a thickness of about two centimeters, so that when the explosives inside explode, the various glass particles can have stronger penetrating power. .

"General Changsun must not do this!"

Midu Khan saw that Changsun Chong had already asked people to set up four ballistae. Now the ballistae has been improved and can be set up directly on the carriage, so the mobility is much better than before.

In the past, it needed to be lifted off the carriage, but now it is only necessary to turn the carriage around, with the butt of the carriage facing the enemy, and then a groom stands next to the war horse to calm the war horse and stop it from running around.

"Midukhan, he can treat you like this, but he can't treat us Tang Angels like this. Today I have to let him understand the price of his arrogance."

Changsun Chong said very arrogantly that they had seen the power of crossbows a long time ago. This time the army brought twenty crossbows. Although they only had a thousand people, if the enemy dared to attack, these twenty crossbows would Coupled with the serial crossbows, the opponent would not be able to get close without five or six thousand people.

"General Cheng, please persuade me quickly..."

In Midu Khan's view, Cheng Chumo had been on the battlefield and had made meritorious service on the Tuyuhun battlefield, so he should know how powerful the Tibetan army was.

"Pull over two more."

This is Cheng Chumo's answer...

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