The days on the plateau passed very quickly. Li Xiang taught Xiao Liuzi some tactics every day. This guy also learned very quickly, and his brain was easy to understand. After a while, Li Xiang was able to master this place. The matter was left to him. In fact, it is very simple to say, it is nothing more than the distribution of supplies.

"Why do you look a little unhappy? Someone has bullied you these days."

After today's teaching, Li Xiang found that Xiao Liuzi's face was a little unhappy. This was different from before. Whenever this kid learned something new, he would be very happy in his heart. The same thing he learned today New stuff, but never had a smile on my face.

"Master, are you ready to go back?"

Xiao Liuzi said with some worry, in fact, Xiao Liuzi has felt it in the past few days. Li Xiang only paid two hours a day before, but now it has increased to eight hours, and asked Xiao Liuzi to write them all down. Some of them didn't know how to do it. It is completely possible to communicate through letters, and the people around Li Xiang have not been idle these days. They are already sorting out the livestock.

"Everyone's stage is different. This is just part of my stage, so I can't stay here all the time. And you have been studying with me for so long. You should also have a chance to practice. If it were me If you stay here all the time, you will never grow up."

After all, they have to separate. During these ten days of getting along, Li Xiang also regarded Xiao Liuzi as his apprentice. There was also some master-disciple relationship between the two, not to mention that Li Xiang still had the kindness to rebuild Xiao Liuzi. .

After listening to Li Xiang's explanation, although Xiao Liuzi still felt very uncomfortable, he also knew how important he was to Li Xiang. From birth to now, no one has taught him this way, and no one has even looked at him seriously. It was Li Xiang who regarded him as a good young man and taught him tactics and strategies so that he would not become a handyman in the future.

"Master, don't worry, I won't let you down."

Tears welled up in his eyes, and Xiao Liuzi didn't know what to say about this, but Li Xiang understood in his heart that in the past, there was darkness everywhere, but today Li Xiang brought him a ray of light, If he can continue along this path of light, his future achievements will definitely be good.

"You have this ability, but you are still young. Don't panic when you encounter something. If you can make a decision, make it. If you can't make a decision, think more about it. If you really feel that you dare not make a decision, If so, then find a way to make some remedies, and then postpone the matter until I give you the answer. But this is also a matter of half a year, and it will be your thing after half a year. Even if you write to me, I will I won’t give you any answers.”

Li Xiang knew that Xiao Liuzi was a good young talent, but he had to be given a chance to practice. If he kept giving him pointers, he might never get up.

"My dear brother..."

When the master and the apprentice were about to talk, Chieftain Maggie and Chieftain Laxueba walked in from outside. They were extremely kind to Li Xiang because they knew very well that if there was anyone who could stand up to Lu Dongzan If so, then Li Xiang is definitely at the forefront. They are not Lu Dongzan's opponents, but relying on Li Xiang's strategies and assistance, they have won one victory after another and stabilized the original front.

At present, the land area they control has reached about a quarter of Tubo, which is double their original land area. You must know that more than 75% of Tubo's grain is produced here. When all the food in the warehouse is eaten up, they may be able to sweep Tibet away.

"The two chieftains came here so early. It seems there is good news?"

Li Xiang invited the two chieftains to come into the house, and Xiaoliuzi sat beside him honestly. This was already a very preferential treatment for him. Originally he could only stand, but in order to improve his status, Li Xiang acted as a chieftain to visit him. When he arrived, Li Xiang asked him to sit here. Even if he left in the future, the chieftains would know his status.

"My dear brother, what you said is absolutely correct. Although we seem to be at a disadvantage, my people have found out that there is not much food left in the imperial court. Now they are robbing the rear and not giving any food. The common people are struggling to survive. In order to collect enough military rations for next year, I heard that slaves have starved to death around the Holy City. This is an act of killing the goose that lays the golden egg."

Chief Magi said very happily that as long as the power of the imperial court decreases, it means that their life is getting better and better. But then again, the overall strength is still stronger than the imperial court. They can resist tenaciously. This It is related to Li Xiang's support. Once Li Xiang cuts off their support, they will all have to defeat Lu Dongzan in one to two years at most.

"Isn't this great? As long as we can survive this winter, when spring comes next year, the food in your court's hands will be less than 25% of the original. The people need food to survive, and the army needs food even more to survive. , then it will depend on how Zamp distributes it, and I can also see what the fate of that prime minister will be."

Li Xiang has been acting all the time. Whenever he talks about Lu Dongzan, hatred can emerge from his eyes. The two chieftains looked at each other. What they feared most was that their eldest grandson Pingting would not enter Tibet. Then Li Xiang won't care about this matter, and they will be in trouble.

Now it seems that this is far from the case. There must be an entanglement between Li Xiang and Lu Dongzan that they don't know about. Otherwise, Li Xiang wouldn't be able to kill him. You must know the various people supported by Li Xiang now. Such materials can almost equal one-third of the toast master's family property.

Although a large number of slaves have been transported, to these chieftains, the value of slaves is nothing at all. We can have a large number of slaves at the end of every battle. Compared with these gold and silver treasures, weapons and armor, The value of slaves was so bad that they even felt that Li Xiang was simply losing money in this transaction.

"My dear brother, the two of us are here to discuss something with you. I heard that you are going back to Chang'an soon?"

Chieftain Lasheba said with some worry that they hoped Li Xiang could stay. Li Xiang was like a talisman in the hearts of all the chieftains. He was so panicked when he left!

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