The Strongest Imperial Grandson of the Great Tang Dynasty

Chapter 397 The Prince Takes Military Power

When the wall falls down, everyone pushes it, when the drum breaks, someone beats it, this is the current Goguryeo.

Including Goguryeo's envoys, a total of more than a dozen people among these people betrayed Goguryeo and expressed their willingness to cooperate with the Tang Dynasty. No matter what the Tang Dynasty wanted to know, they could tell it, including some border secrets. Within, these people can also provide.

"God bless our Tang Dynasty. God bless our Tang Dynasty. I didn't expect that Goguryeo would be what it is today. When I led troops to attack them, what did Gai Yuan Suwen say? He said that I should never think about the Tang Dynasty in this life. I really should let him go now. look."

In the Jinluan Hall of the imperial palace, Li Shimin saw the records sent by the Imperial City Si Yamen. He was very happy in his heart. Goguryeo seemed to be a piece of his heart. He had started attacking Goguryeo a few years ago, but except for the beginning In addition to the overwhelming momentum, it became increasingly difficult later, especially after reaching the interior of Goguryeo, they actually suffered heavy losses, which were not even comparable to the achievements of Emperor Sui Yang.

Li Shimin has always regarded himself as the emperor through the ages, how could he tolerate such a thing? Therefore, after every failure, Li Shimin prepared to mobilize all the troops of the country and immediately attack Goguryeo. Little did he know that doing so would bring huge harm to the country. If these people under his command had not desperately tried to persuade him, he would not have known that Datang would be a country now. To what extent.

Now one of Li Xiang's methods turned out to be such a chaos in Goguryeo. The most important thing is that we haven't put in much effort yet. Except for the cavalry on the border and the spies under Changsun Wuji, we have not done anything in other aspects. Increased investment, but the results achieved are huge. In addition to the internal attacks on each other within the court, including the border defenders, they have not received pay for half a year.

Everyone knows how much fighting power such an army has. Everyone knows that soldiers eat food. If you don't give me enough food, why should I work for you? You tie your head to your belt just so that the whole family can have enough to eat. Now you haven't seen a copper in several months. Do you expect us people to make our voluntary contribution to you?

In a memorial just before the transaction, Zhang Qixiong made it very clear that the soldiers and civilians at the border were very tired. In addition to the lack of food grown in the area, the border defenders had not been paid for several months, all because of the corruption of the court. Incompetent, all the money was spent on internal fighting, leaving the border guards unable to support their families. Now is the time when morale is at its lowest. If the Tang army rushes over at this time, the border guards will not resist at all. .

"Your Majesty, would you like to investigate this matter carefully? We have observed Zhang Qixiong, and it seems that he is not so easy to cooperate with us. Is there any fraud involved?"

Tang Jian, the Minister of Household Affairs, had some concerns.

According to his idea, Zhang Qixiong was elected by the leader of Goryeo after all, so how could he defect in the face of battle? What's more, this guy still has family members in Korea. If the news of his rebellion spreads back, I'm afraid the whole family will be put to death.

What Mr. Hubutang said made sense. Everyone looked at Changsun Wuji in unison. Your people are causing trouble in Goguryeo. If they hadn't worked so hard, how could Goguryeo be in such chaos? ?

"Auxiliary engine, you said..."

Not to mention, after Mr. Tang from the Ministry of Revenue persuaded Li Shimin, he became a little worried and hurriedly asked Changsun Wuji.

Although Changsun Wuji is now in Li Xiang's camp, Changsun Wuji is still a minister of the imperial court. Especially now, Changsun Wuji must have come to an end. The border defenders are the only way for us to attack. the road.

"Back to the emperor, what Zhang Qixiong said is basically true. Although some places are exaggerated, the morale of the Goguryeo border guards is indeed low. You can ask our country's border guards about this. Last month, they conducted a total of forty During the second assault, there were people who came to intercept them at the beginning, but later these people simply stayed behind closed doors. Our people can drive straight into the border areas, and can even reach places 500 miles inside Goguryeo."

When Changsun Wuji said these words, everyone present was a little surprised. In their opinion, just crossing the border was okay, but if they went deep into the border, they really didn't know what kind of mess this army would become.

Although all signs indicate that now is a good time to attack Goguryeo, Li Shimin is still a little worried. After all, he failed here and when he came back, he was shocked in his heart.

What's more, the current Goguryeo is not a small country. Many people think that Goguryeo is a small country. In fact, the current Goguryeo stretches thousands of miles, from the Liaodong region of our country to the Han River Basin of the Silla Peninsula. It is basically their territory. It should be the strongest. prosperous period.

The military generals were all gearing up, hoping that the emperor would give the order quickly, and we would immediately march eastward to Goguryeo. However, the civil servants saw that the emperor was probably waiting for His Highness the Grand Sun.

At this time, everyone has seen through it without saying anything. Since His Highness Taisun became an adult, almost everything has to wait for His Highness. The emperor is becoming less and less confident than before. Originally, the emperor could decide such a thing by himself, but if If His Highness Taisun didn't nod, the Emperor might not be sure.

Of course, this is normal. In the last two foreign wars, His Highness Taisun can be said to have played a decisive role, including this war against Goguryeo. His Highness Taisun has always participated. If Taisun had not been If His Highness Sun had made a few damaging moves, could Goguryeo have declined so quickly?

"Ke'er, I asked you to train the Imperial Guards in the capital. Has there been any improvement recently?"

As soon as Li Shimin's words changed, he immediately turned to King Wu Li Ke.

"Back to my father, we are restoring our combat effectiveness in an orderly manner."

Hearing the answer from King Wu Li Ke, the eyes of everyone in the court flashed. The Imperial Guard in the capital had never been handed over to anyone else. Now it was suddenly handed over to King Wu who had the blood of the previous dynasty. The capital was getting more and more exciting. .

Li Xiang once managed the Zuo Shenwu Army, but only in name. When Li Xiang went to Tubo, this right was successfully taken back. What kind of medicine was sold in the emperor's gourd? Do you have to let your descendants fight? Can't we work together as a team and work together for Datang?

Several ministers opened their mouths, but in the end they thought that many people would die if they established the crown prince, so they had better shut up!

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