"How did the battle end up like this? It went so smoothly at the beginning. I thought we could advance all the way. We just have to wait to hear the victory. By then, both armies will have won. When we win, we will return to the throne. , let’s see what those civil servants have to say.”

Su Dingfang came to Li Xiang's tent early in the morning. Looking at the mail sent by the court, he really didn't know what to say. You must know that the information they received was actually out of date. It was sent from the front line. Chang'an, it would take a month to get here from Chang'an, which would take another month. What we know is actually the situation two months ago.

"Do you think all wars are so smooth? Without that kind of thing, Datang could achieve what it does now. I don't know how many people died. It is normal for some crises to occur in wars. Only our Highnesses will not Appear."

Niu Jinda sighed and said, he also wanted to quickly lead his troops to the grassland to help His Highness King Wu, but the problem is that it has been two months since their memorial was sent, and the court has not relented, even if they have grown up With two heads, he wouldn't dare to lead the troops privately.

Those of us who go there may not necessarily win, but at least we will not make the war situation more corrupt. Now the court has also sent a new batch of gunpowder, but unfortunately after the gunpowder arrived on the grassland, it was destroyed by the Turkic tribesmen. These People didn't know how to use gunpowder, so they simply threw it into the river.

His Highness King Wu is now facing the enemy of his father. He has to face not only the attack of Xue Yantuo's army, but also the sneak attacks of various Turkic tribes. It can be said that his head is really full.

"What on earth is the emperor thinking? We are already prepared. We don't need our troops. Instead, we want to mobilize troops in Shandong and Henan. How many useful troops can we have there?"

Looking at the letter sent by the court, Su Dingfang began to complain. It was not that the soldiers of that generation were not good, but mainly because all the soldiers in that area were infantry. There was no problem in taking care of the people. Why do we need so many infantry on the grassland? Unless we are on the edge of the grassland, our infantry can still be of some use. If we go deep into the grassland, the infantry will be exhausted just running.

"Are you crazy? Did you say this? Fortunately, there is no one else here. If there had been anyone else, your words would have made your whole family question him."

Niu Jinda just kicked him. The two of them were used to it. Su Dingfang woke up and looked at Li Xiang who was looking at the map next to him. He stuck out his tongue and remained silent. If someone really heard it, what if? If Li Shimin knew about it and used this sentence to cause trouble for him, he would really be unforgivable. Although you have made countless military exploits in the past, if you are dissatisfied with the emperor, all your military exploits may be lost. It's smoothed out for you with one stroke.

"Your Highness, what are you thinking about?"

Su Dingfang and Niu Jinda came around. They were dissatisfied with the court and could not complain casually, but our Highness did not say a word at the moment. What on earth is going on?

"I was thinking about how to change the situation of the war, so I immediately reported to the court, saying that wars are raging here, and we urgently need the court to send a group of infantry. It would be best to set out from Shandong and let them come by sea ship. As for what the court said Yes, send troops to Mobei for support, from our troops."

After listening to Li Xiang's words, the two of them looked at each other. There is no war raging here. Let alone war, there are not even any troublemakers. All ministries have been properly arranged. There are people in Goguryeo. Many traitors, after joining the Tang Dynasty, achieved a class leap. These people are more nervous than us. Once something happens in their territory, these people are really decisive in killing.

"Your Highness, isn't this a lie about military information?"

Niu Jinda said with some confusion, even if we want to help His Highness King Wu get out of trouble, there is no need to throw a shit basin on his head. A month ago we reported that nothing happened, and a month later If there is a war, we will be guilty of negligence to some extent.

"How can we make the court look good if we don't do this? We have asked for a war before, but the court did not use our soldiers. They used domestic soldiers. What is the use of those soldiers after they are gone? Want to let us, the Young Master of the Tang Dynasty Dead spot people, what’s the importance of the reputation of a few of us? It’s just a smaller reward, but if we can save the lives of thousands of soldiers, that’s thousands of families.”

After Li Xiang finished speaking, the two people in the tent were in awe. They were considered to be the top people of the Tang Dynasty, but when it came to thinking about the Tang Dynasty, the two of them were indeed not as free and easy as Li Xiang. They would rather carry it on their own. For the last crime, I also hope to solve the problem quickly. This is really sacrificing myself for others.

"I'll go and give the memorial right away."

Su Dingfang did not dare to delay. There happened to be pen, ink, paper and inkstones prepared nearby, so this guy quickly started writing the memorial, hoping that the court would agree to their proposal.

His Highness King Wu's life is really not that good now. He originally had more than 50,000 troops under his command. After experiencing repeated failures, there are now only more than 30,000 people left. The remaining people can only be Died on the grassland.

King Wu Li Ge originally wanted to take a gamble and win, but now it seems that he lost the bet, so he had to suffer the consequences. I am afraid that the losses in the entire Goguryeo war were not that much. , all he has lost now are the elite border troops of the Tang Dynasty. At this moment, His Highness King Wu is looking at the mountains in the distance, and he doesn't know how to go.

"Report to Your Highness, a document from the imperial court."

Call Li Kuishan to come and report. He is also a distant descendant of the Li family.

When he saw the words on it, King Wu Li Ke directly balled up the court documents and threw them into the puddle formed by the rain nearby.

"Does the imperial court want us all to die here? Whose idea was it to send infantry sources from two provinces? Hasn't General Li Jing returned to the capital? Can he allow such a policy to take shape?"

King Wu said angrily, and the deputy general next to him did not dare to say anything.

This is arbitrary discussion of government affairs. You are the emperor's son. If you commit such a crime, you may be exempted. We people are not so lucky. If the emperor really cares about us, killing one of our heads will be a gift, and we may return it. The whole family must be killed.

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