The Strongest Imperial Grandson of the Great Tang Dynasty

Chapter 496 The Minister of the Replacement Department

After calming down, King Wu also understood what it meant. This was just because Li Shimin couldn't lose face. Li Xiang was already preparing to send troops to help. Li Shimin ruthlessly rejected Li Xiang. Little did he know that it was not just Li Xiang who refused, but also Li Xiang. This is still the way to survive for tens of thousands of Tang soldiers on the grassland.

Chang'an City

General Li Jing has returned to Chang'an City, and is still in charge of the Ministry of War as before. At this moment, General Li Jing is staying in an outer house, and he has a home that he cannot go back to.

He knew that his house was filled with the family members of some of his old subordinates. Those people came to inquire about the news. When the army had just set off, news of victory kept coming to Chang'an City, but now there was no victory at all. How could he tell them the news? Woolen cloth? Is it possible that someone in your family died in the war? If you say this, the entire Chang'an City will soon be in chaos.

General Li Jing has been honest all his life, and he will not lie if he is asked to do so, so he can only stay in the outer house. He is already on top of Li Shimin today. If Li Xiang's army is not allowed to go to the rescue, then We have to let Cheng Yaojin lead the army on the Tuyuhun grassland. This is the most correct way.

Li Xiang's army is very powerful, and the entire Tang Dynasty knows it. As long as they go to the grassland, there is at least an 80% chance of winning. Not only can they save our army, but they can also complete the court's set goals. , maybe even take down Xue Yantuo.

Of course, the emperor wanted to save face and did not want to lower his head to beg Li Xiang, so it was okay to let Cheng Yaojin lead the troops from the Tuyuhun grassland, but the emperor was unwilling because those troops were also Li Xiang's old team. If they went to rescue him, it would be no different than asking Li Xiang, so the emperor fiddled with the map for a while and finally asked the troops from Shandong and Henan to go to the rescue.

Looking at General Li Jing who was about to send out, I really didn't know what to say. The armies of these two provinces only have 9,000 cavalry, and the rest are all infantry. If you really let them go to the grassland, except for Apart from increasing the number of casualties, there are no other benefits. Is the wise Li Shimin already confused?

"Report to the general, Goguryeo urgently reports."

When General Li Jing heard the words of his subordinates, his hands trembled with fright. However, when he heard that it was Goguryeo, General Li Jing's eyes showed doubts. He originally thought it was a memorial from King Wu, but there was something from Goguryeo. What's the rhythm? When I left, I had basically settled the world. Although there were still some petty thieves, they couldn't make any waves. At most, it was just an ordinary greeting memorial. How could it be considered an urgent memorial?

After opening the memorial, General Li Jing understood what was going on. Unknowingly, the corners of his eyes were wet. Li Xiang was not only good at fighting, but also did not care about his own gains and losses. Now that he knew that there was a problem in the Tang Dynasty, people did not want him to He splashed sewage on his body, and others wanted to get down to business first. If such a person cannot become the Lord of the Tang Dynasty, then who can?

"Someone prepare a car to go to the palace."

As soon as General Li Jing said these words, he stopped his body instantly. It wasn't that he couldn't walk, but that he suddenly remembered another thing. This memorial could not be handed over to Li Shimin in private. If it were handed over to Li Shimin privately, there might be changes.

General Li Jing thought about tomorrow's morning court. Yes, it must be handed over to Li Shimin during the morning court, and it must be in front of all civil and military officials. If Li Shimin still refuses at that time, then his reputation in this life may be in question. , Li Shimin, who cherishes feathers, would never do this.

General Li Jing also knew that some changes might occur this night, but if he hurried over now, he would definitely not get any good results. With Li Shimin's temper, he would definitely continue to act in front of him for a while. This night's Time will also pass.

Now the front line can't wait any longer. They can only wait for tomorrow's morning dynasty to pass, and then several important officials will put pressure on Li Shimin to agree to Li Xiang's proposal. Only in this way can the Tang army have a chance of survival. If this opportunity is missed, then Wu The king may not come back.

"Go to Lord Changsun's house."

At this time, General Li Jing could no longer avoid suspicion. He directly asked people to line up to go to Changsun Wuji's house. Everyone knew that the two were the heads of civil and military officials. It was supposed that they could not have contact in private, and even the two were Everyone has to fight a little bit, and this is what Li Shimin wants to see, but today this matter involves the life and death of tens of thousands of people, and General Li Jing has to take a risk.

During the day, Fang Xuanling also proposed that troops could be mobilized directly from Goguryeo, but Li Shimin did not speak, neither agreeing nor disagreeing, which left all the officials with doubts. Even Fang Xuanling It’s useless even if you bring it up, is there any use if other people bring it up?

In order to prevent the same situation tomorrow morning, General Li Jing had to take risks. General Li Jing, who had never formed a clique, had to take the risk at this moment. Maybe the emperor would know about it, but at the same time Li Shimin He is also a wise man. He should know that his son and tens of thousands of troops are in trouble on the grassland, and this is the only way to rescue them.

That night there was an undercurrent in Chang'an City, and several waves of people in black went to the palace to report the news. Li Shimin sighed all night, and it was not until the morning of the next day that Li Shimin squinted a little, and went to court with a dark circle under his eye.

Things turned out pretty much as Li Shimin expected. General Li Jing did not ventilate the news in advance. This was the first time in decades that he directly revealed Li Xiang's memorial. Dozens of officials from both the government and the opposition agreed.

Li Shimin first scolded Li Xiang, and then approved Li Xiang's opinion. However, when he looked at General Li Jing, there was a hint of indifference in his eyes, and General Li Jing understood that this kind of thing could only happen like this. once.

When the dynasty was about to disperse, General Li Jing said that he was feeling unwell after a trip to Goguryeo, and some matters at the Ministry of War Yamen could no longer be dealt with, so he was ready to retire.

Li Shimin did not let General Li Jing retire, but gave him three months of leave and let Yuchi Jingde take on the job first.

Everyone understands that starting from today, Li Jing no longer has the final say in the Ministry of War. Even if Li Jing recovers in three months, he will never continue to work in the Ministry of War. He may have to take care of himself at home...

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