As for Li You's safety, Niu Jinda has also thought about it. Didn't we reorganize a group of Gaochang soldiers? Just let them accompany them as escorts. Anyway, these people are not regular troops of the Tang Dynasty.

These people are all of Tang Dynasty descent. After the adaptation is completed, they also hope to become Tang people, so they usually train very hard. What's more, there are not many opponents in the entire Gaochang territory, and the surrounding defenses The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty were in charge, and they were only asked to keep a close eye on Li You, so nothing serious could happen.

What's more, on the innermost floor, there are also palace guards brought from the capital. These people are all masters. In addition, Hande Si himself is a master. With him watching, nothing will happen to Li You. Son.

The reason why such a carriage appeared was Xiao Shougui's suggestion to Niu Jinda. Li You was a prince. On the way from the capital to the northwest, women were indispensable in his carriage. As long as there were women and food and wine, this guy would definitely not There will be trouble.

So Niu Jinda also arranged it for him. This is also the most beautiful one picked out from the prison. Anyway, as long as this guy doesn't make trouble along the way, Niu Jinda thinks it's okay. After all, he is the son of the emperor, so he can eat and have fun. Is it a thing?

If some people think it's unfair, then go back and ask your father, why didn't your father have the courage when the world was in chaos? If your father had the guts, you would probably be able to behave like this now, with a bunch of people around watching over you.

It would take several days to walk from the royal city to the border. If there wasn't something interesting to attract Li You, this guy would probably cause trouble the whole way.

Although the weather outside is hot, this carriage was originally Li Xiang's carriage. There are various insulation equipment inside. In addition, there are ice cubes made by Li Xiang. Li Xiang uses modern methods to make ice cubes, which greatly It alleviated the hot condition of the soldiers.

Not to mention a prince like Li You, even some ordinary soldiers can carry some ice cubes with them. The weather outside is more than 30 degrees, and if there are no cold drinks to cool down, how will the soldiers live? What happened?

In order to ensure the cooling work of the soldiers, Li Xiang set up stations along the main transportation lines. In addition to helping people pass on information, the stations are also responsible for making ice cubes. This is not a problem in modern society. This society also can be made.

So a strange scene appeared in the team. Whenever they walked a certain distance, several carriages would come from a distance, and the carriages were pulling huge blocks of ice. When they got near them, they would crack open, and then Distribute it to the surrounding soldiers, and the soldiers also use some small bags to carry it, so that it can last for a long time.

Of course, the people responsible for making ice cubes were all redeemed by Li Xiang through the system. This is still a very good business method. After returning to Chang'an City, this thing can still make a fortune, if it is leaked now. , then don’t even think about making this money.

It is precisely because of this kind of thing that the temperature in Li You's carriage can be kept extremely low, so this guy did not complain. If he was allowed to move forward under the scorching sun in the weather of more than 30 degrees, even if he was sitting in the carriage , it is estimated that Li You has been unwilling for a long time.

After a few days, this guy finally arrived at the border. Looking at the dilapidated houses here, Li You wished he could live in his carriage. Li Xiang also waited on behalf of everyone, although Li You Xiang is now the grandson of the emperor, but Li You is Li Xiang's uncle after all. He has to salute when it is time to do so. Who in this era allows the world to be governed by filial piety?

After the two met, they didn't have much conversation. Li Xiang didn't want to say anything more to this guy. When he saw Li Xiang, he also thought that Li Xiang was being serious, so after the two met, they went back to rest. .

Li Xiang still adopted Niu Jinda's strategy, calling Hande Si over and explaining clearly what needed to be said to the old guy. Li Xiang was too lazy to talk to Li You directly because that guy was just a pig.

When the old eunuch came to the Western Regions earlier, he never thought that he would have so much work, and he did not expect that it would become a communication channel. He just thought that he could serve His Highness well, and after returning to the capital, he could Let the empress use him more.

If he had known that he would have to accept so much coercion, this guy would have wanted to stab himself, and he would never have left Chang'an.

Visiting the Five Western Countries?

After hearing Li Xiang's proposal, Old Eunuch Han wished he could faint to death. It would be better to faint directly than to think about such a thing. This is simply impossible.

He has watched Li You grow up, and of course he knows how greedy for life and fear of death this prince is. Even if there is the slightest danger, he will never let himself go. The reason why he went to the border this time is that After he had exhausted all the threats, he was willing to come over. Of course, the main reason was that Li Xiang was here, and Li You also knew that Li Xiang would not joke with his life.

But what if you leave Gaochang Kingdom and go to various countries in the Western Regions, where would such a thing happen?

Will those people care that you are the prince of the Tang Dynasty? Even if the top management of each country is in charge, there will still be some desperadoes within each country.

"Your Highness, please think twice. This is not a trivial matter. Although His Highness Prince Qi is not valued by the Emperor, he is the Emperor's own son after all. If something happens to him in the west, the price will be too high."

The old eunuch knew this matter very well, no more than other matters. If it was about other matters, he would be willing to persuade Li You to listen, but if he really wants to go to various countries in the Western Region, then the safety will be greatly reduced. If you don't open your eyes, you will be buried there.

"Please rest assured, Mr. Niu, General Niu will accompany him with two thousand cavalry. If anything happens, General Niu can guarantee his safety. What's more, the countries in the Western Region are empty now, and all their troops are in the coalition camps. , but there are not many people in this country.”

Li Xiang must have planned this before doing it. After all, Li You's safety is also related to his future. If something happens, don't expect other princes to cooperate with him in any form in the future.

After listening to Li Xiang's words, Hande Si kept shaking his head. He could never put Li You in danger. If something really happened, he would definitely be the one who lost his head.

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