Li Xiang didn't force it at the moment, but when Hande Si went back, Li You was already furious.

A lot of people came from the military camp just now and took away all the women around Li You. They also arranged a new residence for Li You according to Li Xiang's standards. There was no house without the tent that looked so good. It was not solid. Li You was used to it in Chang'an City. How could he live in such a place?

"Hurry up and call that bastard over to me. Is this his attitude towards my uncle? How can people live in this place? I am the Prince of the Tang Dynasty. If he lives in such a place for two days, what will happen to him if something goes wrong? Can you afford it?"

When Li You saw Hande Si coming, he immediately started shouting loudly. Many soldiers around him looked with disdain. You must know that this is in a military camp and the soldiers live in tents. Why can't you? Are you staying? Although you are the emperor's son, you are just a son without inheritance rights. If you want to have a noble status, you can't compare with Li Xiang.

After seeing this scene, Old Man Han finally understood. No wonder Li Xiang was so easy to talk to just now. He didn't push himself too much, but let himself come back. It turns out that Li Xiang has many ways, and he has already started. If you want to live a good life If it's good, then you have to be obedient. If you are disobedient, then we have to do it step by step.

Now you are treated like a prince of the Tang Dynasty, which is already pretty good. But if you still don’t cooperate in the future, we have plenty of ways to find trouble with you. You also have to inspect military affairs when you come to the front line. The sun was 15 degrees Celsius and we couldn't even ride a horse-drawn carriage.

Li Xiang knew that Li You couldn't bear this hardship, so he gave him some appetizers first. If he gave up, it would be easier for us to talk about some things, but if you are still stubborn, then the formal big The meal will have to be brought to you. Whether you can bear it or not is your own business.

If it had been in the past, Eunuch Han would have definitely gone to argue with Li Xiang, but after just going through a negotiation, he also knew what Li Xiang's ultimate goal was. Even if he went to discuss with Li Xiang now, there would be no possibility. There was no good outcome, so he made his men retreat with his eyes.

"What are you doing? You didn't come here just to make my life better, but how can I call this situation better now? Why did you let them go down there? Hurry up and find that little bastard Li Xiang." ."

Li You didn't understand what Eunuch Han was thinking, and even invited everyone around him to leave. Eunuch Han really didn't know what to say to this idiot in front of him. I have been planning it all my life, and your mother is also a A capable person, why was someone like you born? Is all shit in your head?

Although Eunuch Han is very disgusted with this guy, he is his little master after all, so he still cannot say these words.

"Fifth Master, things are not that simple. His Royal Highness the Emperor Grandson called me over just now..."

Eunuch Han has said everything, and it also means that the decision-making power has been handed over to you. If you want to live the same life as before, you must go and bow to Li Xiang. As for what happens next How it was arranged has nothing to do with us, but if you can overcome it, then there is no need for us to go to various countries in the Western Region for diplomatic visits.

Regarding the term "diplomatic visit", Eunuch Han has never heard of it before. He has heard it from others a long time ago. Our Royal Highness the Crown Prince often says some new words. Today, this old man Han can be regarded as experienced. .

"You said that boy was stumbling upon me?"

After Li You heard this, his face turned red with anger. When he set out from Chang'an City, he knew that the Western Region was not easy to live in, because this was Li Xiang's territory. He had often caused trouble for Li Chengqian, so the relationship between them The relationship isn't great.

But he remembered his mother's words, that is, don't worry about power after arriving in the west, just enjoy it honestly. He thought so too, but now he doesn't even give him a chance to enjoy it?

"Your Highness, please be careful. This is not Chang'an City. This is the military camp of Gaochang. All around are His Highness the Emperor's Grandson's people. If something happens to us here, can the Emperor really chop off his head?"

Eunuch Han said with some fear. He was afraid that Li You would not know what he said. If those people outside heard it, the soldiers here regarded Li Xiang as their idol. In case anyone didn't want it. Fate has done you a favor, and one life is for another. When the time comes, there will be no place for you to cry. He is just an ordinary citizen, but you are a prince.

After hearing what Eunuch Han said, Li You's head turned for a rare moment. He was usually idle. Now he understood that if something happened to him, Li Xiang would definitely be implicated. The court will also punish him, but if he is killed, it is basically impossible.

Before leaving, my mother also said that she should try not to get into trouble with Li Xiang. Although the emperor often caused trouble for him, all the concubines in the harem knew that Li Xiang's status was unshakable, and the court also knew that Li Xiang was a man of work. No matter what kind of person comes to power, it is impossible to embarrass a truly capable person like Li Xiang.

"That's not okay. I don't care what happens. This is the furthest limit to the west. Even without those enjoyments, I will never go to the countries in the Western Region. It is said that the people there eat people alive. , I don’t want to go to that place.”

After about a cup of tea, Li You shook his head as he spoke. Without those women, there would be nothing. Without delicious food, there would be nothing. Could it be that the people in your army don't eat?

After hearing this, Old Man Han breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, this was the result he wanted.

If Li You goes to cause trouble for Li Xiang, then a dispute is probably inevitable. If you go to cause trouble for someone else on their territory, do you think you can win? Even if you take a step back and win, you won't be afraid of others plotting against you after you come back?

Now if we don't want these preferential treatment, it is equivalent to our move. Li Xiang can't deny them food and water. Li Xiang can only do it within the scope allowed by the rules. They will continue here. Anyway, that's it. Not going west.

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