The Strongest Imperial Grandson of the Great Tang Dynasty

Chapter 794: Petty officials are hugely corrupt

When he heard that Li Xiang was coming from the north, he knew that the affairs of the Shu Palace would definitely be exposed, so he thought about making up for it with other people, but other things could be made up, but this matter was It cannot be repaired.

The Prince of Shu's Mansion has been completed for so many years, do you still want to build a new one? Let’s not talk about where the money comes from. Even if you want to build it, doesn’t it take time?

Li Xiang came from Chang'an City and didn't have much time, so this guy was ready to make a desperate move and fool him first. Maybe Li Xiang was only thinking about going to Nanzhao and would not trouble them for this matter. It's a pity that they These people all thought wrong. In addition to Mr. Wang, other people also had interests in this matter. When they saw Mr. Wang being taken away and when they saw Mr. Wang’s wife crying, these Everyone also touched their necks...

However, the shouts in front of them soon attracted their attention. The soldiers had already begun to drive people out of the house. Wang Yuannian's family had dozens of families, including the guards and maids, which totaled more than 300 people. All the people who had their mouths were torn out now.

No matter what you did before, or what your status is in this family, His Highness the Grand Sun has now given an order that everyone in the family must be under surveillance and wait for the follow-up investigation. You people are probably not good people. , of course, there are also some hard-working people who specialize in working. After your identity is verified, you can do whatever you want. As for Wang Yuannian’s family members, they are lucky to be able to play Gaochang. Those who are unlucky will probably have to go directly. Beheaded.

Everyone else took a breath. It had been less than two hours since Li Xiang came here, and already three officials had broken out, and they had to be considered middle- and upper-level officials. Usually these people lived a very energetic life. , but now do you dare to say a word in front of Li Xiang?

When the imperial edict came down, they thought something might happen. After all, Li Xiang couldn't tolerate sand in his eyes. They also thought about some countermeasures, but no one wanted to take out the money. Can Li Xiang be fooled by a few bluffs?

Zhang Jiuli regrets a little now. If they had known that Li Xiang was like this, they should have done something. At least they couldn't let Li Xiang continue to make trouble like this. If he continued like this, he would be implicated. It's a matter of time, but he doesn't dare to stand up and speak now. In their eyes, Li Xiang sees everyone as a corrupt criminal at the moment. If anyone opens his mouth to speak, he will be the next target.

"I will stay here today. You can do whatever you need to do. Don't interfere with your work just because of my arrival. I understand the situation here to some extent. I will talk to you adults individually later. At that time, I hope you all can give me a satisfactory answer."

After hearing Li Xiang's words, everyone could finally leave, but no one felt relaxed. To them, this was like a reminder. Their butts were not clean. If Li Xiang really investigated them, Their results were not much worse than the ones that were processed.

"Wei Chen, please leave."

Xiao Yu prepared to leave together with these people, but Li Xiang held the old man back and went in to have a cup of tea first. Li Xiang knew what Xiao Yu was thinking. After Xiao Yu also retreated, he would probably There are more people there than there are here, and the old man knows him well. If he lets these corrupt officials go, there will be endless troubles in the future.

"In Chang'an City, you can't buy this kind of high-quality tea, and you have to make a reservation. I didn't expect that in Chengdu City, I can still drink it. What kind of life do these people usually live?" ?”

In Wang Yuannian's home, Li Xiang really found a lot of valuable things. There were secret rooms under several rooms. Although it was slightly different from some wealthy families, with his current official position, how could he have so many? Where's the money? Besides, these teas and luxury goods are in very short supply even in Chang'an City, but this guy actually saved enough for several years. It seems that he also has many agents in Chang'an City. Otherwise, how would he get them? What about?

"I didn't expect that the officials here are so corrupt. In fact, I and the ministers in the imperial court all have the same idea, that is, the terrain here is dangerous. As long as the people have enough to eat, the imperial court will not ask for anything from them. Even in years of disaster, we could give them some food, but I didn’t expect that the local officials took advantage of our kindness and became the emperors here.”

Although Xiao Yu wanted to expand his power, when he talked about these officials, Xiao Yu was very angry. The good intentions of the court were taken advantage of by people like you. Even if you were corrupt, it would not be the same. It can drive the local people to death.

"Originally, I only wanted to get rid of a few of them, but now it seems that it may not work. There are not many of the remaining people who are useful. If they are not punished, don't think about buying them locally. Min Xin, I know that some of the children of your family are already waiting, I will give you a chance today, and you can come as many as you want."

Li Xiang made this decision after careful consideration. These local people are already rotten. Whether they are officials or petty officials, none of these bastards can be used. If they continue to be in this position, they will be replaced. In the time after they come down, these people will definitely find ways to destroy the evidence, and then they will bring a catastrophe to the local area.

Although Li Xiang did not want to let these people from Xiao Yu's family rise to power, compared with these local officials, it was the lesser of two evils.

Although Li Xiang has a lot of people, it may not be possible to supplement local officials.

After listening to Li Xiang's words, Xiao Yu did not do anything on the surface, but there was a huge wave in his heart. The Lanling Xiao family was once one of the largest families, but because of the demise of the Sui Dynasty, their family also had to They have to stay silent, otherwise they may be regarded as a thorn in the side of the emperor, and they will lose more at that time. They have been waiting for an opportunity, could this opportunity be now?

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