"Where did Mr. Zhang come from? Did you come to the shop to buy something?"

Several shop owners saw Mr. Zhang going shopping in person. This was something they had never encountered before. It seemed that the storm in Chengdu had passed. Otherwise, how could Mr. Zhang come out? They don't know how many people they have arrested, but as long as Mr. Zhang is still there, they can live a good life. These people are the shops opened by the chieftain in the city. With Mr. Zhang taking care of them, they can't say Money is being made every day, but the turnover is also booming.

"I can't let everyone in the store go, I'll arrest them all."

What surprised these shop owners was that when Master Zhang saw their expressions change, he immediately ordered his men to arrest them. What on earth was going on? We, Mr. Chieftain, and you are still sons and daughters, and we show you no less filial piety in normal times. How can you arrest people just because you say you want to? Some shops still have your shares?

"Sir, what are you doing? Aren't we a family? Our lady is the young lady of the house..."

A shopkeeper said with some surprise, "This has never happened before. Today, Mr. Zhang actually brought people to arrest people. This must be a big change." As he spoke, he winked at the other waiter. The man also understood what was going on. There was a falcon in the turret upstairs. If it was released, the mountain would know that something was going on down there.

"You can't let him go upstairs. You can't let him go upstairs. The Falcons on the mountain are notified upstairs..."

When Mr. Zhang saw someone running upstairs, he immediately screamed. Now he didn't dare to have any reservations. As long as he controlled the people here, it would be equivalent to completing Li Xiang's first mission. His whole family The chance of survival is a little higher, but if the people here are allowed to release the falcon, then the Qian family will be much closer to the gate of hell.

The young man had already rushed up to the second floor. Although the two guards chased him, they would definitely not be able to catch up from this distance. Just when Mr. Zhang was about to despair, the soldiers next to him instantly fired several shots at the top. Sleeve arrows.

This was the first time for Mr. Zhang and others to see this kind of weapon. Two sleeve arrows killed the young man immediately. No matter how fast you run, can you still outrun this thing?

The two soldiers gently opened the door, and sure enough, they found a falcon inside looking at the two of them eagerly. At this time, the two of them glanced at each other. In order to avoid future troubles, they had no choice but to kill this thing.

"Why is this? Why is this?"

The owner of the shop is also a person whom Mr. Tusi can trust. He has been tied up by Wu Huada. When he passed Mr. Zhang, this guy was about to vomit blood. Haven't we always cooperated very well? Life was good in the past, but what are you doing now?

"Take it away and take it to the next house."

Mr. Zhang didn't have the time to explain to him. There were several similar shops in the entire city of Chengdu. If he didn't act quickly and let them get the news, he might not be able to complete the mission. If he couldn't complete the mission, he would be in trouble. It means that someone in the family may die, but he can still clearly distinguish which is more serious.

It took three hours, Master Zhang and his men raided four stores in total, arrested 39 people, and killed seven people. There were things reported to the mountain in these four stores, but all of them were taken away. came back.

If you do this kind of thing without the help of someone inside, no matter how powerful your armed forces are, you will not be able to win in the end. Take the current situation as an example, even if you can catch everyone, But they will also notify the mountain that the entire village will be in a state of fighting. If we send people to attack by force, how many people will die?

Now after arresting these people, they will be tortured, and at the same time they will be interrogated. Mr. Zhang, including his two daughters-in-law, must be told everything about the situation on the mountain, and then compare the two sides. If anyone lies, he will immediately be punished. It's just death.

Listening to the screams coming from the room next to him, Mr. Zhang was trembling all over at this time.

Because both daughters-in-law had to feed their children, Li Xiang granted amnesty to these two women. No matter when they feed their children, they are worthy of respect, but the same cannot be said for the dowry personnel brought by these two women, as long as they come down from the mountain village Yes, be sure to type out every bit of content in their minds.

"You don't have to be so nervous. I've seen what you did today. You still want to serve the court. As long as I can deal with these chieftains in one fell swoop, then you and your family can go to Goguryeo and live a good life. I won’t embarrass you, but you have to rely on your body for the rest of your life, and everything here has nothing to do with you.”

When Li Xiang turned around, Mr. Zhang was trembling. He didn't know where his future was. He only knew that the lives of the whole family were in Li Xiang's hands. If Li Xiang was unhappy, all of them might be killed. He had to be questioned and beheaded on the spot. After a lifetime of messing around, he did have some regrets.

When he came out to be an official, he also wanted to be worthy of the emperor and worthy of the people. But when he was ostracized and sent to this place, his thoughts changed. At that time, he only wanted to live a good life for himself and the people. I don't care about my life or death.

He is not the only one who has this idea. Almost everyone who is an official here has this idea. Those who are squeezed out are from their families and have no foundation. Moreover, being an official here may last a lifetime. The above No one will drag you out.

"Thank you, Your Highness. I will definitely do my best to cooperate with His Highness's actions."

Now that he has taken the first step, he is no longer worried about what to do next. No matter what Li Xiang asks him to do now, he will do it without hesitation. It is all for the survival of the whole family. For this goal, he Can do anything.

"You know the toasts on the mountain very well, can you explain them to me?"

Li Xiang had someone move a seat over. After all, this guy was in his fifties. If he was shaking like this all the time, he might not be able to describe it so coherently. After getting a seat and a glass of hot water, this guy was better than before. A lot. I carefully searched all the information in my mind and tried to explain it to Li Xiang in as much detail as possible.

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