The Strongest Interstellar Commander

One thousand sixty-nine warnings from the holy scriptures

Lin Yu did not change his order because of Cui Wa's relationship.

After Wang Hai brought people back, and all the soldiers who had descended from the orbit returned.

Without hesitation, Lin Yu issued an order for a comprehensive strike on the entire planet's surface.

Countless beams of light fell from the orbit, instantly covering the surface of every part of the planet. Even if it was hundreds of kilometers underground, it was absolutely impossible to escape such an attack.

The earth shattered, the mountains crumbled, and the tsunami roared into the sky.

The entire planet is like a world model scenario.

However, no one was worried about such a terrifying scene, because before that, there were no living people on this planet under the intense orbital blow just now.

From interstellar civilization to cosmic civilization, from cosmic civilization to black cavity civilization.

Over the past few hundred years, human beings have understood one thing.

That is...

If you really intend to destroy a civilization, you must not leave one alive.

Any woman's kindness will only bring disastrous consequences to her own civilization.

The entire Canterlot universe has turned into purgatory at this moment, and the two legions are sweeping the super galaxy clusters one by one, showing no mercy.


Federal calendar year 850.

Under the attack of the three federal legions, the Heimang Empire was attacked in the imperial capital in just seven days.

Then, after three months of thorough cleaning, the entire empire, except for Cui Wa, had almost no survivors.

Even if they were lucky enough to survive, those planets that had been completely destroyed and had a hell-like environment would definitely not survive for long.

Fifteen years later.

Federal calendar year 865.

At this moment, all the god-level civilizations in the Kunsa world have chosen to surrender.

Beginning with the recorded history of the Kunsa world, the first unification achieved,

The Canglong Alliance has become a real hegemonic force, and the Human Federation is the hegemonic civilization in the Canglong Alliance.

For the best development, a plan for large-scale civilization migration was made under the negotiation of the top leaders of the alliance.

The purpose of this plan is to gradually migrate all non-Canglong universe civilizations in Kunsa Realm to other Heiqiang Realms.

And in the process of this migration, the Alpha Civilization will cooperate synchronously to invade those vacated universes with Canglong consciousness.

Finally, the entire Kunsa world will be completely built into the base camp of the original Canglong universe civilization.

As for where to migrate those civilizations.

Half of the world of Saido, half of the world of Dole.

Of course, the Dole Realm has not yet been conquered, so we will give priority to migrating some civilizations to the Saidu Realm.

After winning the Dole Realm, migrate the remaining part of the civilization.

Luo Li once told Lin Fan.

When the consciousness of the Canglong universe is completely synchronized with all the universes in a Heiqiang universe, then not only will these universes not have a repulsive force against the civilization of the Canglong universe, but even the entire Heiqiang world will be in the strength of the black-canaed beings of the Canglong universe. There is an additive effect.

This point, Lin Fan is still very curious and looking forward to it.

It is also based on this that the Canglong Alliance has made that decision. Only the civilization of the original Canglong universe is left in the Kunsa world, and the civilizations of other universes will all migrate out.

Of course, such a decision will naturally have some opinions.

But I'm sorry, but you have to hold back any opinions and speak with strength.

Even if we accept your civilizations into the Canglong Alliance, it does not mean that we will listen to your opinions.


Everything is going according to plan.

In the blink of an eye, it has come to the year 937 of the federal calendar.

The migration of the entire Heiqiang world is a huge project. Even if the action is fast enough, the migration plan of Saiduo world alone has only completed 20% of it after decades, and it is still far from complete. Far from it.

However, the migration plan is a migration plan, which does not affect the original plan of the alliance.

In the black chamber space outside the Canglong universe, hundreds of legions have been assembled, and the huge fleet is directly spread over the distance of several black chamber units, which makes the scalp numb.

At this moment, they are all waiting, waiting for the cross-border device in front to be activated, so as to embark on a new journey.

This is the cross-border device that was seized from the Terry Empire. It belongs to the first-generation test device of the Daxia Alliance. Even Luo Li doesn't know that there is a relic of a test field in the Canglong universe.

However, she did have the impression that she had arranged many teams to test in different black chambers, but she had not seriously cared about where each test field was.

After getting this device, Luo Li also improved it to the maximum extent within the allowable range of materials.

Now that he has crossed the black cavity world, it has been shortened from ten years to one year.

Although it is still far from the time when the peak of the Federation was once achieved, it could only be crossed in one day.

But for the current Canglong universe, this year is enough.

As long as the exit is not randomly opened at the door of other people's house, then even if the other party finds the cross-border passage, the backward black cavity engine alone will not be able to arrive within a year.

Security has been guaranteed to some extent.

"Start the cross-border device and calibrate the Dole Realm!"

"Yes, the cross-border device has been activated, it is running well, and the Dole Realm is being calibrated!"

"Calibrated, failed to detect contactable crossover device, changed to fuzzy lock!"

"Locked, activate the cross-border channel!"

"The cross-border channel has been activated!"

In the bridge, following Lin Fan's order, reports sounded one after another.

And after the last report, the cross-border channel has been opened.

"Order the fleet to set off in sequence according to the original plan!"

"Yes, Marshal!"


At the same time, Dole Realm.

Black Holy See headquarters.

"Sir Pope, there is a change in the canon!"

A cardinal came to Pope Turner with a very anxious tone.

"What kind of change?"

"Invasion warning! Civilizations outside the world are invading the Dole world!"


"It is located near the Crusader's garrison of the Third Holy See. If the Crusaders there set off immediately, they can reach the invasion point in about a year!"

"The Crusader of the Third Holy See... Cardinal Velos?"

"Yes, His Excellency Pope!"

"Well, send the order to the Archbishop of Velos, and immediately lead all the Crusaders under his command to the invasion point, set up a defense line, and dispatch all the Crusaders nearby to support!"

"Yes, His Excellency Pope!"

After nodding, Bishop Ziyi withdrew.

Speaking of which, the White Holy See has always used the temple as a weapon to hide, and will never take it out until a critical moment.

However, they don't know that in fact this scripture has many functions.

For example, at this moment, it is one of its functions to issue a warning of the invasion of an alien civilization to the Black Holy See.

After all, this is one of the strongest forces in the current black cavity space...

The highest technology crystallization product of the Black and White Holy See

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