The Strongest Interstellar Commander

Fifty-two the only way of life

Before you know it, the time has come to the end of the 59th year of the Federation.

During this period, all the old types of ships have been discontinued, and replaced by Snow Leopard-class battlecruisers and Sky-class aircraft carriers, these two types of ships will be the main components of the federal fleet in the future.

As for the Qiong-class aircraft carrier, it was finalized and started production two months ago, and its performance has been greatly improved compared to the old-style aircraft carrier.

【Sky-class air carrier】

Level: Air Carrier

Tonnage: 3.8 million tons

Hull size: 1525 meters long, 585 meters wide and 395 meters high

Armor thickness: 25 meters

Close-up weapons: rapid-fire electromagnetic catapult, quantity 256

Other Weapons: Multipurpose Missile Silo, Quantity 256

Defensive Device: First Generation Energy Shield

Main energy source: first generation nuclear fusion reactor

Carrier Aircraft: Scout, Quantity 5 | Assault Ship, Quantity 20 | Mecha, Quantity 2000

Sublight engine: 5000KM/S

Superluminal engine: 585 times the speed of light (the first generation of curvature engine)

Number of occupants: 4258

Compared with the old-fashioned aircraft carrier, the carrier-based aircraft load of the Qiong-class has been directly doubled, reaching 2,000 mechas, which can be described as a significant improvement.

During these three months, the Federation produced 6,000 Snow Leopard-class battlecruisers and 700 Sky-class aircraft carriers.

Among them, Liang Xingchen only had to go to 1,000 battle cruisers and 100 aircraft carriers to replace the guard fleet of the Fourth Fleet, and the remaining quota was directly given to the First Fleet.

Even Lin Fan's vehicle, the Uranus, was pulled over for major changes. Today's combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of the Snow Leopard-class battle cruiser.

So the First Fleet now has 6,000 old warships of various types and 5,600 new warships. If you want to talk about strength, it can definitely be comparable to at least 3 of the Fourth Fleet, which were once full.

On the other side of the asteroid belt, in a huge starport in Jupiter's orbit, as the Federation fleet continues to grow in strength.

Adams was looking at the order of the Imperial Army just sent by his subordinates.

This order was both expected and unexpected.

First of all, because of the death of the ninth prince of Doron, the entire third legion of the guards was convicted, which was expected by Adams.

Secondly, considering the illustrious military exploits of the Third Army of the Guards, as well as the request in the Adams report, Emperor Miraro gave the Third Army of the Guards a chance to attack mankind with the last of its forces, and no retreat was allowed!

If the human beings are successfully captured, only Adams will be executed, and the rest will be exonerated. If the human beings cannot be captured, then all the members of the Third Praetorian Guard will die on the battlefield with the honor of being a soldier.

After Adams read the order, he sighed deeply. He understood that this was the best result.

"Adjutant, I want to speak to the entire fleet, you have to ensure that the entire fleet, everyone hears!"

"Yes, I will arrange it immediately!"

Half an hour later, everyone in the entire Third Army of the Imperial Guard stopped what they were doing and gathered in each star port.

"Everyone from the Third Army of the Imperial Guard, first of all, I want to tell you one thing. During the war half a year ago, His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince was unfortunately killed."

The first sentence Adams said gave everyone a thunderbolt. The entire empire knew how the emperor of the empire spoiled the ninth prince.

Now that the ninth prince has died under the battle of the third army of the imperial guards, you don't have to think about how the tyrannical emperor will punish them!

Everyone's faces suddenly turned pale.

"Six months ago, when I reported the matter of the ninth prince to Your Majesty, I asked His Majesty to execute me alone and spare everyone in the Third Army of the Imperial Guard! Today, an order from the Imperial Capital arrived!"

"His Majesty ordered our legion to attack in full,

In a decisive battle with human beings, if we win, then I will be executed, and the rest will be forgiven! If you lose, everyone will die on the battlefield with the pride of the imperial soldiers! "

"This is your only way to survive!"

When Adams' last sentence fell, all the star ports were silent without exception!

Then the eyes of all the Ox people gradually became blood red, full of murderous intent!

That's right, what Commander Adams said is right, this is what Commander Adams finally asked for us, the only way out!

Gradually, the rhythmic shouts of the Orks resounded in every star port!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!!!"

"Now I order, everyone is ready to fight, we will launch a decisive charge against humanity tomorrow! Either win! Or die!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!!!"


The next day, in Lin Fan's office.

Emma was standing straight in front of Lin Fan's desk. This was the first time Emma had come face to face with Lin Fan since she came to the First Fleet.

If it wasn't for Liang Xue's collusion with Chief of Staff Will, who ordered Emma to go to Lin Fan's side to report on the work of the staff, how long would this girl be stubborn!

Well, according to Emma's original idea, at least he had to be a general before seeing Lin Fan, which shows how proud he is!

"How is it, have you gotten used to it after three months?"


It was fine when she disappeared, but when she actually saw Lin Fan, Emma suddenly became at a loss.

"Don't let me be mine, am I so terrible that you hide for three months without seeing me?"

"No, it's because..."

"Tell me, why? You're a lieutenant after all. What do you look like?"

"Yes, Commander! Because I feel that I am getting farther and farther away from you, I think at least after becoming a general..."


Just as Emma finished speaking, a burst of laughter came from the door of the office.

"Okay, why are you scaring her like this? And Emma, ​​too, after you become a general? How old are you then? Not everyone is like this pervert!"

"Hey, that's how you describe your husband? Perverted?"

Liang Xue walked in and closed the door, ignoring Lin Fan and looking directly at Emma.

"Sister Xue, I..."

"Didn't we agree that night, you are here now, why are you thinking about it again?"

"I don't feel like I'm getting farther and farther away from you now!"

"Heh, are you still afraid of this? How about the courage to fight back when you saw me in the academy?"

"Sister Xue, don't say it, I'm wrong!"

At this moment, Lin Fan's communicator rang, and when he saw it was Liang Xingchen, he picked it up immediately.

"Commander Liang!"

"Lin Fan, there is a change in Adams' side. We found his fleet in the asteroid belt and headed straight for our Mars base!"

"Commander Liang, are they all dispatched?"

"Yes! We have monitored 48,000 warships. Combined with the previous battle losses, it should be all."

"If that's the case, it's probably the second possibility I guessed at first."

When Liang Xingchen heard what Lin Fan said, he also remembered the two possibilities that Lin Fan said three months ago.

"The second possibility, that's really troublesome!"

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