The Strongest Interstellar Commander

Fifty-three Adams' Death Assault

Solar system, asteroid belt.

At this moment, more than 30,000 warships of the First and Fourth Fleet are advancing rapidly.

"Commander Liang, according to our current strength, it is not difficult to defeat Adams' nearly 50,000 warships. What is difficult is how to control our losses to a minimum!"

"According to the analysis, we are likely to face a group of desperadoes this time. They will not detour, will not retreat, and will not be concerned about the size of casualties. For such an army, any psychological tactics are ineffective."

"Therefore, how to win with the least loss on the premise of not being able to use psychological tactics to construct fleet tactics is our biggest problem today!"

Inside the Uranos bridge, Lin Fanzheng and Liang Xingchen had a video tactical meeting.

For the Federation, it is really not difficult to defeat Adams' fleet. After all, there are more than 6,000 new battleships in the first and fourth fleets. These are all battleships equipped with energy shields, and their firepower is extremely powerful!

But the opponent is likely to be a fleet that disregards casualties or even useless life and death, and can be regarded as a death squad to a large extent.

Perhaps in wars, death squads are not uncommon, but who has ever seen death squads even more numerous than their own troops combined?

At this level, the death squad is not a death squad, but a sharp knife hanging from the commander's head, which will be completely swallowed by the other side if it is not careful.

If you don't take precautions against this, I'm sorry, even if you win, the casualties will be huge.

"Lin Fan, you are right, do you have any ideas?"

"Well, it's not really a creative tactic, it's just a very ordinary beheading operation!"

"Oh? Let's hear it."

"Okay, my thoughts are..."

At the same time, at a distance of 5.5AU from the Federation Fleet, the Ox Empire guarded the Third Fleet.

"Commander, what are we going to do?"

"How to fight? A lifeless style of play, a rogue style of play!"

"Commander, what do you mean?"

"What I mean is, no matter what move Liang Xingchen makes, let's just say one word, reckless!"

After speaking, Adams looked at his adjutant and found that he didn't understand.

Also, this kind of play in his heart, to be honest, any commander in the empire will not be able to understand.

But what kind of fleet do you have now? It is a fleet that is not afraid of loss, will not retreat, and is even more fearless of death!

So what was impossible before has now become a reality!

"I don't understand, right? Let me give you an example!"

"Fighting in this asteroid belt is nothing more than such a routine, hide-search-preempt-attack!"

"Hiding means hiding your fleet as much as possible and not letting the enemy discover it! Then there is the search, which is to find the enemy's position under the premise of concealing yourself! Then there is the preemption, which simply means targeting the enemy's position or route of travel. Preemptively occupy the most favorable attacking position! The last is the attack!"

"This is the most correct tactical application in places like the asteroid belt. To put it more simply, it is to find ways to obtain victory with minimal casualties!"

"However, what is our current situation? We are now a full 48,000 death battleships! What does this mean? It means that we can break all the rules and play cards out of the way!"

"You're going to ambush me, right? Okay, I'll let you ambush! Wherever you ambush me, I'll just head over there! You want to ambush me in multiple directions, right? That's fine, I'll arrange a small fleet of them Turning to stop you, the battleship will be sent to you to shoot down, and my large army will go directly to one of the ambush directions, and kill you again! Even if I lose 20,000 battleships in order to kill your 10,000 battleships, I don’t care!”

"That's what I call deadly play,

Rogue play! "

This time the adjutant understood, the commander was treating the entire 48,000 warships as death squads, not caring about his own casualties, just to annihilate the enemy!

How did the previous tactics used by humans succeed?

Not all of them have used a lot of psychological warfare. The commander of the fleet takes into account the casualties. Once the casualties are considered, they will try to avoid the casualties. When you avoid the casualties as the human commander wants, you will be caught.

After all, this is the intention of the opposing commander, and you have already figured out how you will prepare to avoid casualties to the greatest extent possible, and when you follow the will of the human beings, failure will come.

Let’s just say that the first and second asteroid belt wars, no matter which one it was, if Adams had the absolute consciousness of today, then the Federation would have long since disappeared.

In human words, bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes. However, when the one who wears shoes also takes off his shoes, it is hard to say who wins and who loses in the end.


A day later, the 039 area of ​​the asteroid belt.

It's an empty area with few asteroids.

"Commander, a group of human battleships was found ahead, with a total of 25,000 ships, and Liang Xingchen's flagship was scanned!"

"Huh? No other enemies found in the surrounding airspace?"

"No, the area we are in is an open area, and there is no possibility of hiding warships!"

"Then press the whole fleet up and take him down! As long as you take down Liang Xingchen, you will take down half of the human federation!"


After a while, a full 48,000 battleships formed a cone formation, and charged towards the human fleet with murderous aura.

At this time, nearly 7,000 warships were quietly moored here, exactly 2AU away from the battlefield. It was the Ouranos and the 6,700 new warships drawn by the two fleets!

"Conical formation, to be honest, 48,000 lifeless warships form this formation is quite scary, full of attack power, but at the same time abandons the defense behind it!"

"It should be an open area for Adams to think that there is no need for defense behind it!"

"Well, you're right, but on the other hand, Adams didn't want to go back alive, win or die! So he won't waste his troops consolidating the rear, but will use all his troops on the cone striker !"

In the Ouranos, Lin Fan and Liang Xue were watching the real-time battlefield information from Liang Xingchen.

As can be seen from the tactical picture, the cone formed by Adams is an incomplete formation with only forwards. A full 43,000 warships form a cone, while Adams' flagship only carries 5,000 warships in the middle of the cone, completely exposed to the The rear of the cone array!

"It's time for us to act, lock the best raid coordinates, and distribute them to the fleet, the entire fleet's curvature engine starts!"

"Understood... the coordinates have been distributed, and the fleet's curvature engines have been activated!"



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