The Strongest Interstellar Commander

Nine hundred and seventy-fourth fierce battle in the rear

With the withdrawal of the Sun River Empire's fleet, the situation on the entire battlefield changed suddenly.

The alliance that was originally suppressed and beaten directly launched a comprehensive counterattack, and without the support of the empire, where are those 90th-order civilizations who are the opponents of the alliance.

A one-sided battle has begun!

At the same time, behind the super-clusters of galaxies in the Empire-controlled area, the war was also fierce.

However, it is different from the earliest days, when the empire was unprepared and unilaterally suppressed.

As more and more fleets were withdrawn from the front lines, the pressure on the Federation fleet also increased.

However, Lin Fan already had this situation, and he was not in a hurry. He still let the fleet withstand the pressure and attract more imperial fleets to return, thus creating fighter opportunities for the alliance army on the front line.

Grinlt supercluster, this is the headquarters of the Imperial Army.

Responsible for the offensive here is a dreadnought fleet attack group of the Federation, the number is only 5 billion, and the number of warships on the empire side has reached as many as 200 billion, and as time goes by, it is still increasing.

However, the 40-fold difference still left the Empire unable to take the Federal Fleet for a while.

The exile ray with a range of more than 100AU is simply an inexorable existence. Each attack can take away at least a few or even a dozen imperial battleships.

One after another, dark caves were continuously formed, directly sucking the surrounding battleships into them, and then disappearing.

Even the Sun River Empire, which is a super civilization, has never seen this kind of attack.

However, even if there is no solution, you have to rush forward, even if it is filled with human life!

If you can't even hold this supply, then even if the surrounding affiliated civilizations start to deliver immediately, the army will not be able to insist on their arrival.

"Commander Gloucester, you can't let the conventional fleet go on, it's just a death sentence!"

In the bridge, the adjutant took the casualty statistics and persuaded Gloucester.

If it takes human life to fill it, if you can rush up in the end, that's fine.

But what is the situation now?

The opponent can hit himself, and all defense methods are completely ineffective, and the imperial fleet cannot attack the opponent at all.

This is not a one-sided slaughter, what is that?

"No, the few supply bases we have left are all behind the defense line. If you give up the defense line now, have you thought about the consequences?"

"Until the Lieyang Fleet returns, it will never be allowed to retreat, even if it pays tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of warships for this, it will not refuse!"

It wasn't that Gloucester didn't know that the fleet under his command was being slaughtered, but that this defensive line was formed with great difficulty, and behind it were the few supply stations left in the army today.

If these are gone, then there is no need to wait for the subsidiary civilization to deliver the supplies. In just a few days, the entire imperial army will be finished!

"Report to the commander-in-chief, the Lieyang Fleet is back, and it is expected to arrive at the battlefield in five minutes!"

"Okay, great!"

After hearing the communication officer's report, Gloucester was also overjoyed.

This is really good news. Although the weapon used by the opponent is very incomprehensible, according to the expert analysis under his command, this is most likely an advanced application technology of the black cavity channel.

That is, a one-way and unprotected door is directly opened, so that the battleship is directly sucked into the black cavity.

After all, when the black cavity channel is opened, a tunnel-like channel will be formed in the black cavity space between the two points, so that the passing warships will not be eroded by the environment in the black cavity.

But the Federation's exile ray is different. It just opens a door, and the door is like a cliff. As long as you step out, you will fall directly into the abyss.

It is precisely because of this that the existing defense methods cannot play any role, because the exile ray itself is not an attack on the battleship, but uses the natural pulling force of the black cavity space to the internal matter of the universe, to the nearby matter. Just drag it all in.

The only thing that can resist this pulling force is the black cavity armor that is also filled with black cavity particles.

However, because the empire's black cavity armor technology is still immature and the coverage density is very small, it is still unknown how much defense it can play.

But according to the optimistic guess of experts, it should be able to resist 70% of the pulling force, and the remaining 30% can be offset by the power of the battleship itself.

In short, regardless of whether this speculation is reliable or not, the Lieyang Fleet is now Gloucester's last chance.

A few minutes later, after the arrival of 3 billion Sun-class warships, they immediately launched an assault on the Federation fleet under the order of Gloucester.

The rest of the conventional fleet, under the leadership of the Lieyang Fleet, started to advance again.

Soon, in just a few seconds, a new wave of attacks had arrived, and a large number of pitch-black holes appeared in the void again, with the number reaching billions.

However, what was not used before is that this time the pulling force from the black cavity space seems to have weakened a lot, and the Empire's Lieyang battleship has adjusted its power to the maximum...

Although it can still be pulled, it is very slow. After more than ten seconds, before the battleship can be dragged in, these lacquered black holes have begun to gradually disappear.

This time, the tragic situation of the previous attack did not appear. Most of the Lieyang battleships were carried down, except for a small number of battleships that were just at the entrance of the cave and were directly sucked away.

"It really works. Order the Lieyang Fleet, regardless of any cost, to immediately rush over to disrupt the opponent's array, and the regular fleet will arrive later!"

"Yes, Commander!"

After watching the entire Federation's offensive, Gloucester's confidence also increased greatly. As long as the Sun Fleet can rush in, then he has the confidence to take down the opposing fleet.


The third strike group of the Federal Dreadnought Fleet, inside the flagship bridge.

"Report Commander, the enemy has come up with a new fleet. Our attack just now had little effect. According to the analysis, it should be the Sun River Empire's Lieyang fleet, which uses the prototype of the black cavity armor technology. "

"Understood, according to the second stage of the operation, after locking the coordinates, immediately open the black cavity channel!"

Hearing such a news, Carroll, the commander of the third attack group, was not in a hurry and immediately ordered.

"Yes, Commander!"

At the same time, the Empire also discovered the movement of the Federal Fleet.

"Commander Gloucester, the enemy has not launched a new attack for a minute. According to our observations, the enemy fleet is closing the array."

"Close up the array, what is this for?"

"The report, according to its behavior analysis, is likely to be a retreat!"

"Inform the fleet, if the enemy wants to run, let them go, they can't catch up, and now, ensuring the safety of supplies is the top priority!"

"Yes, Commander!"

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