The Strongest Interstellar Commander

Nine hundred and seventy-five war of attrition, restart

Lin Fan knew that the black cavity armor could offset a large part of the pulling force caused by the collapse of the outer wall of the universe.

However, what he did not expect was that the empire had produced so many Lieyang-class battleships, even if they were only using the prototype of the black cavity armor technology.

As he said to Altra and Taroves, what he couldn't understand was, where did the Sun River Empire get such a large number of black cavity crystals?

However, the problem is not that big.

Even if it is impossible to directly use the raid from the rear and the main force in the front of the alliance to establish the victory according to the plan made before the war, the result will not change, but...

Changed from a one-stage operation to a three-phase operation, and it took a little more time.

"Speaking of which, the Gloucester side should think that the Federal Fleet was forced to retreat due to the pressure brought by the Lieyang Fleet?"

In the virtual conference room, Altra, who knew the three-stage battle plan, said with a relaxed smile, and Taroves on the side did the same.

"However, we can't be careless. Even if we destroy 80% of the supplies on the front line of the Sun River Empire, the remaining supplies are enough for them to fight with high intensity for a month. Once they jump over the wall, although we can still win the victory, but the loss will certainly not be. will be small!"

"Yes, we have to fight back to the central area of ​​​​the cosmos, which is Amlaise's lair, who knows what means he is hiding!"

After hearing Lin Fan's reminder, Altra nodded in agreement.

"Then let's discuss it. After Gloucester goes crazy, what should we do..."


Just as Lin Fan and the other three were discussing the follow-up operations, the federal fleet that raided the supergalaxies of the empire's logistics also left through the black cavity passage.

Except for those attached civilization cannon fodder on the front line, who are still fighting desperately, the war...

It seems that at this moment, it is over!

Finally got free Gloucester, and immediately began to deploy.

In each super galaxy cluster, at least 100 billion warships are mobilized, with every three warships as a unit, with the maximum distance of accurate observation as the radius, directly forming a void that covers every inch, purely composed of warships monitoring network.

These warships have only one mission, to observe the surrounding area around the clock. As long as the formation of the black cavity channel is found, it will be reported immediately, and then the base camp will send a fleet to destroy the channel before the enemy arrives through the channel.

Since the Federation now has a technology that makes it impossible to detect when opening the channel, then use the most primitive method, visual inspection!

Of course, the universe is impossible to observe visually, and can only be observed through the equipment on the battleship. If you want to observe without the influence of time, the observation range cannot be too large.

Therefore, the number of warships required will be very large.

Although in this way, the manually available troops are suddenly reduced by almost three trillion battleships, but this is very necessary.

Otherwise, when the next war starts, and the humans use this undetectable black channel, what if there is another wave of sneak attacks?


As Gloucester deploys it all,

The federal fleet, which he thought had retreated, was like a dagger, thrusting seven inches into the imperial army.

an hour later.


It rang again.

"what happened!"

Stepping into the bridge quickly, Gloucester shouted loudly.

He had just made the overall deployment and was about to take a break, and the alarm sounded before he left the bridge for a minute.

Did the alliance call over, or did the humans sneak attack there again?

Arguably it shouldn't, right?

There are still tens of billions of attached civilized cannon fodder warships on the alliance side, even if they all line up and wait to be shot, it will take several days!

And it's not right for humans to sneak attack again.

I have already used the most primitive method, and all the front-line super galaxy clusters have been monitored, and there is no chance of sneak attack at all, right?

In short, with all the doubts, Gloucester returned to the bridge again.

"The commander-in-chief is our affiliated civilization. All the affiliated civilizations adjacent to our front line have been attacked by human fleets. According to the comparison of the database, these raiding fleets are the human fleets that attacked our rear before!"

"That is to say, they did not retreat before, but used the black cavity channel to directly attack these affiliated civilizations!"

The adjutant ran to Gloucester, sweating profusely, reporting anxiously.

Although the Sun River Empire does not care whether these affiliated civilizations are destroyed, it depends on the situation.

At least...

Under the current situation, these affiliated civilizations are the lifeblood of the imperial army!

Before the dark energy crystal attrition war between the mainland and the Federation yields no results, sending supplies from these civilizations to the front line through the black cavity channel is the only safe and secure method.


Things are really big.


After hearing the adjutant's report, Gloucester was like being hit by a bolt from the blue. He almost collapsed, and only three words kept echoing in his mind.


All the situations were calculated and targeted deployments were made.

But in the end, the subsidiary civilization behind the front line was missed!

This time, the plan that wanted these affiliated civilizations to supply supplies to the front line through cosmic ocean currents completely went bankrupt.

No, it's not over yet, there's still a chance...

"Quick, contact the mainland immediately and report the current situation!"

"Yes, Commander Gloucester!"

Yes, there is still a least according to Gloucester, there is still a chance!

As long as the war of attrition of dark energy crystals launched by His Majesty is won, the channel for supplying supplies from the mainland to the front line can be reopened.

In terms of the current reserves of the empire, the probability of success is still quite large!

Clenching his fists, Gloucester kept saying this to himself.


The central area of ​​the universe, the sun and the empire, the imperial palace.

"Can't wait any longer, immediately launch a war of attrition against the alliance with dark energy crystals!"

"If they fight, the imperial reserves will be open without restrictions until this war of attrition ends. If the alliance does not fight, then send the supplies there!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After one of the guards responded, he immediately went down to convey the order.

And Amlaise looked at the intelligence minister, Harris.

"Harris, you go to Gallen to run again. To be honest, I still lack confidence in this war of attrition. You can think of a way to tell Gallen how powerful it is, and let it support us with some black-colored crystals. !"

"Yes, Your Majesty, I'll go right now!"

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