"Okay, we should go."

After confirming Luo Xiaoman’s identity, Xuan Youlin didn’t want to continue this topic, saying: “With our feet, starting from Qinhuai City to Xuanzong’s mountain gate, it will take one day at the earliest. In addition, we will be on the way. Qingyang Town rested for a while before continuing on the road."

Luo Xiaoman and Mo Yuan looked at each other and knew each other's thoughts without words.

The contribution point should be a rule formulated after Xuanzong took over the Wild Ancient Beast Forest to facilitate management. As for how to obtain this contribution point, Luo Xiaoman also faintly guessed something in his heart.

At present, Xuanzong has lost many disciples. Even the elders and deacons have also lost several. In order to awaken Xuanming You Snake, they will definitely collect evil evildoers.

In other words, this contribution point will definitely be linked to evil.

Oh, on the surface, there is a matter of acting for the heavens, but inside it is the wicked faction. This is the so-called decent sect.



When Luo Xiaoman and her group came out of the Holy Academy, fiery eyes fell on her.

If the look in his eyes can burn people to death, it is estimated that Luo Xiaoman has now turned into fly ash.

"Oh, are you here to send me off?" Luo Xiaoman waved to the crowd with a smile on his face, making everyone want to go up and beat them.

How could they come to send her off!

They are just here to send off Lord Envoy and Elder Xiao, don't be affectionate!

"Wow, brother Baiyan!" At this moment, a red-haired man squeezed out of the crowd and rushed towards Luo Xiaoman.

The corners of Luo Xiaoman's eyebrows raised, and he saw the red-haired man rushing over, suddenly Zhi Wu.

"I'm your fan!" Zhi Wu stood in front of Luo Xiaoman, grabbing her hand excitedly.

Suddenly, Mo Yuan, who was next to him, looked over, making Zhi Wu shiver, as if he had touched a hot taro, he immediately let go.

"Ahem, that... your arrogance and your domineering are all things I want to learn." As he said, he glanced at Mo Yuan from the corner of his eye and said awkwardly.

Scared to death!

If you didn't let go quickly, it is estimated that his hand will be chopped off by him!

At this moment, everyone was stunned, looking at Zhi Wu in disbelief!

They didn't expect that someone would be a fan of this dude!

and many more!

Isn't this the famous little overlord of the Holy Academy?

In this way, they seemed to understand why Zhi Dance would pursue Luo Xiaoman because they were all the same.

"And me!" At this moment, another wretched man squeezed out of the crowd and hurriedly rushed to Luo Xiaoman, "I am your fan too! This is made by myself. Guazi, you must accept it."

"I'm your fan too!!"

As fans appeared one after another, everyone was already in a state of crashing.

In addition to Zhi Wu, there is Lin Sanxing, and everyone else is Luo Xiaoman.


It’s unbelievable that Qinhuai City’s heroes’ followers are all chasing after this dude, right?

"Hahaha!" Luo Xiaoman smiled triumphantly, moved in his heart, these guys are here to see him off specially.

In order not to expose themselves, they are self-proclaimed by fans and fooled others perfectly.

At the same time, she noticed that when Zhi Wu held her hand just now, she had stuffed a ring. If she guessed correctly, this must be some gift prepared by others for her.

As for Lin Sanxing, his melon seeds are undoubtedly the best gift.

Ling Yan and Chen Muyu didn't prepare anything, but sent a sincere blessing.

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