The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1001: Simple Qingyang Town!

"It seems that I haven't come in vain this trip, and I can still gain a few fans." She raised her hand, patted Zhi Wu's shoulder, and said heartily: "When I come back from Xuanzong, you must have a big meal ."

"Okay, that's it!" Zhi Wu nodded heavily.

"We should go!" At this moment, Xuan Youlin walked over without doubting Zhi Wu's motives.

After all, in this world, the weak eats the strong, and the strong is respected. As long as you have enough strength, you can be more arrogant!

In his eyes, Zhi Wu and them are just worshipping the strong, nothing more!

"Okay, I have to go! The little fans are waiting for me to come back!" Luo Xiaoman smiled, and then waved goodbye to these little fans, Yiyi.

"This **** still has fans!? The most ridiculous thing is that these fans are Miss Luo's followers."

"Hey, the world is getting worse, this day is about to change!"

This day is indeed going to change, but it becomes only Xuanzong's heaven!

At this moment, everyone stopped paying attention to Luo Xiaoman and went to bid farewell to Lan Xi.

Although they were angry with Luo Xiaoman, they admired Lan Xi.

Under such a crazy blow, this man has been holding on for ten rounds without falling down. He is really tenacious.

For this kind of undead spirit, it deserves their respect!

Soon, Xuan Youlin and his party walked out of Qinhuai City.

Zhi Wu, Lin Sanxing, Chen Muyu, Ling Yan and others stood on the city wall and watched Luo Xiaoman leave.

On the other side of them, Luo Qingyi and Luo Qinghen had been waiting for a long time.

Their eyes were hot, staring at Luo Xiaoman's figure as they drifted away.

"Hey, Xiaoman just left." Luo Qinghen pursed his lips and said with a look of dismay, "I don't know if she can come back safely."

"Qinghen, what are you talking about?" Luo Qingyi squinted at Luo Qinghen and said faintly, "Xiaoman, don't do things that are uncertain."

"Also, can't we enter the Spirit Medicine Garden and the Lingbao Pavilion? At that time, we will be able to contact Xiaoman through seniors."

"Yeah!" Luo Qinghen's eyes lit up, and he said in surprise: "I almost forgot about this. However, the predecessor has never shown his face and doesn't know what he looks like? Listening to his tone, he should be an old man, right? "

Just as he said this, a certain kid wearing a bellyband and bare **** was picking his **** and playing with a round little thing.

"Let's go, let's not waste time." Luo Qingyi squinted his eyes and said in a deep voice, "From now on, I must hurry up and refine the Xuantian Blasting Yuan Dan as soon as possible."

"Well, I also want to refine Luo Sheng's triple gate as soon as possible! However, the material is still lacking now, and I have to exploit Elder Xia Lin later."



Qingyang Town is a small town with simple folk customs.

Xuan Youlin and his party rushed for a long time and finally came to this small town.

They are going to choose any restaurant, eat something, and take a break.

"Sister, do you want to come to my house for dinner?" Suddenly, a child ran up and said to Luo Xiaoman with a smile: "My food is delicious!"

Luo Xiaoman's expression was startled, she already felt puzzled glances over.

"Little friend, I am a brother, not a sister, understand?" She knelt down and touched the child's head.

"Huh? No, I'm sorry, my elder brother is too beautiful, and he admits it wrong." The child said awkwardly.

"Oh, a man looks even more beautiful than a woman, so it's no wonder that people admit their mistakes." Lianhua squinted and said mockingly.

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