"Tsk, sister Lianhua, are you jealous? A man looks even better than you!" Luo Xiaoman raised his eyebrows and went back strongly.

"What are you talking about?!" Lianhua's pupils shrank and stared at Luo Xiaoman angrily.

"Tsk tsk, is this annoyed into anger?" Luo Xiaoman shook his head and continued to frustrate.

"Okay." Xuan Youlin shook his head, but came out to complete the game, "Let's eat something here, take a rest, and then set off back to Xuanzong."

"Xiaobao, come back soon!" At this moment, the shopkeeper of the hotel hurriedly walked out, pulled the child away, and apologized: "Sorry, the dog just offended you."

After speaking, he stared at the child, "Go to your mother, I won't give you food tonight."

"Oh..." Xiao Bao pouted and said grievously.

"Hurry up?"

Immediately, Xiao Bao rushed away.

"The shopkeeper, Tong Yan Wuji, don't need to blame it." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Hehe, thank you for a large number of guest officials. By the way, are you on the top or stay in a store?" the shopkeeper asked.

"Take the tip."

"Okay, please come with me!"

As the shopkeeper walked into the restaurant, Luo Xiaoman waved his hand and said, "Come on, bring me the best food in your store."

Xiao Chen was dissatisfied with her style.

After all, their Xuanzong is a decent and upright sect. As a disciple, how can they be so arrogant?

On the contrary, Xuan Youlin was very calm and didn't have any opinion on Luo Xiaoman's style. Instead, he felt that this was his true temperament.

"Okay, I'll let the kitchen prepare for you right away." The shopkeeper said quickly.

"Well, hurry up, I have money."

"for sure!"

Then, Luo Xiaoman grabbed Mo Yuan, sat down, and said to Xuan Youlin and Xiao Chen: "My Envoy, Elder Xiao, Qingyang Town is behind, but the food here is okay."

"Oh? Do you have research?" Xuan Youlin raised an eyebrow and asked curiously.

"Of course! I walked through Qingyang Town when I came out of the family, and I ate something here. I have a little understanding."

Xuan Youlin understood it, and immediately raised his hand to hold the tea cup, and the lotus next to him immediately poured a cup of tea for him.

He didn't drink, but casually played with the teacup, "It seems that the Bai family is nearby, right?"

"My messenger, are you arguing about me?" Luo Xiaoman raised his eyebrows, and said calmly: "Sorry, everything I can say is not a secret. You must figure out the position of the Bai family from what you just said. Is impossible."

The Bai family of Qicheng said that they made their fortune in Qicheng, but their real stronghold was not in Qicheng.

Many people want to find the location of the Bai family, but they basically return to nothing, let alone hold the Bai family's thigh.

"What's your attitude?" Lianhua frowned, staring at Luo Xiaoman with a cold face, "Sir, if you want to ask where your family is, you should answer truthfully! No matter which force it is, you must only look at the head of the Cang Horse! "

Oh, it's getting up!

Luo Xiaoman was contemptuous in her heart. She guessed that the reason why Lotus was accepted as a disciple by Xuan Youlin was more for cultivation purposes. To put it bluntly, it was a tool.

"Lotus." Xuan Youlin squinted his eyes, and the tea cup in his hand clicked, put it back on the table, and said in a deep voice, "The status of the Bai family is not something you can make irresponsible remarks as a junior. They have inherited it. The thousand-year-old family has a profound background, and few forces can compare it."

"My Envoy, it is Lianhua who is reckless." Lianhua quickly bowed her head and said with a humble expression.

Xuan Youlin shook his head, then glanced at Luo Xiaoman, and said lightly: "Baiyan, the disciple is rude, please don't worry."

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