"Don't worry, Master Xiaoye has a lot and won't care about a woman." Luo Xiaoman said from his mouth, but stared coldly at Lianhua.

Lianhua felt Luo Xiaoman's cold eyes and couldn't help but glance at her.

Unexpectedly, in front of Xuan Youlin, this guy could still be so arrogant, people didn't think he was a disciple of Xuanzong, but a person of equal status to Xuan Youlin.

Lan Xi, who was beside him, kept watching in silence, frowning, and he couldn't understand Luo Xiaoman's style. This was really deceptive.

Thinking of becoming a disciple with such a fellow, he felt a headache.

"Oh, it seems that we have just arrived here, someone is coming to welcome us." Suddenly, Xuan Youlin narrowed his eyes and sneered.

As soon as his voice fell, silhouettes rushed in from the outside.

At the same time, I went to the shopkeeper of the back kitchen just now, but walked out fiercely with a big knife.

When all this happened, Luo Xiaoman and Mo Yuan exchanged glances, and silently stepped aside.

They can judge from the breath of these people that the other party is a demon!

But how did the evil spirit ambush here? Mo Yuan, the demon master, didn't receive any news!

"Oh, I didn't expect that we had hidden for so many years, but you found it!" The shopkeeper's sullen face said coldly.

Hiding for so long?

Luo Xiaoman frowned and thought, it seemed that these evil spirits were deserters who had defected from the evil spirits.

They hide in Qingyang Town, wanting to live the lives of ordinary people.

As a result, they met Xuan Youlin today and thought they had been discovered.

She smiled bitterly, and if they hadn't exposed, they might have escaped.

Mo Yuan glanced at Luo Xiaoman and seemed to be asking, are they going to make a move?

Luo Xiaoman shook his head. It's not time for them to take action now, it depends on Xuan Youlin's attitude to act.

"Oh, it seems that I was lucky enough to encounter the deserter of the evil spirit." Xuan Youlin hooked the corner of his lips and slowly stood up, the aura on his body gradually became bitter.

"Sir, do you need us to take action?" Luo Xiaoman asked with a turn of his eyes.

"No need!" Xuan Youlin shook his head and said in a deep voice, "I haven't taken any action for so many years, these guys dare to attack me."


An invisible force swelled out, and the weapons in the hands of many demons trembled, as if they were about to be sucked away.

Not only that, the surrounding vessels made of iron ore were also shaking, and Xiang Xuan Youlin moved little by little.

"What's the situation?" The shopkeeper's face was shocked, and then he held the big knife with both hands, trying to stabilize it.

"Humph!" Xuan Youlin snorted coldly. This invisible force exploded, and the surrounding iron ore utensils, as well as everyone's weapons, were all drawn to his side.

These things continued to surround him, exuding cold killing intent.

"How could this be?" The demons were dumbfounded, and they didn't expect their weapons to be taken away like this.

"Let's go, don't give him time to accumulate energy!"

For a while, many evil spirits abandoned their weapons and attacked Xuan Youlin with their bare hands.

"I don't know what I can do!" Xuan Youlin's eyes sank, and the weapon surrounding him shot out instantly.

The pupils of the evil spirits shrank, and they looked at these flying weapons with shock.

These weapons are coming so fiercely and densely that they simply can't escape.

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