The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1091: The old master of Xuanzong!

Nine layers of Yuan Ying period? !

Lan Xi had a bitter expression. It turned out that he and the other side are not only half a star, but a few levels away!

He was still thinking about working hard with others at the time, guessing that he would have nothing to do with them until he died!

Lan Xi sighed, feeling depressed. Whether it was Luo frivolous in the past or Bai Yan now, they were so tough.


This kind of talent determines how far we can go in the future.



In a stone forest somewhere in the misty mountains, Luo, who had been closing his eyes and rested, opened his eyes frivolously, revealing a look of vigilance.

She frowned, and when she moved her figure, she hid behind a huge boulder.

Soon, a figure came over from the stone forest in front.

Unlike other immortals, this person's aura is much weaker, just like a mortal.

With a move, Luo frivolous figure rushed out from behind the huge boulder, pinched this person's neck and pressed it heavily to the ground.


"Are you the Sect Master of Xuanzong, Huang Yangming?"

Luo Qingkuang frowned and looked at him suspiciously, "Why are you here?"

Huang Yangming?

Hearing this name, Lan Xi couldn't help being stunned, and looked at Luo Xiaoman next to him with a look of astonishment, "Isn't this Xuanzong's previous Sect Master?"

"Yeah." Luo Xiaoman nodded, although her expression was very indifferent, there was a bit of bitterness in her eyes.

Seeing this coldness, Lan Xi's heart tightened. It seems that something bad happened here that year that made Bai Yan resent Xuanzong so much.

"Crazy god, I'm here to help you." Huang Yangming said nervously: "They all say that you are the devil, the chief culprit in the misty fairy world. However, I can't agree with you. There must be something here. There is another secret!"

"Oh? Do you really think so?" Luo frivolously raised his eyebrows, then let go of Huang Yangming, and said lightly: "Heh, they discredited me as a female devil who wreaks havoc on the Three Realms and the Six Realms, but she can just seize the fantasy. Quit."

"I can't think of you as a mortal, but it's really rare to see the tricks in it."

"Crazy god, although my strength is very weak, I can't help much, but I know the way out of the misty mountain range." Huang Yangming frowned, and said firmly with a face: "I can take you away from the misty mountain range. When the time comes. , They can't catch you either."

Luo Qingkuan frowned slightly and stared at Huang Yangming deeply, "You are a mortal, really know the way out of Misty Mountains?"

"I know." Huang Yangming nodded heavily, and said solemnly: "When I came, I happened to be in a position of way out. Perhaps, it was God who asked me to help the madness."

"Okay!" Luo nodded frivolously, and then said: "As long as you can help me get out of the misty mountains, I will be rewarded."

"Thank you for being frivolous!" Huang Yangming's eyes lit up and he quickly thanked him.

Seeing this, Luo frivolously relaxed a little vigilance.

"Lead the way!"


Next, Huang Yangming led the way, and Luo followed frivolously.

Seeing the two of them drifting away, Lan Xi frowned and looked at Luo Xiaoman with a puzzled look, "Bai Yan, this..."

"Let's go on." Luo Xiaoman shook his head, too lazy to explain, and then quickly followed.

Lan Xi sighed. He knew that Xuanzong's previous Sect Master must have deceived Luo Qingkang, otherwise it would be impossible to have today's resentment.

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