Along the way, Huang Yangming was like a leader who was very familiar with the terrain, leading Luo frivolous around many dangerous places.

When he got here, Luo frivolously relaxed his vigilance a lot.

"Sect Master Huang, your current realm is already empty, right?" Suddenly, Luo asked lightly.

"Crazy and wise eyes, I am indeed still a layer of illusion." Huang Yangming sighed and said helplessly: "It's just that I can only stop here in my life."

"Your path is definitely more than this." Luo frivolously hooked the corners of his lips, raised his hand, took out a pill, and handed it over. "This is the Pill of Voidness, which can raise you to a level. Not only that, it can also wash your meridians and make you reborn."

"At that time, as long as you persist in cultivating, you can also become ascended!"

"Thank you for being so frivolous!" Huang Yangming's eyes lit up, and he thanked him again and again excitedly, "I thought I would end here, and I didn't expect to have such a chance."

"You are a kind person, this is what you deserve." Luo frivolously curled the corners of his lips and smiled lightly.

"Crazy god, don't worry, when I go back, I will explain to you that you are not a female devil who has troubled the Three Realms and Six Ways." Huang Yangming said firmly.

Luo Qingkuang shook his head and said dismissively: "It doesn't matter. No matter how you explain it, you won't be able to smooth out their greed!"

After all, they came for the phantom ring from the beginning, saying that she was the female devil who wreaked havoc on the Three Realms and Six Ways, but it was just a high-sounding reason for their greed!

"Anyway, I want to try!"

"Thank you."

Luo frivolous was touched in his heart. He did not expect that after many immortals showed greedy fangs to him, some people chose to believe in and support themselves.

Even if this person's strength is very weak, but this kindness can definitely make him go further!

"Crazy and immortal, the way out is ahead. As long as you step into that circle, you can teleport out."

"it is good."

Luo nodded frivolously, then glanced at the circle, and walked over.

At this time, both Luo Xiaoman and Lan Xi watched Luo frivolously walking towards that circle.

Not only Luo Xiaoman, but even Lan Xi can see that this circle is definitely tricky.

However, they can only act as a bystander now and cannot interfere.

"Crazy god!"

Luo Qingkang was startled slightly, then turned around and looked at Huang Yangming.

"I believe you!"

"Yeah." Luo nodded frivolously, then turned around and stepped into the circle.

However, it was this step that completely shattered her inner persistence.


Everything around has changed.

Luo Qingkuang frowned and realized that something was wrong.

"Crazy god." At this moment, Huang Yangming's voice came over again, but there was a hint of sarcasm, "You are really simple and cute!"

Luo frivolous mind tightened, he turned around abruptly, and saw Huang Yangming, who was originally kind, showing a hideous look. "What do you mean?"

"Hahaha, don't you understand? I've been lying to you since just now. You are a devil who messes with the Three Realms and Six Paths, you are really a lie!"

Hearing this, Luo frivolously became angry!

She snorted and rushed towards Huang Yangming.

However, a force pulled her back.

At the same time, beams of light entangled her limbs and neck!

At that moment, she was **** by five flowers and couldn't move.

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