The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1093: Bone Eating Spirit Fire!

"How dare you lie to me!!"

Luo frivolous and beautiful eyes were full of angry flames. She gritted her teeth and struggled desperately, but she couldn't break free from the shackles of these five beams.

"Blame you for being so innocent!" Huang Yangming curled his lips and said mockingly: "That's right! Thank you for your virtual pill!"

As he said, he shook the virtual pill in his hand.

Looking at Huang Yangming's triumphant look, Luo Qingkuan wanted to smash this guy into pieces!

Unexpectedly, her trust was ruined so recklessly!

Buzzing! !

At this time, a buzzing blew up, and the surrounding changes finally stopped, only to see powerful figures appearing.

"Huang Yangming, you did a great job! After this time, you Xuanzong will be protected by the immortal world!"

"Thank you Jinpeng going to immortality!" Huang Yangming said respectfully.

"Hahaha, Luo frivolous, can't you think of it?" Jin Peng laughed wildly, staring contemptuously, "Now you are trapped by the net of heaven and earth, like a fish on a chopping board, let me kill!!"

Luo Qingkuang had a sullen face and stared at Jin Peng coldly, "You are a golden immortal anyhow, you are using such a sinister method!!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Hand over the phantom ring, otherwise I will definitely make you better than death."

"I want a magic ring, dream!!" Luo Qingkuan condensed his eyes deeply, his eyes sharp as electricity, "Even if I die, I won't hand over the magic ring."

"Very good! I like you being so hard-hearted." Jin Peng's eyes sank and he said loudly: "Dear immortals, let us entertain the frivolous gods!"

Suddenly, everyone's immortal origins revolved, and the heaven and earth nets were launched, through the five beams of light, torturing Luo frivolous.

Luo Qingkuan snorted, feeling that his body was gnawed by countless ants, stinging unbearable.

However, she was stunned and did not utter a painful grunt.

"God Jinpeng, this Luo frivolous is very tolerant." A fairy frowned, and said worriedly: "I'm afraid she will not hand over the magic ring if she really died."

Jin Peng squinted his eyes, dark in his heart, once the phantom ring recognized the master, unless the master voluntarily handed it over, it would be difficult for others to invade.

However, Luo's frivolous will is tough, and it will be impossible to let go for a while.

"Hmph, since she is so tough, don't blame us for being cruel."

"God Jinpeng..."

"Burn the soul with the bone-eroding spirit fire until she let go!"

When all the immortals heard him say this, they couldn't help taking a breath.

The bone-eroding spirit fire burns not only the flesh, but also the soul. The pain in it is unimaginable.

So far, they have not seen a fairy who can bear this kind of torture for more than half a day.

"Come!!" Jin Peng let out a low voice, then raised his hand and moved towards the sky.

Suddenly, a blue flame flew down and landed on the palm of his hand.

With the appearance of this blue flame, the surrounding air seemed to become cold.

Different from other flames, the Bone Destructive Spirit Fire is cold and flammable, giving people the feeling of debilitating and freezing cold.

"Luo frivolous, you should know what the Bone Eroding Spirit Fire means?" Jin Peng carried the Bone Eroding Spirit Fire and said coldly: "Now I'll give you a chance to hand over the magic ring."

"Heh, I still said that, want to phantom ring, dream!" Luo said firmly with a frivolous face.

"Okay! I'll see, how long can you be so stiff!!" Jin Peng's eyes flickered, and then the bone-eroding spirit fire was sent over.

Luo Qingkuan’s pupils shrank, and seeing the cold bone-eroding spirit fire invade, his soul trembled at this moment...

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