The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1122: Stop playing, solve him!

"Master, don't we take action yet?" Chi Chi frowned and said with a worried look: "I think the mouse can hold it three times at most!"

"Wow!" Da Bai frowned, also worried.

"Chi Chi, Da Bai, are you afraid that the mouse is gone and can't eat the melon seeds he made?" Luo Xiaoman squinted his eyes and saw through Chi Chi and Da Bai's mind.

Suddenly, Chi Chi looked embarrassed, cleared his throat, and said, "Little master, is my sister such a superficial bird? My sister is now half of his master at any rate, she has some feelings!"

"Ooooooo!" Dabai also had a serious face, meaning that the two of them had also fought side by side and were comrades-in-arms!

Luo Xiaoman shook his head without piercing them, and said lightly: "Chi Chi, didn't you find it?"

"Find what?" Chi Chi tilted his head and looked at Luo Xiaoman with a puzzled look.

"Is the mouse's spirit stronger now?" Luo Xiaoman curled his lips and smiled.

Chi Chi stunned suddenly, then glanced at Lin Sanxing, feeling that his spirit was indeed stronger than before.

Could it be...

She looked at Luo Xiaoman with a look of astonishment, "Little Master, you deliberately let the mouse go to let him take the opportunity to refine his body?"

"Not bad!" Luo Xiaoman nodded, turned the lollipop in his mouth, and said: "There is no method of refining the body, it is more effective than actual combat!"

"Devil Concubine, I really took it!" Zhong Li said suddenly, with a look of emotion: "You really don't miss any detail that is good for you!"

Ji Yuanxun, Fan Ma and the others also looked at Luo Xiaoman fieryly.

They felt that the more they came into contact with Luo Xiaoman, the more they could be convinced by her charm and the confidence to control everything!

"So that's it!" Xuan Youlin raised his eyebrows, his eyes sinking slightly, and said: "You actually use Xuanming You Snake as a body refining tool!"

Luo Xiaoman shrugged, and said dismissively: "So, you'd better fight quickly, are raising a tiger!"

"Hahahaha!!" Xuan Youlin laughed and had to say that this Luo Xiaoman is so interesting, compared to the opponents he had encountered before, he was much more interesting.

It's a pity that she is the murderer of her brother and the reincarnation of Luo frivolous, otherwise they might be able to become friends.

"Xuanming You Snake!" Xuan Youlin's smile stopped, and a pair of eyes showed a cold light, "Stop playing, quickly solve him!"

Xuan Ming You Snake was slightly startled, and then his eyes sank, his aura became more and more dignified, and his scales also exuded faint cold light!

Suddenly, the tail flicked, and with a sigh, it swept towards Lin Sanxing and the others!

Wherever the tail passed, there was a strong wind pressure, dust and smoke everywhere.

"Little Yanzi, get out of the way quickly!!" Lin Sanxing felt the power of this sweep, which was much stronger than before, and immediately pushed Ling Yan to Luo Xiaoman's side.

It's just that his body is now riddled with holes, and he is still in a state of recovery. It would be very difficult to catch such a strong attack!

"Hiss!!" Xuanmingyou snake neighed, but the scales on that tail suddenly bounced out, like sharp blades attached to it.

"Lying on the grass!" Lin Sanxing's eyes widened, and couldn't help but explode. "Would you like to be so shameless?!"

At the moment of his death, a figure stood in front of him, holding a big hammer in his hand, and slammed heavily towards Xuanming You Snake.

This hammer, with unparalleled power, fell to Xuanming You Snake like Mount Tai was pressing on the top!

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