The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1123: At least live longer than Qingcang!

boom! !

The biting energy swept across all directions, causing Luo Xiaoman to take a step back, while Xuanming You Snake remained in place, only the scales on the tail showed a white mark!

"So hard?!" Luo Xiaoman frowned, with a solemn expression. She just used the first form of the three forms of breaking the sky, and the power should not be underestimated. In the end, only one mark was left?

"Little Miss..."

"Mouse, you really have to retreat this time!" Luo Xiaoman interrupted Lin Sanxing and said in a deep voice.


As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Sanxing retreated to Zhong Li's side.

He didn't dare to pretend to be forced, otherwise, he would die miserably.

This Xuanmingyou snake is not a terrifying beast that he can fight against!

"Brother Mouse, you are great!!" Zhong Li patted Lin Sansheng on the shoulder, and praised: "You can stand up after suffering so many times, just look a little embarrassed!"

Lin Sanxing was taken aback, how did he feel that this sounds weird? It seems to be complimenting yourself, but it doesn't seem to be!

"Brother Mouse, I just bet you could take ten times!"

"I am fifteen times!!"

"You all underestimate Brother Mouse, I am countless times!!"

"Wait!" Lin Sanxing raised his hand, interrupted these guys, his mouth twitched, and said, "Are you acting as my sandbags? Huh? How many more can I get?"

Suddenly, Fan Ma and Ji Yuanxun smiled awkwardly, "Well, this is not a fight against Brother Mouse, no, you have confidence in your strength."

"Okay!" Lin Sansheng rolled his eyes, then took out a bag of melon seeds, and said angrily, "Next, you won't have your share of melon!"

"Brother Mouse, don't!"

"Brother Mouse, you are the most powerful and domineering! Please share!"

Da Bai and Chi Chi looked at each other, these guys are so calm, don't you know how terrifying Xuan Youlin and Xuanming You Snake are?

Little master, look, you are all to blame, these guys are taken away!

"Da Bai, come, let's also ask mice for some melon seeds!" Chi Chi turned his head, flapping his wings, and flew towards Lin Sanxing.

"Wow!!" Dabai yelled, and immediately followed.

For a moment, besides Luo Xiaoman, there was Ling Yan, everyone else stayed aside, nibbling on melon seeds, waiting for Luo Xiaoman's next performance!

They seem to have a blind confidence in Luo Xiaoman!

No matter how powerful the enemy is, as long as Luo Xiaoman does not escape, then there is a way to fight!

"Luo Xiaoman, you can withdraw." Xuan Youlin squinted his eyes and stared at Luo Xiaoman closely, and said: "You have a year to live. There is no need to be here for a group of unnecessary people. sacrifice."

With a bang!

Luo Xiaoman put the big hammer on the ground, flicked his horse's tail, and said indifferently: "Sorry, but I am the little demon king who dare not even accept Yan Wangye. If you want to say how long you can live, it must be longer than you hold the sky. "

Xuan Youlin squinted his eyes and stared at Luo Xiaoman coldly. This guy is really arrogant. No one can understand the curse that Supreme Immortal Venerable personally put down!

In other words, one year later, the nine-fold thunder robbery will definitely come down.

At that time, no matter where Luo Xiaoman hides, he will be turned into fly ash by the nine-fold thunder tribulation, and completely disappear from this world!


"Since you are not interested in asking yourself, then I will fulfill you!" Xuan Youlin squinted his eyes and said in a deep voice, "Xuanming You Snake, swallow her for me!"

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