At this time, Lan Xi was completely immersed in fighting against the demons, and had no time to take care of the outside world!

His heart demon didn't evolve overnight, but after so many years of obsession with his enemies, his mother, and his sister.

Now, this obsession finally broke out at this moment!

One can imagine how powerful this heart demon is!

If it weren't for Luo Xiaoman to watch by his side, Lan Xi would not have been able to fight against Heavenly Tribulation and Heart Demon at the same time.

No matter which one it is, he can't fight it now.

"Lan Xi, the other me, give up!" In the sea of ​​consciousness, Lan Xi's heart demon stared at him with a grim look, "As long as you become one with me, your strength will increase sharply to be able to withstand the catastrophe!! "

"At that time, you who have gained powerful strength will be above everyone."

"Go!" Lan Xi frowned, resisting the bewitching of the inner demon, and said: "If you have to abandon yourself, you can gain powerful strength. What's the point?"

"Hahaha, what does it mean to abandon yourself!" The demon laughed, and said with contempt: "You are just releasing the truest self in your heart."

"You have to know that everyone has another side hidden in their hearts. It's just that they have been suppressed for the so-called conscience. However, only this side of you is the truest self!"

"Didn't you find out? As long as you become one with me, you can become stronger. Doesn't it mean that you have been suppressing the strongest self?"

"Nonsense!!" Lan Xi gritted his teeth and supported it bitterly, but he found that the demon's demon was getting stronger and stronger, and he was in a very passive state.

He can't hold on!

"Give up resistance and be your truest self!!" Lan Xi's heart demon bewitched again and again, and that voice was like a Sanskrit sound, constantly impacting Lan Xin's psychological defense.

Lan Xi plopped and knelt down weakly, and saw the demons in front of him getting bigger and bigger, like a peak that could not be climbed, sticking in front of him.

"Mother, sister, I'm sorry!" Lan Xi's eyes were blurred, and the body in this sea of ​​consciousness began to become thinner. "Whether it is the past or the present, I am so useless. Perhaps, I am born a loser!"

"Yes! You are a loser! But as long as you and I are one, you will no longer be a loser."


"Of course! Don't forget, this world respects the strong, and the weak eats the strong. As long as you are strong enough, you will become the king among mortals!"

"Are you the king?" Lan Xi raised her eyes and looked at the demons blankly.

At this moment, the inner demon's figure is getting bigger and bigger, and his body is getting darker and darker. "As long as I become one with you, I can become the king and control my own destiny?"

"That's right!" Inner Demon's eyes flashed with crazy colors, "As long as you and I are one, you will have the strongest power, even this heavenly way will not kill you!"


Lan Xi closed her eyes and seemed to open up the line of defense to the heart demon, allowing them to merge with each other.

Seeing this, Lan Xi's heart demon was ecstatic.

After being suppressed for so long, he can finally become the master of this body! !

outside world.

Luo Xiaoman looked solemn and raised his eyes to look at the thunder in the sky, but his power was almost accumulated.

The third thunder is coming soon!

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