The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1138: The third thunder, Pro!

"The second thunder, we are so weak, this third thunder, isn't it sure to die?" Zhong Li frowned, his face full of worry.

He glanced at Lan Xi, gritted his teeth, and said, "We don't have to make such a big sacrifice for this guy, right?"

"Zhong Li, you can take other people to leave, it's okay." Luo Xiaoman squinted at him and said lightly: "Whether you want to help Lan Xi or not, it's your freedom. You can stay or leave!"

After speaking, everyone was silent!

"I listen to the little lady!" Ling Yan stood up and said firmly with a face: "The little lady is here, I am here!"

"Me too!" Lin Sansheng also stood up, looking at Ling Yan with scorching eyes, but it was Little Swallow who was there, he was there!

"None of us will leave!" At this time, many Xuanzong disciples also expressed their opinions. "Junior Brother Lan, after all, is our junior brother. Now Xuanzong is gone, and we are the only disciples left. We should be united."

Zhong Li looked at these people with a look of stunned expression. He didn't think that they were not afraid of death one by one, and chose to stay in order to support Lan Xi.

"I can understand your feelings. However, this is simply death!" He sighed and said helplessly.

"Zhong Li, it will be unknown until the last moment." Mo Yuan stood up, glanced at Luo Xiaoman, and said faintly: "Let's do our best!"

Zhong Li sighed. Now even the demon master says so, what else can he say?

"Come on, end the formation!" He shouted in a low voice, and then formed an inner barrier with the other demons, protecting Lan Xi again.

They can not advance and retreat with Lan Xi, but they must advance and retreat with the devil!

At the same time, Xuanzong disciples also formed an outer barrier, blocking the outermost.



Mo Yuan nodded, and then stood in front of Luo Xiaoman, holding Yan Prix diagonally, exuding a bitter power.

What he has to do now is to buy time for Luo Xiaoman!

Luo Xiaoman squinted his eyes slightly, holding a big hammer in both hands, with awe-inspiring aura, constantly mobilizing his true essence and flowing onto the big hammer.


Her clothes turned, her ink hair fluttered, and her overbearing power swept everyone's hearts.

They all felt that the ultimate move that Luo Xiaoman had brewed was very powerful.


In the sky, thunder flashed, and a domineering coercion came out, and everyone was panicked.

Everyone couldn't help swallowing their saliva, and they were apprehensive. The power of this third thunder is even more frightening than the second thunder!

"Here!" Mo Yuan's eyes sank, and with a roar, he saw a thunderbolt smashed down and turned into a howling flood dragon, rushing towards Lan Xi.

As soon as his figure moved, Yan Yu in his hand stabbed out suddenly.

In an instant, Yan Yu burst out with a suffocating air, like a roaring wild beast, rushing up.


The evil spirit and thunder collided, and the entanglement of the two broke out a strong energy, raging in all directions.

"Wow!!" Everyone exclaimed again and again, was shocked by surprise, and then quickly stabilized his figure, looking at the contest between Mo Yuan and Thunder with shocked expressions.

Mo Yuan's figure stood upright, even in the face of the terrible thunder, but not at all, his aura was even more domineering and tyrannical!

"The Demon Lord seems to be much stronger again!!"

"Awesome! If this continues, maybe the demon master can unlock the fourth seal!"

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