The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1139: I don't believe him, but believe you!

Many people in the evil spirits were extremely surprised. As the pressure of Thunder grew, it also stimulated Mo Yuan's potential to erupt, and his seal was also loosened to a certain extent.

However, Luo Xiaoman was not happy at all!

The more seals Mo Yuan unlocked, the closer he was to unlocking the ninth seal!

She didn't want to see Mo Yuan's self-disintegration in front of her when she unlocked the ninth seal!


At this moment, two more thunders fell from the sky and merged into the previous thunder.

With the integration of these two thunders, the power of thunder suddenly erupted and furiously rushed towards Mo Yuan.

Mo Yuan's heart tightened, Yan Prison in his hand was shaken out, but Thunder's remaining power was not reduced, and he slashed towards him.

"Three forms of breaking the dome, the first form, falling marks!" At the moment of the moment, Luo Xiaoman violently slammed over with a big hammer.

With a bang!

The sledge hammer smashed the thunder fiercely, and the scattered thunder, like a snake, raged toward everyone.

"Hold up, defend!!"

Lin Sanxing yelled violently, and quickly coordinated with others to resist the attack of these thunders.

Fortunately, the power of these thunderbolts is much weaker, otherwise their enchantment would simply be unstoppable!

However, this third thunderbolt is more than that!

Rumble! !

A huge Thunder Dragon head came out from the dark clouds, seeming to laugh at the person in the middle. The Thunder just now was just a temptation for himself.

However, it was such a temptation to make them so embarrassed, which is really ridiculous.

Luo Xiaoman's eyebrows were solemn, and he squinted Lan Xi's side, and found that this guy's situation was getting worse and worse, and some devilish energy appeared on his body.

"Child Lan Xi, you won't let me down, will you?" She frowned and said solemnly: "Otherwise, when I was in the nine-story Linglong Tower, I should kill you!"

Once Lan Xi's heart is demonized, her strength will be greatly improved. It is estimated that the people they are present together are not opponents!

In this world, there are only two kinds of aliens who are the most powerful.

However, even though these two anomalies are not accepted by Heaven, they have great strength!

"Xiaoman!" Mo Yuan walked over and raised his hand, but he summoned the Liuli Guqin.

However, he was not aiming at Thunder, but Lan Xi!

"Yuan, wait!" Luo Xiaoman frowned, and said solemnly: "I believe Lan Xi is not a person with such an unsteady mind."

Mo Yuan frowned, nodded immediately, and put away the Liuli Guqin.

He doesn't believe in Lan Xi, but he believes in Xiaoman!

Boom! !

At this moment, the thunder dragon head roared in the sky, slashing sharply with a powerful force.


Luo Xiaoman yelled violently, and suddenly a light curtain lit up, covering all of them.


Lei Ting smashed on this light curtain, bursting out a strong impact, shaking the entire Xuanzong Mountain Gate.

"Master, I'm here!!" Xiaoling cheered, and ran over, "I have finished debugging and controlled the mountain protection formation in this space to maximize the power."

"Okay!" Luo Xiaoman nodded, raised his eyes and glanced at the thunder that was blocked outside. The timing was just right. If Xiaoling waits a little longer, it is estimated that they will all be annihilated by this thunder.

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