The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1167: You are so important!

When Chen Muyu stepped into the Frost Land, a biting icy cold invaded swiftly, coupled with her body that had just been burned, the two kinds of pain came together, causing her to stagger and almost fell to the ground.

However, she still gritted her teeth and held it!

"Mu Yu, get out soon!!" Luo Qingyi's eyes were red, and he, who was originally elegant, became crazy at this moment: "Don't be stupid, it's not worth it!"

Chen Muyu pursed his chapped lips and smiled weakly. Those eyes were so clear and firm: "Before, I always wanted to get close to you, but I didn't have the courage to take that step. Now, I don't want to let it go anymore. I regret it."

Luo Qingyi was startled slightly, his heart seemed to be gripped tightly by a hand, out of breath!

Only then did he understand that Chen Muyu already had such an important position in his mind!

But why didn't he realize earlier?

"Tsk tusk, really infatuated!" Lianhua curled her lips, fiddled with her hair, and said mockingly: "But if you don't hurry up, Luo Qingyi will fall off and be tied into a hedgehog."

Chen Muyu raised his eyes and saw that the rope had been burned to the point, and it would burn in less than a quarter of an hour.

At that time, Luo Qingyi will fall from mid-air and be pierced by countless sharp soil thorns!

"Ah!!!" Chen Muyu let out a low growl, suddenly lifted his heavy steps, trying to speed up and walk out of the frosty land.

However, she found that her body had begun to lose consciousness.

"Lotus, stop me!!!" Luo Qingyi stared at the lotus fiercely, like a beast, and roared: "I want to kill you!!"

"Tsing Yi, you should save some time." Lianhua squinted at him and sneered: "You should feel honored to have such a woman die for you."


At this moment, Chen Muyu finally couldn't hold on, and fell to the ground feebly.

Her pupils gradually enlarged, and the breath on her body gradually faded...

"No!!" Luo Qingyi stared at the scene with horror. "Mu Yu, you wake up soon!"

"Tsing Yi, I'm sorry..." Chen Muyu murmured to himself, his eyes slowly closed.


At this moment, Luo Qingyi's body aroused a bitter power, and he broke free from the shackles abruptly, his eyes shone with scarlet colors.

"Big brother?!" Luo Qinghen looked at Luo Qingyi who was running away with a look of astonishment. This state gave him a very bad feeling.

"Zhiwu!!" Suddenly, Hu Yanxiu let out a low voice, and the long-simmering True Essence exploded, breaking the rope alive.

At the same time, the moment Zhi Wu broke the rope, he rushed towards Lianhua.

"Go to hell! You Baigoi!!!" Zhi Wu held a dagger in his hand, and the earthworm appeared behind him, rushing over aggressively.

Lotus's pupils shrank and hurriedly moved the four-color lotus platform in his hand. The red petals lit up, blocking Zhi Wu's.

However, when she had just moved the four-color lotus platform, a white figure attacked from the side.

"What!?" Lianhua's mind tightened, and he looked at Hu Yanxiu who flashed in amazement. This guy was not attacking himself, but... the four-color lotus platform!

"Break it to me!!" Hu Yanxiu stabbed out with a sword, shaking the four-color lotus platform in Lotus's hand.

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