The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1168: She is not afraid of death, so why am I?

As the four-color lotus platform was shaken off, the sea of ​​fire, frost, and soil thorns all disappeared.

"Mu Yu!!" Luo Qingyi fell on the ground, rushed to Chen Muyu for the first time, and hugged him up.

At this moment, only a trace of Chen Muyu's vitality remained, as if it would completely disappear in the next second.

"Shui Yuan!"

Luo Qingyi immediately called Shui Yuan out, and said anxiously: "At all costs, save her!"

Shui Yuan let out a cry, and then a blue brilliance radiated from his body, falling on Chen Muyu's body.

However, Chen Muyu's injury was too serious, and coupled with the loss of vitality, even if Shui Yuan could melt bones and fight for life and death, compared to Luo Qingyi's current strength, it was still too reluctant!

"Mu Yu, please, don't leave me!" Luo Qingyi tremblingly hugged Chen Muyu, while desperately giving her true essence to Shui Yuan, and doing her best to save her.

"Big brother, stop!" At this moment, Luo Qinghen was struggling and yelled anxiously: "You just broke through the confinement of the lotus, and the true essence has been disordered. Now you are so desperate to send the true essence out, you will Can't stand it!"

However, Luo Qingyi didn't care about it, still sending out his true essence recklessly.

Shui Yuan's white light became stronger and stronger, and it continued to blend into Chen Muyu's body.

Not long after, the scorching black on her body had faded and she was replaced with a layer of fair skin.

However, her vitality is still very weak!

"Not enough, not enough!" Luo Qingyi gritted his teeth, then took out a bottle of Blast Yuan Pill, and poured it into his mouth.

"Tsing Yi, are you crazy?!"

When everyone saw his behavior, their hearts trembled, and they said with horror: "You will die like this!!"

"Mu Yu is not afraid of death for me, so why should I be afraid?" Luo Qingyi's eyes flashed with a firm light, and said: "No matter how much the price is paid, I will save her back!!"


Suddenly, Luo Qingyi's pupils shrank, and the effect of the Explosive Yuan Pill was brought into play. The terrifying True Yuan raged across his body, constantly impacting his meridians.

For a time, his strength continued to improve, from the fifth level of the Dan Concentration Stage to the first level of the Nascent Infant Stage.

However, the consequence of this is to make his body full of holes. Once the effect is over, he will undoubtedly die!

"Mu Yu, you come back to me!!" Luo Qingyi let out a low voice, sending all the strength on his body to Shui Yuan.

Shui Yuan neighed, the power on his body vibrated, and the bright white light had already illuminated the entire city **** after breaking the temple, and then all merged into Chen Muyu's body.

As Luo Qingyi's strength passed, and his internal injuries got worse, his original black hair gradually turned silvery white.


A mouthful of blood came out, Luo Qingyi's expression languished, but the corners of his lips slightly rose.

He finally felt that Chen Muyu's vitality was recovering little by little.

However, his own vitality was also fading away little by little.

"Damn it!!" At this moment, the lotus rose up and grabbed the four-color lotus platform, exuding fierce power. "I will kill all of you!!"


The four-color lotus platform lit up again in four colors, and a murderous breath spread across everyone's hearts.

"Zhiwu!!" Hu Yanxiu frowned, then swung his long sword and attacked Lianhua.

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