Huh huh!

A series of soil thorns emerged from the ground, and madly extended towards Hu Yanxiu.

Hu Yanxiu's figure had a pause, and quickly changed his position to avoid the attacks of these soil thorns.

However, when he had just escaped the attack of these soil thorns, a flame of fire rolled over.

"Roar!!" At the moment of the moment, another flame rolled over, blocking this flame.

"Dare to bully my minor repairs and find death!!" Zhi Wu flew up, and with a movement of his mind, the soil worm passed through the flame and rushed towards the lotus.

Hu Yanxiu frowned and said coldly, "Zhi Wu, what did you just say?"

"Hahaha, minor repairs, don't be shy. You are the exclusive pair of masters!" Zhi Wu grinned, showing a mouthful of white teeth, very bright eyes.

Before Hu Yanxiu retorted, a piece of icy cold shrouded him, suppressing the flames of the soil worm.

"Ice Lion!!!" Hu Yanxiu frowned, and was too lazy to argue with Zhi Wu, and immediately summoned the ice lion.

Suddenly, ice cones were condensed by the ice lion, and they flew out suddenly, hitting this piece of ice.

"Minor repairs, come, use our kill!"

Hu Yanxiu was taken aback for a moment, and then he gave a cold snort, and the ice lion immediately exuded an icy breath.

At the same time, the flames on the soil worms also turned and became blazing, entangled with the ice-cold breath of the ice lion, and turned into a piece of steam, completely blocking the sight of the lotus!

Lianhua was startled suddenly, looking left and right, it was difficult to judge the position of Hu Yanxiu and Zhiwu.

Huh huh!

Suddenly, two daggers pierced the mist of steam and whirled sharply.

Lianhua's pupils shrank, and quickly avoided, but after such a avoidance, a long sword took the opportunity to stab him.

"What?!" Her mind tightened, she just wanted to resist, but found that this long sword was coming towards her four-color lotus platform. "Huh, I won't suffer the same loss twice!"

Suddenly, her eyes stunned, and the four-color lotus platform in her hand immediately exploded with power, shaking the long sword out.


Lianhua yelled, the four-color lotus platform erupted, and the steam was scattered, and the Luo Qinghen hidden in it, as well as Hu Yanxiu, were also shaken out.

"General No. 2, kill me!!" At this time, Luo Qinghen also broke free, staring at Lianhua with an angry expression.

It was this woman who made her elder brother so crazy!

If the eldest brother has any shortcomings, he must break this woman into pieces!

"Cannon fodder death squad, give it to me!!"

"Blasting thunder, change it!"

"Bump you into dregs!!"

Suddenly, Luo Qinghen lost his mind and threw out all his magic weapons, as if he didn't need money at all.

Even though Lotus was vigorous, she was shocked when she saw this battle.

"Block!!" She bit her teeth, and quickly took the four-color lotus platform out and hovered above her own heavenly spirit.

The next moment, the four petals of the four-color lotus platform lit up, condensing into a light curtain, protecting her.

Boom boom boom!

There was a violent blast, and the General Two, the cannon fodder death squad, and various magic weapon attacks all fell on this light curtain.

However, after such a terrifying impact, this light curtain turned out to be intact.

"Would you like to be so hard?!" Luo Qinghen's eyes widened, unable to think that his magic weapon would have no effect on this four-color lotus platform. "This is probably the sixth-rank magic weapon, or the best of the sixth-rank, otherwise it would be impossible to block one's attack."

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