The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1171: This time, you can't escape!

Luo Xiaoman squinted his eyes, a sharp cold glow flashed in his eyes, and then he stomped his feet suddenly, his hands burst out, and he yelled, "Break me!!"


Suddenly, the great hammer exploded and shattered the light curtain.

Lotus's pupils shrank and her face was pale, as if she couldn't believe that the defensive light curtain of the four-color lotus platform was shattered in this way.

With a bang!

The big hammer fell on the four-color lotus platform, and the overbearing force shattered this magic weapon.

"No!!!" Seeing the four-color lotus platform shattered, the lotus howled miserably, then watched the big hammer and slammed it down at him.

boom! ! !

A burst of noise exploded!

The terrifying energy vigorously shattered the entire city god's broken temple, completely turning into a ruin.

"Teacher Xiaoman, cowhide!!" Zhi Wu danced with excitement, and those eyes were full of admiration. They couldn't help the lotus flower just now. As a result, when the teacher Xiaoman made a move, it was a big deal.

Hu Yanxiu sighed, feeling bitter, he knew that the gap between himself and Luo Xiaoman was getting further and further away!

After a few days of absence, Luo Xiaoman's strength has improved a lot. Although the hammer just now was very angry, in fact, it only used 50% of her power.

However, with such a strength of 50%, it has crushed the four-color lotus platform, including the lotus.

"Xiaoman!!" Luo Qinghen ran over with red eyes.

"Don't come here!" Suddenly, Luo Xiaoman let out a low voice and raised his hand to stop Luo Qinghen. "The matter is not over yet."

what? !

Everyone looked blank.

They can be sure that under such a terrifying hammer, the lotus will definitely become a pool of flesh.

But why does Luo Xiaoman say that things are not over yet?

At this time, they noticed that Luo Xiaoman's eyes were staring at the dust in front of him.

Hu Yanxiu frowned slightly, then raised his hand and waved abruptly, but it dissipated the dust in front of him.

When the dust settled, a figure appeared in front of everyone.

"Qing Cang Right Envoy?!" Zhi Wu's pupils shrank and exclaimed, "He, why did he come?"

Xuan Youlin held the lotus flower in one hand, and the intact four-color lotus platform in the other, looking at Luo Xiaoman indifferently. "Hey, I didn't want to meet you so early, but I blamed this woman for failing."

He squinted his eyes at the dying lotus. If he hadn't come in time, he would have left a pool of fleshy mud.

In any case, the lotus flower is a white jade body, it is his own furnace tripod. It would be a shame if it died like this!

"Xuan Youlin, I didn't pay attention before and let you escape. But today, you can't escape anymore!" Luo Xiaoman's heart was burning with raging anger, and the lotus was able to come out and make a noise. reason.

If it weren't for him, Lianhua wouldn't have become so strong, and would come back to Qinhuai City to make trouble!

"Heh, Luo Xiaoman, your current strength is indeed very strong." Xuan Youlin curled his lips and said mockingly: "However, there are many people who are better than you!!"

"Kill you, enough!" Luo Xiaoman's figure moved, and Chao Xuan Youlin attacked.

Xuan Youlin squinted his eyes, and then sent out the four-color lotus platform.

For a while, the four petals of the four-color lotus platform lighted up at the same time, and the flames, ice cold, soil thorns, and darkness all appeared, and they attacked Luo Xiaoman together.

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