The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1172: Half immortal killer move!


Luo Xiaoman bit his teeth, brandished a big hammer, and smashed it hard.

There is no fancy action, only the purest burst of power!

As the saying goes, one force will drop ten guilds. In the face of absolute power, any attack is fancy and fragile!

Boom boom boom!

Sure enough, the power of the big hammer was unmatched, and these four attribute attacks were all shattered.

"Three styles of breaking the dome, first style, falling marks!!"

Luo Xiaoman yelled and slammed Chao Xuan Youlin with a big hammer.

However, the four-color lotus platform spun over and blocked the front.

Luo Xiaoman frowned, and subconsciously slammed on the four-color lotus platform.


A strong gas surging vigorously.

The next moment, cracks appeared on the surface of the four-color lotus platform, but they were broken by the drop marks.

"Xiaoman!" Suddenly, Mo Yuan seemed to feel a little bit. He turned around and saw Xuan Youlin showing a sly smile.

At the same time, the cracked four-color lotus platform shot a black and bright light!

Luo Xiaoman's heart trembled, and the secret path was not good. She felt that this black and bright light contained an aura of destruction, which was definitely not the power aura that the mortal should have!

At this moment, Qingdi Yuling lit up, flew out of Luo Xiaoman's body, and blocked the front.


Wu Liang’s sharp light shot towards Qingdi Yuling, and the collision between each other erupted with a powerful shock wave.

This shock wave fell on Luo Xiaoman's body, but it directly shattered her Frostfang Soft Armor and Frostfang Pendant!

However, this is just the rest of the excitement, but it has such an amazing power.

"Luo Xiaoman, go to hell!! Although you can't see you dying and struggling in the catastrophe a year later, now you are dead, the best result!" Xuan Youlin's eyes flashed cruelly The magic light, laughed wildly.

One year later, Luo Xiaoman will undoubtedly die.

However, during this year, Luo Xiaoman's growth was amazing, and no one knew if she would really beat the Nine Sects. After all, Xuanzong was wiped out by her in a very short time!

With a bang!

The Green Emperor Jade Order is broken!

However, even if the Azure Emperor's jade order is broken, it can't stop this black light!

Suddenly, Mo Yuan's figure flashed over, and Yan Prison in his hand pierced out, facing this sharp sharp light!

"Yuan, get out of the way!!" Luo Xiaoman's mind tightened, subconsciously grabbing Mo Yuan and pushing him away!

This terrifying Li Mang couldn't even stop the Azure Emperor's Jade Ling, let alone Mo Yuan, who was only unlocking the third seal.

"Xiaoman!!" Mo Yuan's pupils shrank, and he saw Luo Xiaoman facing that sharp light!

Time seems to freeze at this moment.

Zhi Wu's expression was horrified, Luo Qinghen's expression was sad and angry, and Hu Yanxiu's face was full of complex colors.

They all seemed to foresee that Luo Xiaoman was killed by this fierce black light.


At this moment, a black box flew out of the Xumi space, blocking the black light.

what? !

Xuan Youlin's pupils shrank, and he looked at the black box in astonishment. He couldn't imagine that such a thing could block this sharp light of the Lord Qingqing!

This is Li Mang with the power of a half immortal! !

Under the impact of the black light, the originally plain black box gradually lit up with golden patterns all over the box.

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