Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned!

Luo Xiaoman frowned tightly with a solemn expression. He hadn't reacted no matter how tossed the box before, but now he reacted to this black light.

The most important thing is that this box took the initiative to run out of the Xumi space without her permission!

Under normal circumstances, this is impossible!

"what happened?!"

Xuan Youlin's pupils shrank, and he looked at the suddenly golden box with a look of astonishment.

At the same time, this golden box revealed a breath that made his heart palpitations.


Suddenly, the box suddenly opened, and a golden glow shone out, annihilating the black light instantly.

what? !

Xuan Youlin's heart tightened, and his face was unbelievable. This was the ultimate move of the Lord of Qing Cang, and was annihilated by this golden light.

Not only that, Jin Mang also flew towards him without any loss.

A terrifying murderous intent struck him, making him tremble and unable to move!

"Drink!!" Xuan Youlin shouted, trying to break free from the suppression of this golden light, but found that the restriction was so powerful that there was no way to escape.

His pupils gradually enlarged, and he watched this golden light, shooting towards the center of his eyebrows.

He suddenly regretted it, why did he save Lianhua at the cost of losing a teleportation talisman? As a result, I caught myself!

Xuan Youlin gritted his teeth, tilted his eyes and held the dying lotus flower, and then desperately resisted the restriction and threw it out. "It's better for you to die than for me to die!"

The lotus flower that was thrown out seemed to feel something, and when she opened her eyes slightly, she saw Xuan Youlin's hideous appearance, and the golden glow that was flying over!

"Help me, I don't want to die yet!" She suddenly realized that she was using herself as a shield!

Suddenly, he yelled in horror, but he couldn't move his body. Apart from being able to speak, he couldn't do anything at all.

"Lianhua, although it is a pity to do this, but life is gone, no matter how good the stove is in vain." Xuan Youlin squinted his eyes, then grabbed it sharply, and said coldly, "You rest in peace!!"

With a bang!

The lotus air was detonated by Xuan Youlin's birthplace!

With a white jade body, she originally contained astonishing potential. This round of detonation, the power of terror immediately raged!

Luo Xiaoman's heart tightened, and he couldn't think that Xuan Youlin was so bold and directly abandoned the Lianhua furnace.

She is not afraid of this burst of power, but other people can't cover it!

Before Luo Xiaoman could react, Jin Mang suddenly burst out, covering her and the others.

In the next moment, Luo Xiaoman and them all disappeared in place.


An earth-shaking blast sounded, and the land within a radius of one mile was razed to the ground, centered on the broken temple of the city god.

The dust fell, and a piece of rubble trembled.

Suddenly, a gray-headed and earth-faced figure emerged from it, astonishingly Xuan Youlin.

Although he looked embarrassed, it was better than the consequences of being killed by Jin Mang.

"What's the origin of that golden light? Why could it annihilate the ultimate move of the Lord Qingcang?" Xuan Youlin frowned, with a solemn expression, even though the Lord Qingcang made this ultimate move across thousands of mountains and rivers. It will weaken a lot, but it will definitely not be weaker than the full blow of the nine levels of a **** transformation stage.

However, it was such a tyrannical killer move that was instantly annihilated by that golden light.

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