"Without the white jade body, I am afraid it will be difficult to break through the bottleneck!" Xuan Youlin sighed with a helpless expression on his face.

However, if it hadn't been for the white jade body of Lotus to block in front, he might not be able to block the golden light.

Xuan Youlin raised his hand and took out a teleportation charm. As the true essence turned, after the light shone, he disappeared from where he was.

The top of Yunyi is the closest place to the misty fairy world.

A magnificent palace stands on the top of the mountain, surrounded by clouds and mist, is surrounded by countless auxiliary halls, which set off its uniqueness.

In a large hall in such a palace, a woman wearing a white robe, surrounded by white awns, sat cross-legged and suspended on the futon.

Suddenly, a figure flashed out of thin air, and it was Xuan Youlin who had teleported away from the Temple of the City God.

"Worship your honor." Xuan Youlin knelt down and saluted this woman respectfully.

"Free gift." The Lord Qingcang gently raised his hand, then stood up from the futon, and Lianbu moved towards Xuan Youlin lightly.

"What's the matter?"

"Hui Zun, there was originally your ultimate move to help out, and Luo Qingkuan will undoubtedly die. However, a strange box suddenly appeared on her body, and she was rescued. Not only that, a golden glow shot out of the box. , Can even annihilate the supreme killer."

Hearing what Xuan Youlin said, the white glow surrounded by Lord Qingcang paused slightly, which seemed to be surprised by this result.

"Unexpectedly, there is someone who can block my ultimate move?" The voice of the Lord Qingcang was very ethereal and ethereal, which made people feel relaxed while listening.

"My dear, what should we do now?" Xuan Youlin frowned, and said solemnly: "I think that if you let Luo frivolous develop like this, I'm afraid that ten cases will be disturbed by her before the Nine Heavens Tribulation arrives. It's turned upside down."

The Lord Qingcang remained silent, as if he was also thinking about this issue.

"Not long ago, she flattened Xuanzong, ruined our chess piece that has been cultivated for many years, and took away the cultivation tower." Thinking of this, Xuan Youlin was furious, and said cruelly: "This has never happened. How long will she grow to this point, and give her more than half a year, who knows how far she will grow?"

"I know!" The Lord Qingcang nodded, and then raised his hand, the slender white hand led Xuan Youlin's sight. "Initiate an extermination order to get rid of this scourge as soon as possible."

Xuan Youlin's eyes lit up, nodded heavily, and said, "Subordinates take orders!"

The killing order was the highest order Qing Cang launched for the evil man.

No matter who it is, as long as it is a righteous person, once they receive the killing order, they must unconditionally obey and rush to the target location as soon as possible.

At that time, they will unite with others to defeat the target together!

Xuan Youlin squinted his eyes and sneered secretly in his heart. In front of the killing order, no matter how strong Luo Xiaoman was, he would be besieged by everyone.

This time, Luo Xiaoman is hard to fly!

When Xuan Youlin left the hall and issued the killing order, the Lord of Qing Cang was alone in the hall and fell into deep thought.

Luo frivolous survived a catastrophe, reincarnated, and grew up at an extremely fast speed. This was a great threat to the misty fairy world.

However, what concerns her most now is not how much Luo's frivolous aptitude is, but the golden light from that box.

In this world, who else can fight her?

Except for the first person in the Central Plains, the Qiang clan of the Great Qiang Kingdom, there is no second person at all.

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