No matter how much Chen Muyu severed the relationship, the blood of the Chen family still remained.

In addition, the reason why Luo Xiaoman destroyed the Chen family in public was also a warning to some restless forces that they dare to attack the Luo family, and this is the consequence! !

"Listen to me all of you." Zhu Yingtian's eyes drenched, and the dragon robe on his body shone with golden light, and the emperor was mighty. "Luo Xiaoman is my goddaughter, Zhu Yanguo's Xiaoman princess. If you want to touch her, or the Luo family, then the whole Zhu Yanguo is your enemy."

He took advantage of the trend and created another wave for Luo Xiaoman to completely deter all parties!

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar!

Zhu Yingtian is too brazen, right?

Even his two sons, Zhu Ying and Zhu Changsheng, couldn't help but sigh secretly.

They have never experienced this kind of treatment, and they have to doubt whether they are biological!

For a time, all the forces in Qinhuai City were frightened.

Some of them were fortunate that they did not provoke the Luo family, while others were excited to show their favor to the Luo family before, and they might be able to use this relationship to make their power further.

The two directors of the Lingdan Pavilion and Baiqilou even gave orders to die. In the future, any cooperation from the Luo family will be given priority to give them a green channel.

Today's hammer not only smashed the Chen family, but also made the Luo family the largest family in Qinhuai City.

Even the Huyan family did not dare to have any objections!

Chen Muyu leaned against the door, looking at the two figures in the air with a complicated expression.

Although she and Chen Jiaen broke their righteousness, seeing the huge hammer fall on Chen's family, their hearts suddenly tightened.

For a moment, she wanted to rush out to stop Luo Xiaoman.

However, she still restrained it!

At the end, I heard Xiaoman's instructor say that the Chen family was not dead, and only abolished the air, and finally he was relieved.

"Father, I hope you can wake up after this lesson." Chen Muyu muttered to himself, a pair of eyes showing a trace of sadness.

"Small words."

At this moment, a familiar voice came, making her feel like an electric shock.

Chen Muyu turned his head, and saw a white-haired Luo Qingyi walking slowly.

When she saw Luo Qingyi's white hair, her heart felt like a knife cut, and she felt distressed. "Tsing Yi, I'm sorry."

Luo Qingyi paused, then smiled loudly, and said: "Xiaoyu, the person who should say sorry is me."

"Tsing Yi..."

Luo Qingyi flashed away and came to Chen Muyu's.

He raised his hand and gently wiped a tear mark on Chen Muyu's cheek, and said distressed: "Because, I blame this wood and don't understand your intentions."

Chen Muyu was inexplicably nervous at the fiery eyes of Shang Luo Qingyi.

"Xiaoyu, I like you."


Chen Muyu cried and hugged Luo Qingyi. "Do you know? I have been waiting for this sentence for a long time!"

Luo Qingyi held Chen Muyu with his arms, the corners of his lips were slightly raised, and there was a firm light in his eyes. "From now on, are you willing to accompany me until I am old?"

"Yeah." Chen Muyu curled up in Luo Qingyi's arms, and the originally very earthy love words came out of this wooden mouth, but they were precious.

Because she knows very well that Luo Qingyi must have struggled for a long time to say this sentence, right?

Thinking of Luo Qingyi's tangle and twisting look, Chen Muyu couldn't help but laughed.

At this moment, she was crying and laughing again, she looked very funny, but she couldn't stop the rich happiness that came out of it.

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