The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1200: Everyone is watching the show!

"Xiaoyu, what's the matter with you?" Luo Qingyi frowned, raised his hand to wipe Chen Muyu's tears, worrying: "Did I say something wrong again? But, I learned this from the book. Yes, also..."

Suddenly, a green jade finger touched Luo Qingyi's lips.

The cold touch made him stiff and at a loss.

"Tsing Yi, don't say anything, I understand." Chen Muyu stared at Luo Qingyi, who was confused.

Between the eyebrows, the affection is eager, the red lips are the seal, and the two lips are slightly open, and they meet Luo Qingyi's.

Suddenly, Luo Qingyi's pupils shrank, a sensation that he had never experienced since he was born, permeating his body, making him lose the ability to think.

Is this the legendary XX?


At this moment, Luo Qinghen, who was far away, suddenly woke up, bursting into tears inexplicably.

"I'll go!" Zhi Wu frowned, looked at Luo Qinghen with a tired face, and said depressedly: "Qinghen, why are you crying? Why didn't the young master do you?"

He glanced at each other's clothes and they were all fine. Why is Luo Qinghen crying?

"I don't know! The tears flowed out by themselves!" Luo Qinghen said as he wiped his tears, "But, why am I so happy in my heart?"

"Huh? Could it be tears of joy?" Zhi Wu scratched his head, looking at Luo Qinghen inexplicably.

If you are so happy that you cry, what is it for?

"Senior Zhi Wu, what are you doing here? Come out and watch the show!" At this moment, Bai Hang and Huang Lin ran over and said excitedly: "Teacher Xiaoman just now killed the Chen family with one hammer. !"

"What?! Annihilated the Chen family with a hammer?" Zhi Wu shuddered, then glanced at Luo Qinghen, and rushed out.

At this moment, Ji Wuya on one side was still in a drunk dream, smashing his mouth and muttering to himself. "Good wine, let's have another one. Oh, big brother, when will you give me barbecue?"

Looking at him like this, Zhi Wu didn't bother to scream!

When Zhi Wu and the others came to the scene, they were shocked when they saw the deep pit!

"Why are you here?" Luo Xiaoman fell on the ground and just saw Zhi Wu and his party approaching. He wondered, "Isn't he drunk?"

"Teacher Xiaoman, you are so unkind!" Zhi Wu pouted and said with a gloomy expression: "With such a big move, you won't even call us!"

"Yes, yes!" Bai Hang also echoed: "If it hadn't been for the power to wake me up, I didn't know that such a major event had happened."

"Oh, we missed a good show!"

Luo Xiaoman shook his head, his face full of helplessness.

These guys are all biased by her, and they all want to watch a good show, so don't you worry about whether they are in danger?

Everyone: Teacher Xiaoman, this place has been smashed through for you, what is the danger?

"It seems that you are all awake, right?" Luo Xiaoman narrowed his eyes and glanced at these dumbfounded guys.

"Yes, yes!" Bai Hang blinked and replied naturally.

"Very good! Now you go back to the academy, everyone ran a thousand laps!!" Luo Xiaoman's words made everyone excited and desperate from the beginning. The evolution of the expression is wonderful!

"Tutor Xiaoman, please let it go!"

"Tutor Xiaoman, you are the most beautiful and the most beautiful!"

"Master Mo Yuan, don't you say a few words for us?"

Everyone's gazes turned towards Mo Yuan.

Mo Yuan glanced at Luo Xiaoman and said faintly: "Xiaoman, I think one thousand laps is too little, double it."

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