"Our only advantage now is to occupy the position of Hidden Dragon Abyss." Yan Fanglin took out a map, spread it on the table, pointed to a place on it, and said in a deep voice, "As long as we stay here, It can prevent Yan Fangxiong from setting foot in Hidden Dragon Abyss!"

Luo Xiaoman glanced at this location, the terrain was dangerous, if he wanted to step into Hidden Dragon Abyss, he had to pass a narrow pass, which was indeed a big advantage.

"It's just that Hidden Dragon Yuan has been turbulent recently, and the evil spirits are extremely active. I'm afraid we won't be able to hold on for long. Therefore, we must be ahead of Yan Fangxiong and take all the directions!"

"I understand." Luo Xiaoman retracted his gaze from the map and said lightly, "I will help you."

"Really?!" Luo Qi's eyes lit up and looked at Luo Xiaoman in surprise. If there is Xiaoman's tutor to help out, their winning side will be greatly improved. After all, the strength of Xiaoman's tutor is obvious to all, and the wisdom is also extraordinary. Even if Yan Fangxiong's number is large, it will not be worth a Xiaoman tutor.

In Luo Qi's heart, Teacher Xiaoman is an omnipotent existence.

"Of course, I also have selfish motives." Luo Xiaoman didn't hide it, and said: "I came to Hongnan Kingdom this time just to enter Hidden Dragon Abyss."

"What?!" Yan Fanglin and Luo Qi looked at each other. It was the first time they heard that someone was going into Hidden Dragon Abyss.

For a long time, Hidden Dragon Yuan's resentment is so high that no stranger should come near, and it is too late for others to hide, so there are people who take the initiative to go deep?

Their Yan family also relied on the destruction of all directions to obtain a large amount of resources from Hidden Dragon Abyss.

If there is no all-out suppression, rushing into Hidden Dragon Abyss will undoubtedly be looking for death!

"I don't want to say more about the reasons. But, Hidden Longyuan, I have to enter."

Seeing Luo Xiaoman's face full of determination, Yan Fanglin sighed and said helplessly: "Since you have already decided, then I won't say much."

"However, as long as we master all directions, we can help you enter Hidden Dragon Abyss."

Luo Xiaoman nodded, and suddenly felt that all this seemed too coincidental.

Although she was involved in the Yan family's civil war, she also got the opportunity to enter Hidden Dragon Abyss.

"Ah!!!" At this moment, Ming Chan woke up in shock.

"Finally awake!" Luo Xiaoman squinted over, and saw this guy sweating profusely, his expression stunned.

"Me, what's wrong with me?" Ming Chan wiped off his sweat, blinked, and looked at Luo Xiaoman. "I remember that after being thrown out by you, I lost consciousness."

"You were scared and fainted." Luo Xiaoman said casually, and didn't explain much to him. It seems that this guy's strange reaction before has to wait for the other one to wake up before asking more questions.

Yan Fanglin and Luo Qi looked at each other. They saw with their own eyes that this guy was so fierce that they forced Yan Fangxiong to use a blue spell!

However, he was stimulated later and lost his combat power.

Luo Xiaoman ignored the bewildered Ming Chan, turned to look at Luo Qi, and said, "Take me to Canglongyuan."

"it is good!"

Hidden Dragon Abyss is located in the north of Bibo City.

Crossing a gorge and passing through a tunnel, you came to the foot of a towering mountain peak, where there are verdant green, and many monsters are active here.

It's just that when you advance further, there is a black mist, blocking the line of sight, making it impossible to see what is hidden inside?

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