"The black mist lingers like a demon, hidden murderous intent, no one knows, the murderous air is soaring, and the stranger should not come near to cause pity." Ming Chan frowned, and the old **** said to the ground: "Tsk tsk, this is the place of great evil! "

"Ming Chan, can't you see the murderous intentions hidden inside?" Luo Qi's eyes lit up and he looked at Ming Chan in surprise. He didn't seem to expect that he, who was about his age, knew so much!

"Of course." Ming Chan raised his head and said proudly: "I have been walking around the rivers and lakes for many years, and I am known as the world's most handsome and sacred operator. There is something more or less.

"Then... do you have a way to crack it?" Luo Qi looked at Ming Chan in admiration, and quickly asked: "Even though we are now blocking Hidden Dragon Abyss, we won't let these grievances escape, but with the grievances inside. More and more, I'm afraid it won't last long."

"Yes!" Ming Chan's eyes flickered, and his expression dignifiedly glanced at the crowd.

Suddenly, Luo Qi and Yan Fanglin looked at him expectantly. They had to enter Hidden Dragon Abyss if they wanted to get the approval of all directions.

However, now Hidden Dragon Abyss is occupied by resentment, even if they are spell masters, they are still struggling after entering, let alone close to the depths of all directions.

"That's..." Ming Chan squinted his eyes, suddenly turned around, and shouted, "Run!"

However, he didn't run a few steps, but was caught back by one hand.

"Wow, Master, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time!" Ming Chan cried out crying.

"What else can you do besides pretending to be gods and ghosts?" Luo Xiaoman rolled his eyes and dropped Ming Chan on the ground casually, staring at him coldly.

Ming Chan looked sadly at Luo Xiaoman, pouting, "Master, you, don't you want to go in for a stroll?"

"Of course." Luo Xiaoman hooked his lips and smiled faintly: "Moreover, it's not just me, you have to go in together!"

"Woo, please let it go!" Ming Chan folded his hands together and begged for mercy: "Master, you are strong, and it's okay to walk in. But, I just brag!"

Seeing Ming Chan's intimidation, Luo Qi and Yan Fanglin couldn't help looking at each other.

They just thought that Ming Chan was a terrific guy who could solve the problem of Hidden Dragon Yuan for them, who knew it was such a counselor.

In short, he is a strong king!

"Teacher Xiaoman." Luo Qi didn't expect Ming Chan anymore. He walked over and said worriedly: "The situation in Hidden Longyuan is very bad now. All kinds of evil are raging. The method can be completely resisted."

"If you go in at this time, I'm afraid... it will be very dangerous."

Hidden Dragon Yuan had always been suppressed by all directions before, and there was not much abnormality.

However, the resentment of Hidden Longyuan has become more intense recently, and many powerful evil spirits have emerged, and this place has become a dead place.

The Yan family was split, and the reason why Yan Fanglin was able to occupy Hidden Longyuan was because the Patriarch arranged to suppress Hidden Longyuan at that time.

Who knows that just after the suppression here, Yan Fangxiong revealed his true colors and wanted to seize power!

"Xiao Qi is right." Yan Fanglin glanced at the black mist in front of him, and a heavy color appeared on his face. "Although we temporarily blocked the resentment of Hidden Dragon Abyss, it will not spread to the surroundings, but if we continue this way, we are afraid it will break through our blockade."

"Indeed." Luo Xiaoman nodded. When she arrived here, she felt the terrible resentment and saw that this barrier might not last long.

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