"Hey, let's go!" The old man shook his head, just about to force Xiao Ming Chan away.

Suddenly, there was a burst of golden light on Xiao Mingchan's body, and those eyes were shining with golden light, and the whole body exuded a powerful breath.

"What? This is... twin souls?" The old man was stunned, looking at Xiao Mingchan who was shining with golden light in shock.

"Smelly old man, let me go!!" Xiao Mingchan yelled violently, and his body was full of golden light. He suddenly broke free of the old man's shackles and rushed towards the front yard of Ming's house.

"Young Master, come back!!" The old man was caught off guard by Xiao Mingchan, but his loss made people break free from his restraint.

However, Xiao Mingchan's speed was so fast that he disappeared from his eyes in the blink of an eye.

"Broken! If the Yan family knows that Young Master is a twin soul, it is estimated that they will not only take away the Dark Thunder Curse, but also take him away!"

At this time, Xiao Ming Chan is like an angry bird, rushing towards the front yard of Ming's house.

His golden light faded, and his heart was anxious, he wanted to appear in front of his parents immediately.

Soon, Xiao Mingchan came to the front yard.

When he saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help being stunned, his small face was pale and there was no blood.

In front of him, corpses were everywhere, blood stained the ground, and the people who fell on the ground were all descendants of the Ming family!

Xiao Mingchan trembled, his eyes moved, and he saw a tall figure facing away from him.


"Chan'er?!" The man turned his head and saw Xiao Ming Chan running towards him, he couldn't help exclaiming, "Don't come here!!"


A thunder flashed, Xiao Mingchan saw many masked people standing in front of his father, and they exuded a powerful aura.

The leading one, with several Ming family members under his feet, was looking at himself gloomily.

"Heh, is this the only heir of the Ming family?" Yan Fangxiong walked out and said coldly, "Then, I will send him to death."


A shock of thunder struck down, and slashed towards Xiao Ming Chan like a snake.

Xiao Mingchan stunned suddenly, and looked at the thunder with a blank expression. The terrifying aura made him unable to move.

He is the first time he has faced a spell attack!

In the past, he had also practiced against his father, but his father had mastered a degree so as not to hurt his life.

However, this thunder is terrible!

"Chan'er!!" The beautiful woman flew over, hugged Xiao Ming Chan, and a terrifying thunder struck her.


She vomited blood, and the warm blood splashed Ming Chan's face.

"Mother, mother..."

"Chan'er, hurry up, run!"

The beautiful woman withstood all the power of the thunder, and she was not lightly injured in the battle just now, but her heart was hurt now.

"Madam!!" The man widened his eyes, yelling with anger, his aura became violent, his eyes flashed with sharp cold light. "The Yan family, I want you to be buried together!!"


Black thunders gleamed, filling the entire space, making the Yan family's mind serious.

They had suffered from the dark thunder curse just now. At this moment, the man cast the dark thunder curse desperately, fearing that the power would increase to the next level.

"Heh, although you don't want to admit it, your Ming family's Dark Thunder Curse is indeed better than my Yan family's Thunder Curse." Yan Fangxiong squinted his eyes and stared at the man coldly. "In order for the Yan family to maintain its dominance among the spellmasters, your Ming family must disappear, and the Dark Thunder Curse will become our thing."

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