The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1255: Live like an ordinary person!

"Dreaming!!" The man resembled a mad lion, his head of ink swaggering wildly, and a piece of black talisman paper in his hand. "If you want a dark thunder curse, you have to be mortal consciousness!"

"Arrangement!!" Yan Fangxiong yelled, and the Yan family immediately dispersed, forming a defensive formation together to resist the power of the Dark Thunder Curse.

"Dark thunder curse!!" The man yelled, and the black curse in his hand was hit, and a black thunder fell from the sky, turning into a black thunder dragon, and flew towards Yan's house.

"Thundering Curse!!" Yan Fangxiong also took out the purple spell, and slammed it out. A silver-white thunder flashed out, turning into a silver thunder dragon and hitting the black thunder dragon.

The black thunder dragon and the silver thunder dragon bite and fought each other, and the thunder that swelled out burst the ground around them. Even the formation on the Yan family's side was shivering under the power of this thunder.

Yan Fangxiong frowned, watching the battle between the two Thunder Dragons in front of him solemnly, and found that his thunder curse was being swallowed and crushed by the dark thunder curse.

"Really strong!" he muttered to himself. "Anyway, the Dark Thunder Curse can only belong to my Yan family!!"

"Roar!!" The black thunder dragon fiercely tore the silver thunder dragon to pieces, and then flew violently toward Yan's house, and the power of that kind of force would blow out the hearts of the Yan family.

"Mingyu, are you sure?" Suddenly, Yan Fangxiong curled his lips and said lightly.

The man stunned, then turned his head, and saw the torn silver thunder flying towards Xiao Ming Chan.

"Chan'er!!" He exclaimed, and forcibly turned the direction of the black thunder dragon, and flew towards Xiao Ming Chan.


The black thunder dragon came in time, and the silver thunder was crushed to pieces.


Mingyu spat out blood, staggered, half kneeling on the ground.

He forcibly transferred the black thunder, which caused the thunder to backlash and hurt his heart.

"Father!!" Xiao Mingchan reacted and ran over quickly. "Father, what's the matter with you? You, don't scare me! Oh!"

"Chan'er, I'm sorry!" Mingyu looked at this son sadly, with a touch of bitterness on the corner of his mouth. "Let you see these cruel images. If you can, you can forget about these and live like an ordinary person."

As the words fell, a strange light flashed across his eyes, and a black thunder penetrated Xiao Mingchan's mind.

"Father, what are you going to do?" Xiao Mingchan was flustered, feeling that the memories in his mind were being erased bit by bit.

Daddy's harshness, mother's gentleness, Ming family's loyalty...

These memories are quickly disappearing from his mind.

"Chan'er, you must live!"


Suddenly, a long sword passed through Mingyu's chest, and the splash of blood dyed Xiao Mingchan's eyes red again.

This was the last picture he saw before he passed out.

"Mingyu, you are really boring." Yan Fangxiong provoked Mingyu and sneered: "If you do so much, isn't your child going to die?"

Mingyu looked at him wilfully.

At this moment, he felt that his vitality was fading fast, and he was unable to resist.

He couldn't help but glanced at the lady not far away, smiled bitterly in his heart, promised to give her a lifetime of happiness, but ended up in such a miserable end.

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