The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1279: This is not an illusion!


A tyrannical aura erupted from Mo Yuan's body...

The seventh seal, solve it! !

Suddenly, Mo Yuan's eyes flashed fierce purple light, and the devil energy around him was absorbed frantically, and then burst out suddenly, turning into countless terrifying beasts, roaring at the Shadow King!

Infinite magic!

This is the mark of Demon Lord!

"?!" The Shadow King was taken aback by this momentum, and quickly flew back. He seemed to see once again, that kind of unstoppable domineering power during the period of the Demon Lord's victory.

Even though Mo Yuan hasn't fully recovered his strength, the power of Demon Venerable is still there!

"The demon army listens to the order, give me a entanglement to him!" Mo Yuan yelled in a low voice, ignoring dealing with the Shadow King, he must seal the crack as soon as possible!

Immediately, he turned around, raised his hand to pluck the strings, and suppressed the cracks.

At the same time, the demon army has formed a formation to tie up the Shadow King.

Shadow King, he is good at assassination, once exposed, his strength will be halved.

In the battle formation of the demon army, he could not rush out for a while, but gave Mo Yuan a chance to breathe.

Mo Yuan condensed his eyes deeply, plucking the strings continuously, playing a mysterious tune, and under this tune, the cracks closed again.

This time, the cracks closed much faster, and the giant beasts and evil spirits were suppressed so that they could not come out.

"Seal it to me!!" Mo Yuan shouted violently and strummed the strings abruptly. The sound of the piano turned into an eight-legged spider, lying on the crack, and then suddenly closing it together.

call out!

At the moment when the crack closed, a black light flew over quickly.

Mo Yuan was stunned for a moment. He turned his head when he was relieved, and was penetrated by black light, and Yu Jin led him into the crack.


The demons were all angry when they saw this scene!

The Demon Venerable they were looking forward to returning, but they were killed by the Shadow King!

"Kill him!!" The demons roared angrily, and attacked the Shadow King desperately.

"Hahahaha!" The Shadow King laughed wildly, ignoring the anger of the demons, his eyes flashed with excitement. "From now on, the devil world will be ruled by my ten kings!!"

He believed that with the power of the black light, even if he did not die, he would have to be seriously injured. Moreover, if people were in the cracks, the power of that terrifying space was enough to shred any creatures!


On the side of Hidden Longyuan, Luo Xiaoman just wanted to rush over, when the scene before him shattered.

"Little Master, what happened?" Chi Chi was taken aback by Luo Xiaoman's exclaim, and quickly looked over, just to see a blank space in front of him, and nothing.

Luo Xiaoman glanced at Chi Chi, then at Da Bai, and Ming Chan. It seemed that she saw the picture just now.

However, this picture flashed past, disappearing too fast, and there was no time to react.

Is this an illusion? !

Luo Xiaoman shook his head. Judging from the picture just now, it is definitely not an illusion, that kind of strong sense of reality cannot be given by an illusion!

However, in this hidden dragon abyss, how can one see the other side of the abyss?

Moreover, looking at the scene at the time, Yuan doesn't seem to be the evil spirit!

"Hey, Master, you have to find a way quickly!!" At this moment, Ming Chan looked under his eyes with a solemn expression, and said in a deep voice, "We are really going to the end this time."

Luo Xiaoman returned to his senses, lowered his eyes and saw a piece of slate.

and many more!

She squinted her eyes slightly, her heart was dark, why is it just a piece of the floor, could it be...

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